Metro Reports: Tesla Showroom, Restoration Hardware, Castlegate Apartments and more

Restoration Hardware

The NW 23rd Ave Restoration Hardware, as shown at its third Design Advice Request hearing

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

Tesla Motors have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 4330 SW Macadam Ave:

Take existing warehouse building and turn it into vehical sales, service and delivery center of Tesla vehicles.

Winterbrook Planning have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a renovation to One Pacific Square:

Renovation of existing One Pacific Square. Expanding ground floor lobby to include storefront commercial on Street frontages. New Landscaping.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2645 SE 50th Ave:

New residential apartment building, with underground parking.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4515 NE Fremont St:

Mixed use development to include 50 residential units over retail space and on-site parking.

Anrkom Moisan Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 6049 N Interstate Ave:

New 5 story apartment building. 129,772 sq feet 180 units. Tuck under parking with 60 spaces.

Early Assistance has been requested by Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 1485 NE Alberta St:

New 4-story apartment building with commercial space, lobby on ground floor, 17 apartments abvoe.

Works Partnership have requested Early Assistance for a project at 4235 SE 17th Ave:

Project is proposal for two story residential with ltd retail on grd floor. Needed is written clarification on setback and landscape requirements to continue development.

Strata Land Use Planning have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 606 NE 20th Ave:

TYPE 3 DESIGN REVIEW- To develop this site with a 6-story, 54 unit residential building. Ground floor parking and 1 retail space.

Studio 3 Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 751 N Cook St:

New mixed use 5 story building with 50 parking spaces in rear. Commercial & residential units on ground floor, residential units above. Designed to meet Community Design Standards

Anrkom Moisan Architects have submitted the NW 23rd Ave Restoration Hardware for Design Review:

Design Review with 5 modifications to build a new 3-story retail development with rooftop terrace and basement parking garage.

A series of building permits are under review for the Castlegate Apartments at 3001 NE 148th Ave:

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 1 of 7

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 2 of 7

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 3 of 7

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building with attached office building; building 4 of 7

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 5 of 7

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 6 of 7

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 7 of 7

A building permit is under review for a project at 1640 SE Tacoma St:

New 4 story apartment building with 44 units and green roof. Ground floor contains (1) retail space and parking garage. No occupancy for retail space on this permit, interior trash area at parking garage level

A building permit is under review for a project by YBA Architects at 1208 SE Ankeny St:

Construct new 4story with basement, 27 unit apartment building; with associated site work

A building permit was issued to LRS Architects for the Cedar Sinai Park Addition at 6125 SW Boundary St:

Renovation of existing 53,000 sf nursing home with a 44,000 sf addition, new parking lot and site improvements

A series of building permits were issued to Jivanjee Circosta Architecture for a project at 14224 E Burnside St:

Building 1: new 3 story (13 unit) apartment buildilng with laundry and common room; with on site parking, site improvements and site amenities (sports court, play area, and court yard)

New 3 story (12 unit) apartment building

New 3 story (9 unit) apartment building

A building permit was issued to CIDA Architects for a project at 5624 SE 22nd Ave:

Construct new 3 story 15 unit apartment building; 5 units on each fl; with associated site work; and trash enclosure; sprinklers to be standard 13

A building permit was issued for a project at 1803 N Lombard St:

Construct new 3 story apartment building, 12 units, main floor single level units, 2nd floor units have upstairs, trash enclosure attached to east side of building, associated site work included

A building permit was issued for a project at 7007 NE Cornfoot Rd:

New 420,791 sf semi-conditioned shell building and associated site work. Tenant improvements will address conditioned spaces (comments)

Focus: 20 new hotels proposed for Portland

When construction activity first started to return to Portland around 2012 it seemed like all that was being built was apartments. While residential still dominates the construction industry, other sectors of the market have started to return. In the last year there has been been a noticeable increase in the number of hotels proposed in Portland. Next Portland counts at least 20 hotels either proposed, going through Design Advice / Design Review, being reviewed for building permits or under construction. Together these represent over 3000 new rooms, a substantial number for a city that had 25,924 rooms in its metro area as of 2014.

It is unlikely that every single hotel on this list will be built; some of the Early Assistance application may represent property owners performing a feasibility study, and there is always the possibility of a downturn in the economy. Even still, it’s clear that Portland is going to have a substantially larger number of hotels in just a couple years. Click through to see the full list, arranged by number of rooms.

