Conceptual image for a redevelopment of the Walnut Park site, by Merryman Barnes Architects
The DJC reported that Multnomah County is eyeing the Walnut Park site at 5329 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd for redevelopment.* A preferred alternative calls for “94 market-rate apartments, 50 affordable apartments for seniors, 14 townhomes, a food hall, county services and a single floor of underground parking”.
The Willamette Week wrote about the latest fight over a changing Portland: the fate of Peterson’s on Morrison, which is likely to be displaced by the refurbishment of the 10th & Yamhill Smart Park.
The city has finalized the sale of Terminal One to Lithia Motors, according to the Oregonian.
The Central City is prepping for major growth, writes the Portland Tribune. The first City Council hearing on the Central City 2035 plan will happen this Thursday.
The DJC published photos of the OHSU Knight Cancer Research Building as ironworkers top out the South Waterfront project. Completion is scheduled for July 2018.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.