Metro Reports: 2815 SW Barbur, Yard, Iron Fireman and more

2815 SW Barbur

The Under Armour building at 2815 SW Barbur, as approved last year.

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.

Bora Architects have requested Design Advice for an addition to 2815 SW Barbur BlvdUnder Armour’s new Portland base:

Proposed addition to building that is currently undergoing a change in use.

Otak Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 5416 NE 14th Pl:

Proposal is to build a four story wood framed multi-family apartment building with 15 dwelling units and five parking spaces.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 11144 NE Sandy Blvd:

Proposed 4-story Motel 6 with surface parking.

Holst Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 3403 N Mississippi Ave:

Proposed mixed-use housing project with approximately 175 units. Will meet community design standards.

Early Assistance has been requested by Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 121 N Beech St:

Development of a new mixed use building 20+ apartments & retail space – no parking proposed

Early Assistance has been requested by Works Partnership for a project at 110 SE Washington St:

Proposed 8-story mixed-use office and retail building.

Early Assistance has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects for a project at SW Broadway and 9th:

Multi-family dwelling building with parking below.

A Conditional Use Review has been submitted for a project at 1120 SE Madison St:

Convert existing building from Warehouse and Industrial Service Use to an Office Use in the IG1 zone.

A Design Review has been submitted by Skylab Architecture for alterations to Yard:

alterations to previously approved design review for Block 67 (the Yard)

Mackenzie have submitted alterations to the Iron Fireman building at 4784 SE 17th Ave for building permit review:

Core and shell build out of 78,246 sf of 108,066 sf building, for future tenants; add new interior walls to create 10 tenant spaces, lobby area, restrooms, bike storage area; and new stairs that lead to mezzaninne; voluntary seismic upgrade. No occupancy this permit. Separate tenant improvement permits required.

A building permit is under review for 606 NE 20th Ave:

New construction of a 6-story 59unit apartment building including parking and retail on level 1. Levels 3-6 contain a mix of apartment including studios, 1 bedroom, and 2 bedrooms. Level 6 also has an amenity deck along the west property line. Retail space on level 1 is to be built out under a separate permit with no occupancy this permit. Demo of existing building to be under separate permit. Demo plans included for reference only.

Studio 3 Architecture have submitted at a project at 7220 N Burlington Ave for building permit review:

Construct new 2 story (24 unit) apartment building with associated site work

A building permit is under review for a project at 6404 N Montana Ave:

New 6 unit, 3 story apartment with associated site work and landscaping

A building permit was issued for a project at 3423 SE Hawthorne Blvd:

New five-story, 28-unit multi-family apartment complex; on site bike parking; no on-site parking; drywell, landscaping and utilities, trash enclosure on adjacent lot


Metro Reports: OHSU CHH South, 3730 SE Powell, 505 NW 14th and more

OHSU Center for Health and Healing South

The OHSU Center for Health and Healing South

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 8106 N Interstate Ave:

Proposal is for a new five story building with 120 apartment units including 64 group living units with shared kitchens. Proposed 33% parking ratio minus a 25% bike parking reduction will be provided in an undergrd garage.

SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 505 NW 14th Ave: 

Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Design Review for a new 150-unit, 12-story, market-rate apartment building with ground floor retail and basement parking. Existing building on site is listed on the Historic Resource Inventory.

Woofter Architecture have applied for the first building permit required for the PSU Viking Pavilion:

partial – demolition of eastern half and selective demolition on western half of the existing building, relocation of existing gas meters, sewer line and hydrants, interior improvements including finishes, plumbing, electical and mechanical duct work to unoccupied weight room

Studio3 Architecture have submitted a project at 3730 SE Powell Blvd for building permit review:

Construct new 3 story (30 unit) apartment building with associated site work and detached. Brooker property.

A building permit is under review for a project at N Holman and Interstate:

Construct new 3 story (6) unit apartment building; with associated site work; detached trash enlosure

A building permit was issued to Mentrum Architecture for a project at 5350 SE 18th Ave:

Construct 3 story apartment building, 18 units, 6 per floor, attached covered trash enclosure, flow through planter and other associated site work

The first building permits were issued to ZGF Architects for the OHSU Center for Health and Healing South:

Site demolition, excavation, and tower crane foundation and disconnect site irrigation system.

FND 1 : Piles, partial 2 level basement in NW corner (exterior walls only, matt slab @ level B2), tunnel @ level B2 connecting to subgrade parking at block 29 and shoring for all four corners (there is no utility work under this permit.)



Metro Reports: 3rd & Salmon, Pearl Block 20, Seven Corners Community Collaborative and more

3rd & Taylor

The proposed hotel at SW 3rd & Taylor

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.

