Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers August 17th, 2020 to August 23rd, 2020.
Early Assistance has been requested by Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East for a project at 2374 SW Vermont St:
Habitat for Humanity is evaluating a portion of the Greater Portland Bible Church property for potential acquisition and creation of a new affordable multi-family residential community with ownership opportunities provided by way of a condominium plat. The church property is made up of three separate tax lots (totaling approximately 20.65 acres) and has frontage on SW Capitol Hill Road to the east and SW Nevada Court to the south. The property is occupied by structures, parking areas, pedestrian improvements, landscaping, open fields, etc. Per City Quarter Section Map 3727, the property has RM1 (Residential Multi-Dwelling1) zoning designations with portions of the site having ¿c¿ and ¿p¿ (Environmental Conservation/Protection) overlay zoning. The area of consideration includes approximately 5.20 acres in the northeastern portion of the property as illustrated on the Preliminary Site Plan included in the submittal materials.
A project at the NW Corner of SE 74th and Foster has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – new 3-story 19 unit apartment building with associated site work w/20-178450-MT
A building permit was issued to Grove Development for a project at 3450 NE 50th Ave:
New three story 18-unit apartment building includes 2 structure with 12 and 6 units connected through stairs and balcony and associated siteworks. See 20-128179-CO for trash enclosure. See 20-128181-MT for mechanical