The SW 3rd & Salmon hotel tower has been submitted for building permit review
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers October 2nd to October 8th, 2017.
Early Assistance has been requested by Novak Architecture for a project at 5665 NE Glisan St:
2018 updated comp plan info for: Construction of a new 3-story mixed-use building, with ground floor retail and restaurant, approximately 18 apartment units, and 7 parking spaces.
Early Assistance has been requested by MFA Architecture & Planning for a project at 1314 SE Cesar E Chavez Blvd:
Future code – Propose to remove existing single story building and developing a new 8,500 sf single story retail building fronting SE Cesar Chavez. Improvements to parking.
N Williams Center at 2156 N Williams Ave has been submitted for Type III Conditional Use Review:
Construction of a five story building with a total of 61 units. Thirty-two parking spaces are proposed with access from NE Tillamook. Two Adjustments requested outside of the Elliot Conservation Area to Maximum Facade and Front and side building setback requirements. There is an exsiting Community Service Use on site which will remain. The Institutional Development Standards of Chapter 33.120 of the Zoning Code will apply to the entire site. A conditional use review is triggered by existence of Community Service Use on the site. The proposal will meet the Community Design Standards (Chapter 33.218 of the Portland Zoning Code)
The renovation of the Chamberlain Hotel at 509 SE Grand Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Works Progress Architecture:
Change of occupancy from M to A-2 on ground floor. Seismic retrofit. Major remodel to entire building, new storefront, entries, canopies, elevator, egress stairs, roof, stormwater facilities, demising walls.
A project with two buildings at 7026 N Montana St has been submitted for building permit review by Architecture Building Culture:
Building A – new 3-story, 6-unit apartment building with covered trash enclosure under 150 sf.***DFS steel stair***separate fire sprinklers***
Building B – new 3-story, 6-unit apartment building.***DFS steel stair***separate fire sprinklers***
A project at 3441 SE Gladstone St has been submitted for building permit review:
Bldg A – 1 of 3 new buildings w/ (E) building to remain, all on same lot – 3 story, 7 unit apartment building w/ onsite parking, includes associated sitework *** w/ detached trash enclosure 17-248414-CO & 17-248408-MT ***
Bldg B – 2 of 3 new buildings w/ (E) building to remain, all on same lot – 2 story, 8 unit apartment building *** w/ 17-248411-MT ***
A project at 5717 N Greeley Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 3-story, 6 unit apartment building with 32 sf trash enclosure and F2 screen fence around mechanical equipment.***DFS fire sprinklers.
The 3rd & Salmon hotel has been submitted for building permit review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
New 20 story hotel, 180,000 gross sq ftl with 250 guest rooms, ground floor retail, conference center, gym, groundfloor restaurant, bar/market, support spaces and rooftop restaurant and bar. Total project consists of 20 stories of Type 1 construction with one basement.
Sideyard at 318 NE Couch St has been submitted for building permit review by Skylab Architecture:
The project is a new 23,569 sf 5 story mixed use bldg. Primary bldg. Occupancy is mercantile (M) with storage S) and business (B). Bldg. Will be fully sprinkled and III-A type of construction. Core and shell construction.
A building permit was issued to Lenity Architecture for a project at 1260 SE Lambert St (formerly 7805 SE 13th Ave):
Construct new 4 story mixed use apartment building; main level to include 3 future tenant spaces- no occupancy this permit, parking garage, trash room area, and lobby area; floors 2-4 to include 30 residential units
A building permit was issued to for a project at 3539 SE Milwaukie Ave:
New 3 story apartment building with 16 units and 1 ground floor retail space; bike storage and trash room on main fl