1 – Hyatt Regency at the Convention Center

Number of rooms: 600+
Architect: Ankrom Moisan Architects, ESG Architects
Status: Design Advice

Hyatt Hotel at the Oregon Convention Center

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Metro Reports: hotel on Burnside, mixed use in Lents, office on Front Ave and more

1320 Broadway, formerly home to the Oregonian

1320 Broadway, formerly home to the Oregonian

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

Works Partnership have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 910 E Burnside:

Proposal is to build a 6 story structure with restaurant/retail on ground floor, indoor/outdoor event space on second floor and four floors of hotel units.

Skylab Architecture have requested Design Advice for a structure that would like Yard at the Burnside Bridgehead to Sideyard:

Design Advice Request for a Type I Skywalk spanning between Blocks 67 & 76 off of East Burnside

Scott Edwards Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1451 NE Alberta:

Redevelopment of a three-story, mixed-use building with a warm-shell commercial space of the ground floor. 2 levels of residential above (10) one-bed/one-bath units, while preserving the existing building facade. Checking that no stormwater improvements are required – since they are redeveloping.

GPA Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 3131 N Columbia Blvd:

2-story office building with support spaces for manufacturing facility

GBD Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 2301 NW Savier St:

Pre-application conference for a Type III DZ review for a new 4-story mixed use building.

Carleton Hart Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 8710 N Dana Ave:

New Group living facility – Supportive Living for youth phasing out of foster care. Proposal is for 15 unit group living structure.

Hacker (previously THA Architecture) have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project on Lents Town Center Property #3 (South) at 9101 SE Foster Rd:

4-story mixed use development with ground floor commercial. Approximately 28 Parking Spaces

Ankrom Moisan Architects have applied for a Conditional Use Review for a project at 1300 NE 16th Ave:

Combine parking lot for hpp 1300 NE 16th Ave. Directly adjacent house to be demolished at 1716 NE Clackamas St. Proposal is for new two story 10-plex independent living apartments to be built over below grd parking. With 4 adjustments

Hacker (previously THA Architecture) have submitted the Field Office at 2030 NW 17th Ave for Design Review:

Type 3 Design Review w/2 modifications for two 5-6 story office buildings above a “park” that creates a central garden/plaza, lobby areas, retail spaces, and building amenitites.

Allied Works Architecture have submitted 1320 Broadway for building permit review:

Core and shell renovation of existing full block Oregonian building. Partial change of occupancy, convert basement offices to parking. New entrances and windows, new ramp to parking. Reinforce mezzanine for live loads, new opening in elevator shaft for new stop. Relocate existing generator. New restrooms, locker rooms, and showers.

A building permit has been issued for a project at 6518 SE Division St:

New 3-story apartment building with 9 units, detached 71 sq ft fenced trash enclosure, parking lot and associated site work. No truss package provided

A building permit has been issued to Dustrud Architecture for a project at 2605 NE 7th Ave:

6-story, 68 unit multifamily apartment (5 over 1) with 1 story 43 cars/75 bikes underground parking.

A grading permit has been issued to Opsis Architecture for the Oregon Zoo Education Center:

Site work for new Oregon Zoo Education Center. Demo 3 buildings (see separate permits),demo existing below grade utilities and site prep for future buildings related to new education center.

Metro Reports: OHSU CHH South, 811 Stark, Division St Micro Units and more

3021 Se Division St

Division St Micro Units at 3021 SE Division St

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

Barry R Smith Architect has requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 829 NW 19th Ave:

Move existing structure and add new 54 unit structure

Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Historic Resource Review to move an existing office building (contributing structure) from current location to within 20 feet of NW 19th. The applicant wishes to establish original lot lines (Lot Confirmation) and move some of the lot lines (PLA) to create two separate lots. The exisitng building will be located on a 4,355 sq. ft. lot and the other lot, 12,145 sq. ft., will be developed with a new 54-unit residential building. The site is within the Alphabet Historic District.

Eli Spevak has requested Early Assistance for a project at 5836 NE Mason St:

Thirteen row homes and one existing home.

SERA Architect have requested Early Assistance for a project at 7707 SW Capitol Highway:

Four story multi-family apartment building with 70 units.

Ankrom Moisan Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project on the site of the New Copper Penny at 9202 SE Foster Rd:

Oliver Station – New Development 4 &5 Stroy [sic] mixed use and 130 residential unit development over 2 blocks, with 150 parking spaces.

