Design Advice has been offered to TVA Architects for Fremont Place, a 17 story tower planned for a site immediately northwest of Centennial Mills. The building, being developed by the Lincoln Property Company, would rise to a height of 184’-6” and include 270 residential units. Parking is proposed in one or two levels of below grade parking. Ground level retail is proposed facing Naito Parkway, with the possibility (not yet shown in the drawings) of retail facing the Willamette Greenway.
Category Archives: TVA Architects
Metro Reports: 3rd & Taylor, Jantzen Apartments, 4040 SE Division, and more

A building permit is under review for the 3rd & Taylor office building
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Quilici Architecture & Design Inc for a project at 4040 SE Division St:
Proposal is for a new 38 units with affordable housing (20,640 sf total) without parking. Stormwater planter provided along south PL. Main enterance and lobby on Division St. Trash and recycle room located on north side of building and accesed off Difision St. Existing commercial structure and all trees on-site to be removed.
Early Assistance has been requested by Quilici Architecture & Design Inc for a project at 3212 SE Division St:
Proposal is for a 32 unit apartment complex which includes affordable housing (20,640 sf total) without parking. Stormwater planter provided along south PL. Main enterance and lobby on 32nd Avenue. Trash and recycle room located on south side of building and accessed off 32nd. Existing commercial structure and all trees on-site to be removed.
A building permit application has been submitted for review by David Rodeback Architect for alterations to an existing building at 6012 SE Yamhill St:
Existing 4-story building – change of occupancy and use from R1, B, |A3 to R2 & A3 with 62 new apartment units and 14 sleeping units added, and complete seismic retro fit for entire building
A building permit application has been submitted for review by SERA Architects for the Jantzen Apartments at 518 NE 20th Ave:
New 6 story above grade with full basement. 211 apartments, 114 parking stalls, with retail, common space on ground floor
A building permit application has been submitted for review by TVA Architect for a project at 5036 NE Sandy Blvd:
New 6-story, 85 unit apartment building; ground floor shell only; recycle room; with onsite parking, includes associated site work***with 17-169667-MT permit***
A building permit application has been submitted for review for a project at 5419 SE Woodstock Blvd:
New 3 story 38 unit apartment building; interior trash enclosure; associated site work
A building permit application has been submitted for review by Ankrom Moisan Architects for the 3rd & Taylor office building:
New 10 story speculative office building, ground floor retail and comond and support area serving office functions, 2 stories of below grade parking
A building permit was issued for a project at 1211 SE Morrison St (previously 1205 SE Morrison St):
Construct new 4 story (39) unit apartment building with parking and bike storage on main level; associated site work
Design Advice offered for Alder.9 (images)
Design Advice has been offered to TVA Architects and VWR Development for a project at SE 9th & Alder. The mixed use development will include 162 residential units over ground floor retail. Parking for 37 vehicles is proposed in one level of below grade parking. Long term parking for at least 243 bicycles will be provided.
Metro Reports: Collective on 4th, Portland Building, 3612 SE 82nd, and more

The first building permit was issued for Core Spaces’ Collective on 4th.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested by SERA Architects for a project at 1715 NW Couch St:
New six story residential project with one level of below grade parking. Project will be 160,000 GSF above grade with 200 units. FAR is 4:1.
Design Advice has been requested by TVA Architects for a project at 1650 NW Naito Parkway:
new 17 story apartment building. 270 residential units are proposed. The first floor will have both residential and parking. There are 192 underground parking spaces. The access for the parking would be from NW Naito. One loading space is proposed. The property will be divided to create a 79,700 square foot site for this development.
Early Assistance has been requested by Urban Development Group to discuss changes to a project at 2548 SE Ankeny St:
Proposal for a new apartment building of 96 units to replace CO 16-198732, no parking.
Early Assistance has been requested by Urban Development Group to discuss changes to a project at 316 NE 28th Ave:
Proposal is to build a new apartment building to replace CO 16-196951 for 119 units and no parking.