Boora Architects have requested Design Advice for Pearl Block 20:

Block 20 is a proposed hi-rise condominium building. One-hundred forty-two units are included in a five floor podium and 20 floor tower.No retail is proposed for this project. All parking is above grade and surrounded by units.

Allusa Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 6805 SE 52nd Ave:

Build two new 3-story apartment buildings with no basement. One structure will be 18 units. The other structure will be 12 units.

Urban Development Group have requested Early Assistance for a project at 4917 SE Hawthorne Blvd:

New 46-unit mixed use apartment building with 2700 sq ft of commercial.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 700 SE Belmont St:

New self-storage facility. Existing structure(s) to be demo’d/removed.

Works Partnership have requested Early Assistance for a project at 224 SE 2nd Ave:

Proposed change of existing warehouse to office use with retail on ground floor. Also a proposed addition to the building of one story penthouse for residential occupancy. See EA 15-216040.

Studio 3 Architecture have submitted a project at 7924 SE Milwaukie Ave for Design Review:

See EA 15-242170 appt and CO 16-100215. New two story four unit apartment structure behind existing single family residence which will remain.

Ankrom Moisan Architects have submitted the hotel portion of the 3rd and Salmon development for Design Review:

Proposal for joint development of boutique hotel with 245 guest rooms and on site fitness center and conference center. Project will include ground floor and rooftop retail space. One modification needed for ground floor window and 1 adjustment needed for number of loading spaces.

Waterleaf Architecture have submitted the Seven Corners Community Collaborative for Historic Resource Review:

Proposed project is a four story commercial building consisting of one story of ground floor retail space and secured parking below three stories of office space.

Mentrum Architecture have submitted a project at 6205 N Minnesota Ave for building permit review:

Construct new 3 story (18 unit) apartment building with partial basement; attached trash enclosure and associated site work

A building permit was issued to Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 7247 N Leavitt Ave:

New three story, 20 unit apartment complex; on site bike parking and trash enclosure; no onsite parking

A building permit was issued to HC Architecture for The Porter Hotel:

new 16-story, 299 guestroom hotel includes first floor full service restaurant, market cafe; second floor 5,000 sf meeting room with outdoor terrace; rooftop restaurant and covered terrace. One level below grade with shoring includes gym facilities, locker rooms, pool and back of house activities.


Metro Reports: Tesla Showroom, Restoration Hardware, Castlegate Apartments and more

Restoration Hardware

The NW 23rd Ave Restoration Hardware, as shown at its third Design Advice Request hearing

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

Tesla Motors have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 4330 SW Macadam Ave:

Take existing warehouse building and turn it into vehical sales, service and delivery center of Tesla vehicles.

Winterbrook Planning have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a renovation to One Pacific Square:

Renovation of existing One Pacific Square. Expanding ground floor lobby to include storefront commercial on Street frontages. New Landscaping.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2645 SE 50th Ave:

New residential apartment building, with underground parking.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4515 NE Fremont St:

Mixed use development to include 50 residential units over retail space and on-site parking.

Anrkom Moisan Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 6049 N Interstate Ave:

New 5 story apartment building. 129,772 sq feet 180 units. Tuck under parking with 60 spaces.

Early Assistance has been requested by Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 1485 NE Alberta St:

New 4-story apartment building with commercial space, lobby on ground floor, 17 apartments abvoe.

Works Partnership have requested Early Assistance for a project at 4235 SE 17th Ave:

Project is proposal for two story residential with ltd retail on grd floor. Needed is written clarification on setback and landscape requirements to continue development.

Strata Land Use Planning have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 606 NE 20th Ave:

TYPE 3 DESIGN REVIEW- To develop this site with a 6-story, 54 unit residential building. Ground floor parking and 1 retail space.

Studio 3 Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 751 N Cook St:

New mixed use 5 story building with 50 parking spaces in rear. Commercial & residential units on ground floor, residential units above. Designed to meet Community Design Standards

Anrkom Moisan Architects have submitted the NW 23rd Ave Restoration Hardware for Design Review:

Design Review with 5 modifications to build a new 3-story retail development with rooftop terrace and basement parking garage.