SolTerra Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project on the parking lot of 3138 N Vancouver:

New development of 100 units of housing with 3,000-4,000 sq ft of ground floor commercial space. Provide 44 parking spaces at grade and in parking garage below grade. 6 stories & basement collecting and re-using storm water onsite.

ZGF Architects have submitted the OHSU Center for Health & Healing South for Design Review:

Design Review with 5 modifications requested for a new ambulatory care facility on Block 29 and a new mixed-use structure on Block 28. Skybridges to connect buildings.

A building permit is under review for a project at 1950 NE Everett St:

Construct new 5 story, 55 unit apartment building, to be connected to apartment building (15-206564CO) on neighboring lot by 4 story corridor; main floor is parking, bike parking, and living units, floors 2-5 are living units, rooftop terrace and elevator/stair penthouse, associated site work included in this permit

Scott Edwards Architecture have applied for a building permit for the Division St Micro Units at 3021 SE Division St:

Construct new wood framed 4 story (15 unit) apartment building; associated site work

A building permit is under review for a project at 7627 SE Milwaukie Ave:

New 2 story 13 unit apartment building

A building permit is under review for a project at 924 SE Tacoma St:

Construct new 1 story triplex with associated site work; new detached bike storage

A building permit was issued for a project at 1650 SE Harold St:

New 3 story 14 unit apartment building with associated site work

A building permit was issued for a project at 4241 N Massachusetts Ave:

New construction of three level, 12unit apartment complex; no onsite parking, includes attached bike storage and trash area with metal awning

A building permit was issued to TVA Architects for the Spokane 13 Apartments at 1313 SE Spokane St:

4 story, mixed use project, with 3 levels multi-family apartment floors (30 units); partially finished ground level for two lease spaces, landscaped outdoor courtyard with on site stormwater treatment (flow-through water quality planter to (2) drywells), and improvements to public right of way along SE 13th Ave and SE Spokane Street interior trash room

A building permit was issued to Works Partnership for 811 Stark:

New 31,500 sf mixed-use building with retail space on the first floor, and an expected mix of creative office uses on the upper floors. Work includes 3-stories of wood glulam post and beam construction over a 1-story concrete podium, with ground floor retail, parking, lobby and building services

Under Construction: Concordia Student Housing (images)

Construction has started on the Concordia Student Housing in the Vernon neighborhood of NE Portland. The project by Works Partnership for developer Urban Design + Partners will be used as residential dorms for students of Concordia University, located a 20 minute walk away. It will include 34 residential units, split between 14 studios, 15 one bedroom units and 6 two bedroom units. 9 car parking spaces will be provided in a tuck under parking area, and 44 long term bicycle parking spaces will be provided in a secure bike room as well as in the units.

Concordia Student Housing

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Metro Reports: Macadam Apartments, PDX Commons, 1501 SW Taylor and more

Macadam Apartments

The Macadam Apartments by SERA Architects

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 14716 SE Powell Blvd:

25 unit apartment development.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by JRA Architecture & Planning to discuss a new hotel near the airport at 7101 NE 82nd Ave:

Pre-Application Conference for a Type III CU. Proposal is to construct a four-story 99 guest room hotel with on-site parking, indoor pool on existing red lion hotel site.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Mark Dane Planning to discuss a project at 310 NW Maywood Drive:

Pre-application conference for 5-unit condominium project

A demolition permit was issued to GBD Architects for a building at 1437 SW Broadway, on the site of the planned 710 SW Columbia tower:

Demolish 2 story building and (2) parking lots; on site tree removal.

A demolition permit was issued for the existing building due to be replaced by 1501 SW Taylor:

DEMO 2 STORY COMMERCIAL BUILDING WITH BASEMENT -Compacted fill per Title 24 standards, Soils special inspection required. -Remove all foundations and debris -Cap utilities -Scope of work does not include removal of trees

A building permit is under review for a new apartment building at 3205 NE Multnomah St:

Construct new 3 story rowhouse apartment building, 4 units, no parking, attached bike storage and trash enclosure, associated site work and soakage trench included

Works Partnership have applied for a building permit for the PDX Commons at 4262 SE Belmont St:

New 4 story 27 unit apartment building with shared amenities, ground level parking and one tenant space, stormwater facility and site improvements.