Early Assistance has been requested by Urban Development Group to discuss changes to a project at 2789 NE Halsey St:
Proposal is for a new apartment building of 53 units no parking which would replace CO 16-178394.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 3612 SE 82nd Ave:
Project consists of an approx. 8500 SF, single story new core and shell building for up to nine restaurant tenants on property that was previously used as a restaurant. The existing unoccupied building may be demolished. Site work will consist of selective demolition, new infrastructure and parking lot repairs to 15 food carts, seating areas, and required parking.
The rebuild of the Portland Building has been submitted for Type III Historic Resource Review by DLR Group:
Full renovation of an existing 15-story office building including seismic upgrade and replacement of MEP systems. Proposed exterior renovation includes replacement of all existing facade finishes and glazing systems. New building cladding system will sit outboard of the existing building face. Two areas of the existing covered loggia on the first floor are being enclosed and added to the interior building area. No additional impervious surfaceor roof area is being added. This is a historic building.
An excavation and shoring permit was issued the Collective on 4th at 325 SW Harrison St:
partial – site clearing and demolitoin, tree removal, excavation, shoring and erosion control.
Metro Reports: 4018 N Williams, Meier & Frank Building, 1110 SW Clay, and more

4018 N Williams by William Kaven Architecture has been submitted for building permit review
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
A project at 820 SE Alder has been submitted for Design Advice and Type III Design Review by TVA Architects:
DAR to discuss a new multi-dwelling development with ground floor retail and structured parking. The seven story building is a combination of studios and one and two bedroom units. Thirty-seven parking spaces are proposed. The access to the garage is from SE Alder.DAR
Proposal is for 7 story use building with 163 studio and one bedroom units over ground floor retail. 75 feet tall. Construction type is 5 levels of Type 3B over 2 levels of Type 1A. One level of below grade parking with garage access from SE Alder St.
Early Assistance has been requested by DECA Architecture for a project at 8355 N Interstate Ave:
Conversion of motel to apartments. Minor changes include: New walls, doors, lighting, paint, signage, and new finishes.
A Pre-Application Conference has scheduled by Surround Architecture to discuss a project at 3032 SE Powell Blvd:
Proposal is for a 60 unit multi-dwelling structure in the CG zone. Additionally, in the R2.5 zone proposal is for 11 attached dwellings.
A Pre-Application Conference has scheduled by Bora Architects to discuss the conversion of the Meier & Frank Building at 621 SW 5th Ave:
Proposal is to demo floors 1-5 and basement and renovate space creative office space with ground level retail. Scope includes limited facade renovations to accommodate new retail entries on 5th and 6th and updates to alder st facade. New restrooms to be included. Historic elements to be preserved.
A Pre-Application Conference has scheduled by SERA Architects to discuss a project at 1110 SW Clay St:
Proposal is for new construction of a 260 unit, 16 story affordable multi-family student apartment building.
A project at 5615 SW Hood Ave has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Koble Creative Architecture:
Proposal is for new constructin of a four story office building with ground floor retail and below grade parking behind retail. Review also includes two modifications to building are and setbacks.
The SW Barbur and Hooker Apartments have been submitted for Type III Historic Resource Review by Stack Architecture:
Proposed 3 story apartment building with partial 4th floor, 62 units with common areas and circulation, 17 car parking spaces behind the building.
