A building permit is under review for the Aniva Apartments at N Interstate and Alberta
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. (Note: this post covers September 4th to September 10th, 2017.)
Early Assistance has been requested by Salazar Architect for a project at 6723 NE Killingsworth St:
A multi-family, mixed use and mixed income development with two building, a central plaza, parking garage and commerical space. The site is bounded by NE Killingsworth, NE Cully blvd and HW 30. This will be an affordable housing development working Hacienda CDC. The existing structure will be demolished. Applicants planning on meeting Community Design Standards.
The Lloyd West Anchor Remodel has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Waterleaf Architecture:
Modify the building to allow for mulitple (future) tenants. Renovate exterior finishes, the plaza (with stormwater management), and other landscaped planters. Add new paving, defined outdoor seating areas and a freestanding framed canopy. Replace existing diagonal entrance of the adjacent building with storefront.
The Aniva Apartments at 5009 N Interstate Ave have been submitted for building permit review by TVA Architects:
New mulit family apartment building with 90 units, tuck under parking, associated site work.
A project with two buildings at 2834 SE Gladstone St has been submitted for building permit review by Guerrilla Development:
New two-story building with (2) retail spaces on ground floor and (2) 1-bedroom apartments on second floor. (with 17-237384 CO)
New two-story building (building 2) with (1) retail space on half of the ground floor, concregate living the other half of ground floor and second floor. (with 17-2387371 CO)
A building permit was issued to SERA Architects for the Worldmark by Wyndham at 221 SW Naito Parkway:
New 75 unit, 6 story vacation ownership. 5 over 1 construction
A building permit was issued to Urban Development Group for a project at 1475 SE 14th Ave (previously 1335 SE Hawthorne Blvd):
New 4 story mixed use building with 39 units; retail first floor; interior trash enclosure; tuck in parking; separate tenant improvement permits; associated site work
A building permit was issued to Hacker for a project at 1177 NE 21st Ave (previously 2034 NE Multnomah Blvd):
8 story 162 condominium building with parking (see comments)
A building permit was issued for a project at 323 N Emerson St:
Construction of new three story 6 unit apartment building with a 24 sq ft trash enclosre on site