Building permits are under review for the Modera Belmont by SERA Architects:

New 6 story apartment with one level of below grade parking

Site demolition, excavation, shoring and concrete work up through level 2 floor slab

Building permits were issued for the two buildings that will comprise the Macadam Apartments at 4920 and 4940 SW Landing Drive, by SERA Architects:

New 116,000 sf apartment building containing 106 market rate apartments

New 69,000 sf apartment building containing 76 market rate apartments, 5 story wood framed construction over ground floor podium built of reinforced concrete, building sits on a concrete slab on grade

Metro Reports: 811 Stark, PSU Viking Pavilion, Redd on Salmon St and more

811 Stark by Works Partnership

811 Stark by Works Partnership

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

Woofter Architecture have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for the PSU Viking Pavilion:

Design Advice Request for modernization and upgrade to existing building.

Modernization and upgrade of existing structure.

Early Assistance has been requested for the redevelopment of a hotel at 7101 NE 82nd Ave:

Construct 99 guest rooms, 4-story on-site parking suites hotel with indoor pool on existing red lion hotel site.

SolTerra Architecture have requested early assistance for a project at 3138 N Vancouver Ave:

New development of 100 units of housing with 3,000-4,000 sq ft of ground floor commercial space. Provide 44 parking spaces at grade and in parking garage below grade. 6 stories & basement collecting and re-using stormwater onsite.

Jones Architecture have submitted a project at 8247 N Lombard St for Design Review:

New 4-story mixed use building with basement. 89 residential parking spaces and 77 in basement garage. 2 public plazas and a couryard for residential tenants.

Opsis Architecture have applied for a building permit for The Redd on Salmon St:

Major renovation of and addition to existing building. New 2nd floor addition and new 2nd floor mezzanines. New courtyard, repave and stripe parking lot. Seismic upgrade. Core and shell only, no occupancy this permit. See permit 15-207907-CO for detached service building ( for trash enclosure, bike parking, and transformers).

A demolition permit was issued to Works Partnership for the existing building at 811 Stark:

Demolish existing 2092 sf existing single story commercial building and parking lot, disconnect and cap utilities as required

Building permits were issued to Dominek Architecture for the O|8 Townhomes:

New 4 story apartment building with 4 units, associated site work. West building (building b), 1 of 2

New 4 story apartment building with 4 units. East building (building a), 2 of 2.

A demolition permit was issued for an existing building at 3423 SE Hawthorne Blvd:

Demolish 2 story apartment complex

A building permit was issued to Works Partnerships for the MODS Willamette:

Construct new 2 story, 6 unit modular apartment building, no parking, partial street improvement, scope of work includes basement, foundation, exterior cladding, porches at 1st and 2nd floor, parapets, roof assembly, associated site work such as stormwater facility, bike parking and landscaping, detached trash enclosure is 52sf; modular unit construction prior approval by state of oregon permit #M638 14-542OC

A building permit was issued to GBD Architects for the 19th & Overton apartments:

New 6 story, 58 unit apartment building; ground fl parking, bike parking, leasing office, residential lobby, building services and 3 residential loft units; floors 2-6 include residential units; amenity deck on the roof

Metro Reports: St Francis Park Apartments, PSU School of Business Administration, 4th & Harrison and more

4th & Harrison

4th & Harrison, as presented at Design Advice

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

Barry Smith Architect has requested Early Assistance for a project at 518 SE 76th Ave:

46 unit apartment building with 8 cars in parking garage; 4 floors

BAMA Architecture and Design have requested Early Assistance for a project at 10010 SE Ankeny St:

Lot line adjustment and phased development of multiple buildings to include multi-family, parking, industrial flex space.

Solterra have requested Early Assistance for a project at N Failing & Vancouver:

53-unit mixed use apartment building with active urban canyon

Works Partnership have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1400 NW 22nd Ave:

Proposal for major commercial alterations with exterior improvements. Uses will include office, retail and manufacturing.

Barry Smith Architect has requested Early Assistance for a project at 829 NW 19th Ave:

Move existing home on property to within 20 feet of NW 19th. Confirm and adjust lot lines for 2 lots. On Vacant lot develop a 50 unit, 6 story apartment building located within the Alphabet Historic District.

Mortenson Development have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a new hotel at 619 SW 11th Ave:

demolish existing 1/4 block building and replace with a new construction 221 room, 15 floor hotel.

A Design Review has been submitted for a project at 1112 SE Lincoln St:

Construction of 2 tri-plex residential structures – one on each parcel

The St Francis Park Apartments by MWA Architects have been submitted for Design Review:

New 106-unit multi-dwelling residential development.