A project at 4620 N Maryland Ave has been submitted for building permit review by City Craft Development:
New 3 story apartment building with 32units, with site improvements, inerior trash rooms, and on site parking; 8 ft fence
A project at 7031 N Mohawk Ave has been submitted for building permit review by City Craft Development:
New 2 story apartment building with 7 dwelling units with attached trash enclosure and sprinkler riser room, detached barbeque area, and associated sitework (same as 17-101236-CO)
A project at 4018 N Williams Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 5 story mixed use building; retail on first floor; 4 stories of 64 residential apartments; tuck under parking; associated site work
A project at 1637 SE Nehalem St has been submitted for building permit review by Urban Development Group:
New 4-story apartment building with 61 units, underground parking (16 stalls) and associated site work, with interior trash area
Metro Reports: 3185 N Vancouver, NE 16th & Couch, NW 13th & Johnson, and more

The NW 13th & Johnson Apartments by TVA Architects, as shown to the Design Commission at its second Design Advice hearing in December
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Jackson Main Architecture for a project at 3185 N Vancouver Ave:
New 6-story mixed-use, group-living facility that includes parking, shared resident amenity spaces, and 240 living units.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1627 N Willis Blvd:
Construct new 4-story with basement 19-unit apartment building in the RH zone with 4:1 FAR map
Early Assistance has been requested by Brett Schulz Architect for a project at SE 3rd & Morrison:
New 6 story building 85’x85′ approx 43,350 groo sq ft 1st floor retail and upper floor light manufacturing/artist studio
Early Assistance has been requested by LRS Architects for a project at 2455 SE 11th Ave:
Demo Existing Building, provision of a new 7 story office building with retail, service and traditional office. Project will include 2 levels of below grade parking with some at ground floor.
Early Assistance has been requested by Jackson Main Architecture for a project at 177 N Failing St:
5-story, mixed-use, group-living facility that includes shared residential amenty spaces and 84 living units.
A project at 1337 E Burnside St has been submitted for Type II Design Review:
New 6 Story mixed use 208 unit apartment building with residential, retail and parking on first floor with one level below grade parking for approximately 129 vehicle spaces.
The NW 13th & Johnson Apartments have been submitted for Type III Design Review by TVA Architects:
Proposal is for a 7 story mixed use building. The proposal includes 58 residential units and ground floor retail. The proposed height is 75 feet. 89 long term and 5 short term bike parking stalls.
A project at 1340 SE 9th Ave and 925 SE Main St has been submitted for building permit review by Scott Edwards Architecture:
Core and shell improvements for industrial use; seismic upgrades; new roofing, thermal envelope, plumbing; parking lot improvements; new dormers (with 17-104780 CO)
Core and shell alteration for existing building; seismic upgrade; new roof; new windows; thermal envelope, plumbing; no occupancy; trash enclosure less than 120 sf in parking lot (with 17-104823 CO)
A project at NE 16th & Couch has been submitted for building permit review by Deca Architecture:
New 4 story plus basement, 33 unit apartment building with associated site work and covered parking
A project at 1714 NE 45th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Deca Architecture:
New 3 story apartment building with basement (8 units) and associated site work; includes retaining wall; trash room inside
A project at 5310 NE 11th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New construction of 4 unit apartment building with tuck under garages; max 4’6″ retaining wall
A project at 7023 N Mohawk Ave has been submitted for building permit review by City Craft Development:
New 2 story apartment building with 7 dwelling units with attached trash enclosure and sprinkler riser room, detached barbeque area, and associated sitework (same as 17-101237-co)
A project at 25 N Going St has been submitted for building permit review:
New 3 story 6 plex and associated site work; approx 108 sq ft trash enclosure
A project at 1431 N Dekum St has been submitted for building permit review by CIDA Architects:
New 4 story, 30 unit apartment building, no onsite parking, trash room on first floor , includes associated sitework
A project at 3917 N Mississippi Ave St has been submitted for building permit review by Integrate Architecture & Planning:
Shell permit – new 3,799 s.f. two story building at south side of existing commercial building, includes patio/terrace areas, two new toilet rooms, and attached trash enclosure
A building permit was issued for a project at 4403 SE Johnson Creek Blvd:
Addition to existing single story building for new self storage building, add 2 total stories over existing building, new 3 story additions at east and west elevations of building; includes 2 new parking areas at east and west of property, includes associated site work and landscaping
A building permit was issued to Studio 3 Architecture for a project at 3956 N Vancouver Ave:
New 5 story mixed-use building. Ground floor commercial and parking with 87 residential units above.
