A development with two building at 8004 SW Capitol Hill Road has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers November 16th, 2020 to November 22nd, 2020.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 23 NE 151st Ave:
On-site stormwater treatment, 76 multi-family units on vacant land, RM2dh zoning.
A project at 824 SE Tacoma St has been submitted for building permit review by Fosler Architecture:
PDOX PS – new 3 story, 11 unit apartment building with associated site work
A project with two buildings at 8004 SW Capitol Hill Rd has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:
PDOX PS – new 4 story, 24 unit apartment building a with associated site work w/20-211439-CO
PDOX PS – new 4 story, 27 unit apartment building B with associated site work w/20-203458-CO
A building permit was issued to Mackenzie for a project at 7530 N Richmond Ave (previously West of 8157 N Lombard St):
Construction of a 3-story, 8,375 sf multi-family building with eleven (11) units. Ten (10) of these units will be 550 sf and one (1) will be 813 sf.
A proposal for an apartment building at 306 SE 8th Ave, designed by SERA Architects, was approved by the Design Commission in 2017, but never submitted for building permit review. A new Pre-Application Conference for a proposal on the site has been scheduled by the same architecture firm.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers February 24th, 2020 to March 1st, 2020.
Design Advice has been requested by Hennebery Eddy Architects for a project at 539 NW 10th Ave:
Project consisting of a new +/-11-story hotel with partial basement on a quarter-block site. The new structure will replace an existing 1-story commercial building. The hotel will contain 150-160 guest rooms with 85,000-90,000 square feet. Loading access is planned along NW Hoyt Street, with a single interior loading bay. No off-street parking is proposed. Ground floor program includes hotel lobby, restaurant, lounge, kitchen, offices, restrooms, mechanical rooms and bike storage. Floors 2-11 will be primarily guest rooms with limited amenity spaces such as fitness room, board room and a roof terrace with bar. Stormwater treatment and detention will be accomplished by way of a vegetated roof.
Design Advice has been requested by SERA Architects for a project at 2250 NW Flanders St:
6-story apartment building with approximately186 units in the Northwest Plan District and Alphabet Historic District. Stormwater disposal method TBD.
Design Advice has been requested by SERA Architects for Conway Block 291 East at the SW corner of NW 20th & Raleigh:
7 story market rate apartment building with 180 residential units and basement parking. Stormwater disposal will occur through drywells in the pedestrian way.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects to discuss a project at 306 SE 8th Ave:
New 7 story market-rate apartment building with 113 units and ground floor retail.
Cathedral Village at 8614 N Crawford Street has been submitted for a Pre-Permit Plan Check by MWA Architects:
4-story apartment building with 110 affordable family apartments. The unit mix will be (11) 3-bedrooms, (45) 2-bedrooms, (37) 1-bedrooms, and (17) studios. There will be resident services on the ground floor and 37 parking spaces. There is a basement level at the NW corner of the building that will house bike parking and storage.
A project at 4039, 4047 and 4051 N Williams Ave has been submitted for Type II Design Review by William Kaven Architecture:
Construction of two new 4-story buildings organized around a shared courtyard.
Two new four-story buildings located on N Williams Ave, mid-block between N Mason St and N Shaver St.
New four-story commercial (office) comprised of three stories of office over ground floor retail, office, lobby and tuck-under parking.
A project at 1137 NW 23rd Ave has been submitted for Type III Design Review by GBD Architects:
New mixed use building with ground level retail, 4 levels of apartments above, and 1 level of below grade parking. 74 units.
The new building adjacent to the Troy Laundry at 1010 SE Ash St has been submitted for a Type III Historic Resource Review by Hartshorne Plunkard Architecture:
New 6-story multi-family residential project with two below-grade parking levels.
A project at 236 SE Grand Ave has been submitted for Type III Historic Resource Review by TVA Architects:
New 8-story, 130,000 sq ft office building. One adjustment requested to the loading stall.
The Benson Polytechnic High School Modernization has been submitted for Type III Historic Resource Review by Architectural Resources Group:
Modernization of the existing Benson Polytechnic High School (BPHS) building.
A project at 11 NE 55th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Fosler Portland Architecture:
Construct new 3 story 16 unit apartment building with associated site work
A project at 5905 N Interstate Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:
New 3 story, 19 units apartment building with partial retail on ground floor and associated siteworks. Trash enclosure inside.
A project at 8157 N Lombard St has been submitted for building permit review by Mackenzie:
Construction of a 3-story, 8,375 sf multi-family building with eleven (11) units. Ten (10) of these units will be 550 sf and one (1) will be 813 sf.
