REACH CDC’s Argyle Apartments will add 189 units of affordable housing on surplus property currently owned by TriMet.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers August 27th to September 2nd, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 206 NE Sacramento St:
Construction of ten condo units with garages in three 3-story buildings. Rooftop stormwater disposal via on-site infiltration drywell and paved areas on site to be pervious pavers. Please see EA 18-140413 and LU 18-173926 HR.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2104 NE 13th Ave:
New 1-story apartment project (3 units) over day light basement. (See EA 16-262033 DAR & EA 14-220200) Due to location of adjacent basements and
poor soil infiltration, the proposed stormwater design will use simplified approach size stormwater planters (treatment and flow control). Overflow will connect to combined sewer in Tillamook Avenue. Due to location of adjacent basement and poor soil infiltration, the proposed stormwater design will use simplified approach to size stormwater planters (treatment and flow control). Overflow will connect to combined sewer in Tillamook Avenue.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Alliance Realty Partners to discuss a project on Hoyt Street Yards Block 23 (bound by NW 13th, Raleigh, 12th and Quimby):
Proposed project is a senior living community with 110 units of R-2 occupancy independent senior living, 131 parking stalls in below grade parking with total GSF of 296,500 with 42,000 of that amount being below-grade parking.Active uses will be provided along 13th Avenue per 33.510.225. those may be lobby, bistro, admin offices, salon or other similar uses complimentary to the community and to development objectives stated for 13th Ave.
The Argyle Apartments at 2133 N Argyle St have been submitted for a Type II Design Review:
Multi-family residential development with 189 affordable housing units, with 5 modifications requested.
A building permit was issued to Urban Development Group for a project at 2821 NE Everett St (previously 316 NE 28th Ave):
Construct new 4-story, 118 unit mixed use-apartment building with basement level; 1st level 3 retail tenant spaces, trash loading area, and lobby
A building permit was issued to Deca, Inc for the Hollywood Commons at 1736 NE 45th Ave:
New 3 story, 12 unit apartment building with basement, includes associated sitework *** mechanical permit to be separate ***