NW 13th & Johnson apartments return in front of Design Commission (images)
A revised design for a mixed use building at NW 13th Ave & Johnson St has been presented to the Design Commission by TVA Architects. The 7 story building for developer Paul Properties is proposed to include 58 apartments units over 3,378 sq ft of retail. Long term parking for 91 bicycles is proposed. No vehicular parking is proposed.
Metro Reports: 5 MLK, 120 SE Clay, SW Park and Columbia, and more

5 MLK, as presented to the Design Commission at its third Design Advice hearing
Early Assistance has been requested by Polyphon Architecture & Design for a project at 3441 SE Gladstone St:
Demo East Apartment building and develop 2, 7 unit apartments and 6 townhomes . 10 parking spaces provided.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 6025 SE Powell Blvd:
Proposal is for new construction of a three story self storage building that will have 900 units, parking, utilities and landscaping.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects to discuss a project at 2620 SW 1st Ave:
New 6-story market-rate apartment building with 120 units, ground floor retail, and basement parking.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by TVA Architects to discuss a project at 1327 NW 19th Ave:
Proposal is for a new 6-story, multi-family residential development with studio and one-bedroom apartments (82 units total) w/ground floor retail. Possible adjustment needed for loading standards.
A project at 33 N Fargo St has been submitted for Type II Design Review:
New 5-story apartment building, with ground floor retail and underground parking
A project at 25 NE 122nd Ave has been submitted for Type II Design Review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
Proposal is for a mixed use project including a commercial clinic and 176 residential apartments. The apartments will consist of a mix of transitional housing studios and single room occupancy units and will provide housing opportunities for medically fragile clients. Parking will be below grade for approx. 75 spaces. Ground floor and level two to contain the clinic program.
A project at 1638 W Burnside St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
Proposal is for a new 8-story, mixed-use building with 134-units of residential apartments and commecial development. (See PC 16-231735 and DA 16-258120.)
A project at SW Park and Columbia has been submitted for Type III Design Review by GBD Architects:
Proposal is for a 7 story apartment building.
5 MLK has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Gerding Edlen Development:
Mixed use building with 15,000 sf of ground floor retail; 112,000 sf of office space on floors 2-6; 220 apartment units on floors 7-17; 160 below-grade parking stalls, and associated amenity and support areas.
A project at NW 15th and Overton has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Vallaster Corl Architects:
New 7-story mixed use building. 55,000 square feet of floor area, 68 residential uits and 28 structured parking spaces are proposed. The entrance to the parking is on NW 15th. There are three office spaces on the ground floor facing NW Overton. There is a Lot Confirmation completed to reestablish the line between lots 6 & 7 and lots 2 & 3 to create the 10,000 square foot site (16-186955PR). 5 modifications.
A project at 5505 SE 17th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 3-story, 6 unit apartment building on lot with existing apartment building to include site utilities and landscaping, detached retaining wall
A project at 602 NE Prescott St has been submitted for building permit review by SERA Architects:
New construction of one story 1465 sf building for rehearsal studio at east elevation; and 4 foot retaining wall
A project at 240 NE Columbia Blvd has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new Carl’s Jr. building with detached trash enclosure under separte permit (16-286322-co).
A building permit was issued to Myhre Group Architects for a project at 2405 N Vancouver Ave:
New multi family 5 level, 54 unit apartment building over a below grade parking garage
A building permit was issued for a project at 2309 SE 11th Ave (formerly 2311 SE 11th Ave):
New 6 unit apartment complex with eco roof and attached trash enclosure
A building permit was issued for a project at 686 SE Spokane St (formerly 634 SE Spokane St):
Construct new 3 story (12) unit apartment building with site work
A building permit was issued for a project at 120 SE Clay St:
Construct new 3 story office building with basement level parking, rooftop deck and green roof, associated site work included
Metro Reports: Prometheus Property, 418 SW 2nd, 404 NW 23rd Ave, and more

404 NW 23rd Ave by Works Progress Architecture, as presented to the Historic Landmarks Commission in October of this year
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 5640 NE Killingsworth St:
Proposal is to develop site with up to 15 units residential housing.