A project at 6307 N Montana Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Fosler Portland Architecture:
Construct new 3 story 19 unit apartment building with associated site work
A project at 503 SE 29th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 4 story 30 unit apartment building
A project at 6962 N Maryland Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 4-story 12-unit apartment with associated site work; w/20-124476-MT
A project at 2148 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd has been submitted for building permit review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
New two-story, 27,595 square foot brick office building with an adjacent surface parking area for ten vehicles
The adaptive reuse of the historic Multnomah County Courthouse into ground-floor retail with office above will include a seismic upgrade, the re-introduction of pedestrian entry on SW 5th, a new accessible entry on SW Main and new window openings at the existing penthouse.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers August 5th to August 12th 2019.
DESIGN HEARING – Project including four separate mixed-use multifamily structures with approximately 1,200 multifamily units, ground floor retail and parking uses. Blocks 41 & 44 (along the river) will be high rises and Blocks 42 & 45 (along Bond) will be mid-rises. The project will also include greenway improvements and infrastructure.
Design Advice has been requested by Emerick Architects for a project at 2124 NW Flanders St:
Four stories of market-rate apartments over a walk-out basement level with 19 residential units and typical utilities. Floors 01-04 are proposed to have outdoor balcony space. The roof is anticipated to incorporate a roof deck and solar panels. The project has no parking. The stormwater disposal method to be on-site storm water planters & drywells.
Design Advice has been requested by GBD Architects for the Multnomah County Courthouse Re-Use:
Renovation and seismic upgrade of historic courthouse for adaptive reuse.
Early Assistance has been requested by MAJ Development for a project west of 8157 N Lombard St:
Construct new apartment building, 12 units. Relocate stormwater facilities which serve neighboring lots. Community Design Standards.
Early Assistance has been requested by Robert Mosier Architect for a project at 724 NE Lombard St:
The proposed project is to redevelop several adjacent lots into additional facilities for current ceramics business. The 724 NE Lombard site is proposed as a retail use – ceramics classrooms / workshop space. The 940 NE Lombard site is proposed as a new manufacturing building to support wholesale clay products portion of the business. It is anticipated that storm water planters will be used to pre-treat site storm water.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 6607 N Montana Ave:
Demo Existing, build new 18 unit
A project at 3733 N Williams Ave has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by William Kaven Architecture:
New mixed-use residential development consisting of two new 4-story buildings. They are organized around a shared courtyard. The east building, fronting N Williams Ave, is comprised of 3-stories of residential apartments over ground floor retail,and one residential unit. The west building, fronting the alley, is comprised of four stories of residential apartments. All residential units are accessed from the courtyard via N Williams, with a pedestrian path linking the courtyard and entry gate. The project proposes a mix of 12 studio and 18 one-bedroom apartments (for a total of 30 apartment units). The west building contains 17 units and the east building contains 13 units and one retail space. Modification requested to pedestrian standards, connection between streets and entrances (33.130.240.B.1.a); and a Modification is requested to transit street multi-dwelling main entrance location (33.130.242.C).
The Dairy Apartments at 801 NE 21st Ave have been submitted for a Type III Design Review by Hacker Architects:
The project is a new construction 7-story ((5) Type IIIA over (2) Type IA) multi-family residential building over 1 of below grade parking level. Total building will be 196,481 gross sf, 270 units, plus residential amenties. Inclusionary Housing will be triggered and provided on-site at standard rates. 2 Modifications are requested and an Adjustment for the minimum parking requirement.
A project west of 2247 NW Kearney St has been submitted for a Type III Design Review by Osterman Design:
New 16-unit apartment building. It will be three stories plus basement and will include apartment types ranging from studios to 2-bedroom units. No commercial uses are proposed.
A building permit was issued to Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 4130 NE Garfield Ave:
New 12 unit 2 story apartment building, includes trash room and associated sitework.
A building permit was issued to SERA Architects for Saltwood North at 1650 NW 21st Ave:
Saltwood – new construction of 177 unit, 6 story apartment building (5 stories of Type 111A over 1 story of Type 1 construction). With two levels of below grade parking. Ground floor consists of residential lobby, retail space, residential amenities, dwelling units, and a loading area. The building occupies the full block and is configured around a south-facing private courtyard. Mechanical work under 18-278422-MT
A building permit was issued for the Meyer Memorial Trust Headquarters at 2045 N Vancouver Ave:
New construction of 3 story office building and associated sitework