A series of building permits are under review for the Castlegate Apartments at 3001 NE 148th Ave:

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 1 of 7

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 2 of 7

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 3 of 7

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building with attached office building; building 4 of 7

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 5 of 7

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 6 of 7

Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 7 of 7

A building permit is under review for a project at 1640 SE Tacoma St:

New 4 story apartment building with 44 units and green roof. Ground floor contains (1) retail space and parking garage. No occupancy for retail space on this permit, interior trash area at parking garage level

A building permit is under review for a project by YBA Architects at 1208 SE Ankeny St:

Construct new 4story with basement, 27 unit apartment building; with associated site work

A building permit was issued to LRS Architects for the Cedar Sinai Park Addition at 6125 SW Boundary St:

Renovation of existing 53,000 sf nursing home with a 44,000 sf addition, new parking lot and site improvements

A series of building permits were issued to Jivanjee Circosta Architecture for a project at 14224 E Burnside St:

Building 1: new 3 story (13 unit) apartment buildilng with laundry and common room; with on site parking, site improvements and site amenities (sports court, play area, and court yard)

New 3 story (12 unit) apartment building

New 3 story (9 unit) apartment building

A building permit was issued to CIDA Architects for a project at 5624 SE 22nd Ave:

Construct new 3 story 15 unit apartment building; 5 units on each fl; with associated site work; and trash enclosure; sprinklers to be standard 13

A building permit was issued for a project at 1803 N Lombard St:

Construct new 3 story apartment building, 12 units, main floor single level units, 2nd floor units have upstairs, trash enclosure attached to east side of building, associated site work included

A building permit was issued for a project at 7007 NE Cornfoot Rd:

New 420,791 sf semi-conditioned shell building and associated site work. Tenant improvements will address conditioned spaces (comments)

Metro Reports: Broadstone Pearl, Faubion Elementary, Hallock & McMillen Building and more

Broadstone Pearl - 1400 NW Raleigh

Broadstone Pearl, as presented during Design Advice

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

TVA Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 442 NE Jessup St:

New 4-story V-A Multi family apartment w/13 units (studio and 1&2 bedroom mix). Landscape ROW improvements are included, including sidewalk improvement, where required. No parking provided.

TVA Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 4119 NE M L King Blvd:

New 4-story V-A Multi family apartment w/13 units (studio and 1&2 bedroom mix). Landscape ROW improvements are included, including sidewalk improvement, where required. No parking provided.

Studio 3 Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 7924 SE Milwaukie Ave:

Add one building with four apartments behind existing house.

Iselin Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 8705 SE 13th Ave:

Demo existing industrial building and construct a new 4 story building with approx 6k sq of retail space at main level and 3 stories of apartments (24 units) above.

Holst Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss 1510 NE Multnomah:

Proposal is for multiple building mixed used development w/underground parking, private streets and pedestrian access corridors.

Ankrom Moisan Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss Riverplace Parcel 3:

Proposal is for two towers on single site with a single level of parking below grade (173 spaces). One tower will be 6 stories with retail and grocery space at ground level and 5 levels of apartments (162 units.) second tower will be 12 stories with retail, residential amenities and parking for grocery (65 spaces) and ten stories of affordable apartments above for 204 units.

Encore Architects and Merryman Barnes Architects have submitted the Broadstone Pearl at 1400 NW Raleigh for Design Review:

6-story, 146-unit residential project with a small ground-level retail space, 73 parking spaces and 231 bike parking spaces. Also an Adjustment to loading and driveway locations.

LRS Architects have submitted a project at 1139 SW Morrison St for Design Review:

Type III Design Review for a new 6-story office building – 58,862 square feet. The project will include ground-floor retail and approx. 12-18 below-grade parking spaces.

Emerick Architects have submitted the renovation of the Hallock & McMillen Building for Historic Resource Review:

Full restoration & renovation or Historic 1857 Halloc & McMillen Building.

Boora Architects have submitted the Faubion Elementary School Rebuild for building permit review:

New three story, 133,000 sf pre kindergarten through 8th grade school with spaces for Concordia University college of education classrooms, offices, and community service partner organizations

A building permit is under review for the Holiday Inn Express at Cascade Station:

New 4 story, 107 room holiday inn express to include breakfast area, laundry room, fitness room, check-in/lifestyle lounge, covered patio, pool with patio and bike parking w/associated parking, utilities and landscaping. 189 sq foot detached trash enclosure

A building permit has been issued to EPR Design for a project at 12221 SE Kelly St:

Construct new 2 story, 41 room care facility (42 total beds) with elevator; main floor includes lobby, laundry room, kitchen, dining hall, activity room, offices and resident rooms; 2nd floor includes laundry room, acitivies room, salon and resident rooms, parking, bike parking and stormwater facilities included, detached covered trash enclosure is 120sf (exempt)

Under Construction in Hazelwood: Glendoveer Woods (images)

The Glendoveer Woods Apartments are under construction in East Portland’s Hazelwood neighborhood. The design is by Salem-based architects Studio 3 for developer Marathon Acquisition and Development. The 4 story building will include 113 residential units, with a mix of studio, one and two bedroom apartments. 115 surface car parking spaces will be provided, along with 124 outdoor bicycle parking space. The primary exterior material will be fiber cement siding.


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