Early Assistance has been requested by MWA Architects for a project at 2133 N Argyle St:
This project is for a mixed use/mixed income multi-family residential development. Approximately 15,000 sf commercial/retail with 215 apartment units.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 1732 NE 2nd Ave:
New construction of a 6-story, multi-family, 77-unit, mixed-used building with ground floor retail and an outdoor plaza on the south side of the property. Stormwater managed through onsite drywell.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects for a project at 418 SW 2nd Ave (“Ankeny Blocks” Block 38):
New 20-story mixed-use building with ground floor retail, office space on floors 2-8, and 182 multi-family units on floors 9-20, with 4 floors of below-grade parking.
A project at 5009 N Interstate Ave has been submitted for Type II Design Review by TVA Architects:
Proposal is for new construction of multi-story apartment building. Existing buildings will be demolished.
A project at 8614 N Crawford St has been submitted for Type II Design Review by GBD Architects:
Proposal is to build a five story multi-family residential development of approx. 157 apartments. The ground level includes the entry lobby, parking, utility spaces, walk-up apartments and amenity spaces. The second floor roof terrace will have an eco-roof and raised planter areas along with private terraces at each of the apartments facing the eco-roof.
GBD Architects have submitted two Type III Design Review applications for buildings on the Prometheus Property in South Waterfront:
Two high-rise residential towers, each building consisting of around 7,000sf of retail and 300-550 market rate apartments and below grade parking.
New construction of two seven story mixed-use buildings, each building consisting of approx. 5,000 sf of retail, 200-300 market rate apartments and 150-250 off-street parking stalls in one level of structured underground parking and a partial level of structured at-grade parking.
A project at 6620 N Richmond Ave has been submitted for Type II Design Review by SERA Architects:
Project is a new five story multi-family apartment building with one level of sub-grade parking.
A project at 1440 SW Taylor St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Leeb Architects:
Request is for approval of a type III design review to allow construction of a development of a seven story mixed use building, consisting of a five-story wood frame building over a two level podium with a concrete structure. 107 dwelling units.
A project at 2222 NW Raleigh St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by SERA Architects:
New mixed-use building with 173 units, ground floor retail and 110 parking spaces. Vehicle ramp is proposed on NW Raleigh, with 2 modifications: bike parking width & vehicle parking width.
A project at 1116 SW Washington St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by ZGF Architects:
Project is new construction of high-rise with underground parking, retail on first two floors, office space of up to six floors and up to 213 residential units.
A project at 404 NW 23rd Ave has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Works Progress Architecture:
New four story residential building with both structured and surface parking. Twenty one units are proposed and a total of 37 parking spaces. A roof deck is proposed.
A project at 2220 NW Pettygrove St has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:
Construct new 4 story with basement (43) unit apartment building; associated site work
A series of building permits have been submitted by Green Hammer for Tillamook Row at 20 NE Tillamook St:
Construct 2 story (3) unit apartment building with attached bike storage area
Construct 3 story (3) unit apartment building
Construct 3 story (5) unit apartment building
Construct new 3 story (5) unit apartment building; associated sitework and detached trash enclosure under 120sq ft
Construct new 2 story common building with office, restroom, and assembly area on main fl; fitness area on second fl
A project at 310 SE 12th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by William Wilson Architects:
New 4 story 84 unit apartment building with basement garage and bike storage; associated site work
A project at 15847 SE Powell Blvd has been submitted for building permit review by BAMA Architecture and Design:
Construct new 2 story 19 bed care facility; landscaping and associated site improvements;
A building permit was issued to CIDA Architects for a project at 6811 NE Grand Ave:
New 4 story apartment building with 22 units, 104 sq ft detached trash enclosure. Unit in SE corner of 1st floor to be live work unit.
