Jefferson 14 Apartments
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
ZGF Architects have requested Design Advice for a project at 500 NE Multnomah St:
Replace existing garage with new parking structure at 500 NE Multnomah St.
Soderstrom Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at St Thomas More Catholic School:
Rebuild existing school and parish hall. Provide for more and better on-site parking. In-ground tankage for stormwater.
LEEB Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 1440 SW Taylor St:
Pre-application conference to discuss a 6-story, 81-unit, residentail apartment with lobby, trash area, bike storage and parking garage for 30 cars on ground floor.
SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 909 SE 12th Ave:
Pre-application conference to discuss a 148 unit, 6-story, market-rate apartment building with ground floor retail and basement parking.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at 6125 SE Division St:
New memory care facility building (14,000 sq ft) consisting of 18 private and 5 double units for a total of 28 beds/residents. Building to also include a dining area, courtyard, and support facilities. 42 structured parking spaces with at-grade entry.
Holst Architecture have submitted 1510 NE Multnomah for Design Review:
Type III Design Review and Central City Parking Review for a new multi-building, mixed-use development. The project will include housing and retail uses, underground parking, private streets and pedestrian corridors. The Design Commission has offered guidance in a DAR (EA 15-167229). And, earlier this year the applicant met with staff in an Early Assistance meeting (EA 15-189556).
Bora Architects have submitted Pearl Block 20 for Design Review:
Proposed high-rise condominium building with above-grade parking.
Soderstrom Architects have submitted a Conditional Use Master Plan Amendment for a project at 2145 NW Overton St:
For Conditional Use Master Plan Amendment to Allow Converting the Overton Warehouse to Parking.
Stack Architecture have submitted a project at 714 NE Alberta St for building permit review:
Addition to NW side of the building for new elevator shaft and trash enclosure; full interior remodel of 1st and second floor; remove interior walls and add new walls to create waiting area, exam rooms, offices, restrooms, meeting room, and worstations area; new landscaping and restriping of parking lot
Doug Circosta Architect has submitted a project at 201 SE 146th Ave for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story (24 unit) apartment building with associated site work; new play area, sports field area, and parking lot building 1 of 6, building 100
Construct new 2 story (2 unit) apartment building with common area on main floor and laundry roombuilding 2 of 6, building 200
Construct new 3 story (11 unit) apartment building with trash room on main floor3 of 6 building, building 300
Construct new 3 story (24 unit) apartment building; 4 of 6 building, building 400
Construct new 3 story (12 unit) apartment building 5 of 6 building, building 500
Construct new 3 story (19 unit) apartment building with storage area on main floor6 of 6 building, building 600
Valeant Architecture have submitted a project at 2720 SE Steele St for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story (7 unit) apartment building; with attached bike storage and trash enclosure; new parking lot
A building permit was issued to TVA Architects for the Jefferson 14 Apartments:
New 6 story apartment building, landscaping and site improvements
A building permit was issued to Works Partnership for the PDX Commons co-housing at 4262 SE Belmont St:
New 4 story 27 unit apartment building with shared amenities, ground level parking and one tenant space, stormwater facility and site improvements.
A building permit was issued to Green Gables Design & Restoration for a project at 1970 NW 18th Ave:
New construction of building to house 3 tenants, 2 story at center; main floor includes tenant spaces, 2 accessible restrooms and common area, 2nd floor is a part of tenant 1, overhead door at tenat 3 space; stormwater planter facility at exterior and pavers