The 4th & Harrison apartment complex by Core Spaces has been submitted for Design Review:

Design Review for new 15-story glass and metal panel building – grocery store at ground level and 14 stories of luxury residential apartments, above. 1 modification requested to reduce landscape area; 1 modification requested to replace landscaping with hardscape; 1 modification requested for the width of the oriel window; 1 adjustment requested to parking access & loading; 1 adjustment requested for # of parking stalls.

ZGF Architects have submitted the Canopy Hotel for Design Review:

11 Story, 150 room Hotel

SRG Partnership have applied for building permits for the PSU School of Business Administration:

40,000 Sf multi-story addition, renovation of 52,000SF existing

Reroute on site utilities, demo on site portion of sky bridge, remove exerior cladding of existing building, interior demolition. ***40,000 SF multi-story addition, renovation of 52,000SF existing***

foundation and walls to grade of pavilion/atrium, cladding of existing building, ***40,000 SF multi-story addition, renovation of 52,000SF existing***

Demolition permits were issued for the existing buildings due to be replaced by the Pearl Hampton Inn & Suites:

Demo existing 2 story building

Demo two story building; no basement

Demo existing 3 story building with partial basement

A building permit was issued for the Kenton Mixed Use Phase III at 2111 N Willis Blvd:

New four story apartment building with courtyard and balcony at center, 37 units, 2 retail spaces on main floor, parking at east and north sides, detached trash enclosure, associated landscaping and stormwater facilities

A building permit was issued to Anrkom Moisan Architects for 2010 NW Pettygrove St:

new 5-story, 49 unit apartment with tucked under parking

Metro Reports: The Porter Hotel, High Rise proposed at SW Columbia & Broadway, and more

The Porter Hotel

The Porter Hotel

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

GBD Architects have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a high rise at 710 SW Columbia St, a site owned by Downtown Development Group:

Project is a commercial high-rise structure with a mixed use program comprised of hotel, office and retail uses. Parking provided in a below grade structure.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 3514 NE Sandy Blvd:

New one story dialysis clinic. Working within Community Design Standards – see LU 15-185045 DZ

A building permit is under review for The Porter Hotel:

new 16-story, 299 guestroom hotel includes first floor full service restaurant, market cafe; second floor 5,000 sf meeting room with outdoor terrace; rooftop restaurant and covered terrace.

A building permit was issued to Works Partnership for their Concordia Student Housing at 1650 NE Killingsworth St:

New 4 story mixed use building with ground floor retail and apartments on floors 2-4.

Metro Reports: PDX Commons, Conway Blocks 294E & 295E, NW Portland Hostel and more

PDX Commons

PDX Commons by Works Partnership

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

The University of Portland has requested Early Assistance for a project at 6625 N Portsmouth Ave:

Early assistance for dormitory development at University of Portland.

Works Partnership has requested Early Assistance for the PDX Commons at 4262 SE Belmont St:

4 story 27 unit apartment building with 1 retail space with approximately 26 parking spaces

Koble Creative has requested Early Assitance for a project at 3802 N Vancouver Ave:

Demo SFR. Construct 5-story wood-frame building of approx 14,500 sf. Gound level: retail, utilities, circulation and private parking. Floors 2-4: apartments; Floor 5: private residence. Stormwater management via drywell

GBD Architects have submitted Conway Blocks 294E and 295E for Design Review:

2 new mixed-use buildings – over a continuous 2 block underground parking structure. Type 3 Design Review with 4 modifications.

A building permit is under review for 5134 SE Division St:

Construct 3 story 14 unit apartment building; with underground parking and associated site work

A building permit is under review for 4703 N Albina St, an office building by Lever Architecture:

New 4 story mass timber office building with elevator; see comments re: review by state of Oregon Building Codes Division

The NW Portland Hostel by SERA Architects has a building permit under review:

Construct new 5 story hostel building with 21 units, basement level includes storage, mechanical room, laundry room, restroom and housekeeping area; main floor includes lobby area and cafe with seating; levels 2-4 includes hostel units and restrooms, 5th floor is private residence; includes all site work

Building permits were issued to Fosler Portland Architecture for 5625 E Burnside:

New 3 story apartment with 20 units; associated site work. Full standard 13 sprinklers required.

New 2 story apartment with 5 units, associated site work, trash enclosure and biking parking