A building permit was issued for the Holladay Park Plaza East at 1350 NE 17th Ave:
New 2 story above grade 10 unit adult living apartments with 2 levels of underground parking
A building permit was issued to CIDA Architects for a project at 410 NE Dekum St (previously 422 NE Dekum St):
Construct new 4 story, 22 unit apartment builidng, one unit is live/work, no parking, trash and bike storage at main level, includes associated site work
Metro Reports: Jupiter Hotel, 1201 NW Naito, Kellogg Middle School and more

A building permit was issued for the Jupiter Hotel expansion
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at SW 36th Ave & Troy St:
New Mixed Use Building on vacant sloping lot. First 2 stories office and retail top 2 stories will have 4-8 apartments.
Early Assistance has been requested by Michael Green Architecture for a project at 1053-1201 NW Naito Parkway:
New 7-18 story Apartment Building – Timber (CLT) Construction – 2 levels for parking. 3 Development plans, some affordable housing proposed.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1945 NW Raleigh St:
New 4 story 18 unit apartment building.
Early Assistance has been requested by Encore Architects for a project at 1337 E Burnside St:
The project consists of a six-story approximately 200 unit apartment building with below-grade parking for approx. 118 vehicles.
Early Assistance has been requested by TVA Architects for a project at 2880 SE Division St:
4-story mixed-use multi-family apartment project with ground floor leasable space, lobby, MEP/Utility/Service space, and three elevated apartment floor levels (combo of studio and one-bedroom units for a total of 67 units). Onsite surface parking will be provided. They may need an adjustment to parking stall width.
Early Assistance has been requested by Oh Planning + Design for a project at Kellogg Middle School
Redevelopment of middle school (Kellogg Middle School), either by new addition and renovations – or replacement of 100,000+ sq ft school.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Köz Development for a project at 1111 NW 16th Ave:
New 95 studio unit apartment building, no parking proposed. A eco roof for stormwater management with flow through planters in the courtyard to manage impervious areas outside of the roof.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled for a project at 1500 NE Irving St:
Proposal is new construction of a four story apartment building with 60 units with tuck under grade level parkiing. Existing parking lot to be re-striped to provide parking lots for both existing office and new apartment building.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Work Progress Architecture for a project at 330 SW 10th Ave:
New 23 Story Mixed Use Building – Existing Historic Federal Exchange Building to remain on site.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by TVA Architects for a project at 820 SE Alder St:
New multi-family residential development with ground floor retail and underground parking garage. 6 stories (67′ tall) with a combo of studio, 1 and 2 bedroom living units.
A project at 1650 NW Naito Parkway has been submitted for Type III Design Review by TVA Architects:
new 17 story apartment building. 258 residential units are proposed. The first floor will have both residential and parking. There are 192 underground parking spaces. The access for the parking would be from NW Naito. Two loading spaces are proposed. The property will be divided to create a 79,700 square foot site for this development.
A project at 306 SE 8th Ave has been submitted for Type III Design Review by SERA Architects:
Demo existing building, new development of 7 story 120 unit residential apartment building with ground floor retail and underground parking. 2 modifications , bike parking width &size of parking stalls.
A foundation permit was issued for 1133 SW Market St:
STR – to include Structure, Shoring, Ground Improvements and MEP underground
A building permit was issued to Studio3 Architecture for a project at 4030 N Vancouver Ave:
New mixed use building, 5 stories with ground floor commercial use and 49 apartment units above
A building permit was issued to Works Progress Architecture for the Jupiter Hotel Expansion:
Construct new 6 story mixed use building, includes event space and restaurant, floors 3-6 are hotel rooms, no parking. Site work and stormwater management included.