404 NW 23rd Ave by Works Progress Architecture, as presented to the Historic Landmarks Commission in October of this year
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 5640 NE Killingsworth St:
Proposal is to develop site with up to 15 units residential housing.
Early Assistance has been requested by MWA Architects for a project at 2133 N Argyle St:
This project is for a mixed use/mixed income multi-family residential development. Approximately 15,000 sf commercial/retail with 215 apartment units.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 1732 NE 2nd Ave:
New construction of a 6-story, multi-family, 77-unit, mixed-used building with ground floor retail and an outdoor plaza on the south side of the property. Stormwater managed through onsite drywell.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects for a project at 418 SW 2nd Ave (“Ankeny Blocks” Block 38):
New 20-story mixed-use building with ground floor retail, office space on floors 2-8, and 182 multi-family units on floors 9-20, with 4 floors of below-grade parking.
A project at 5009 N Interstate Ave has been submitted for Type II Design Review by TVA Architects:
Proposal is for new construction of multi-story apartment building. Existing buildings will be demolished.
A project at 8614 N Crawford St has been submitted for Type II Design Review by GBD Architects:
Proposal is to build a five story multi-family residential development of approx. 157 apartments. The ground level includes the entry lobby, parking, utility spaces, walk-up apartments and amenity spaces. The second floor roof terrace will have an eco-roof and raised planter areas along with private terraces at each of the apartments facing the eco-roof.
GBD Architects have submitted two Type III Design Review applications for buildings on the Prometheus Property in South Waterfront:
Two high-rise residential towers, each building consisting of around 7,000sf of retail and 300-550 market rate apartments and below grade parking.
New construction of two seven story mixed-use buildings, each building consisting of approx. 5,000 sf of retail, 200-300 market rate apartments and 150-250 off-street parking stalls in one level of structured underground parking and a partial level of structured at-grade parking.
A project at 6620 N Richmond Ave has been submitted for Type II Design Review by SERA Architects:
Project is a new five story multi-family apartment building with one level of sub-grade parking.
A project at 1440 SW Taylor St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Leeb Architects:
Request is for approval of a type III design review to allow construction of a development of a seven story mixed use building, consisting of a five-story wood frame building over a two level podium with a concrete structure. 107 dwelling units.
A project at 2222 NW Raleigh St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by SERA Architects:
New mixed-use building with 173 units, ground floor retail and 110 parking spaces. Vehicle ramp is proposed on NW Raleigh, with 2 modifications: bike parking width & vehicle parking width.
A project at 1116 SW Washington St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by ZGF Architects:
Project is new construction of high-rise with underground parking, retail on first two floors, office space of up to six floors and up to 213 residential units.
A project at 404 NW 23rd Ave has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Works Progress Architecture:
New four story residential building with both structured and surface parking. Twenty one units are proposed and a total of 37 parking spaces. A roof deck is proposed.
A project at 2220 NW Pettygrove St has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:
Construct new 4 story with basement (43) unit apartment building; associated site work
A series of building permits have been submitted by Green Hammer for Tillamook Row at 20 NE Tillamook St:
Construct 2 story (3) unit apartment building with attached bike storage area
Construct 3 story (3) unit apartment building
Construct 3 story (5) unit apartment building
Construct new 3 story (5) unit apartment building; associated sitework and detached trash enclosure under 120sq ft
Construct new 2 story common building with office, restroom, and assembly area on main fl; fitness area on second fl
A project at 310 SE 12th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by William Wilson Architects:
New 4 story 84 unit apartment building with basement garage and bike storage; associated site work
A project at 15847 SE Powell Blvd has been submitted for building permit review by BAMA Architecture and Design:
Construct new 2 story 19 bed care facility; landscaping and associated site improvements;
A building permit was issued to CIDA Architects for a project at 6811 NE Grand Ave:
New 4 story apartment building with 22 units, 104 sq ft detached trash enclosure. Unit in SE corner of 1st floor to be live work unit.
A building permit was issued for the Holladay Park Plaza East at 1350 NE 17th Ave:
New 2 story above grade 10 unit adult living apartments with 2 levels of underground parking
A building permit was issued to CIDA Architects for a project at 410 NE Dekum St (previously 422 NE Dekum St):
Construct new 4 story, 22 unit apartment builidng, one unit is live/work, no parking, trash and bike storage at main level, includes associated site work