Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers May 31st, 2021 to June 6th, 2021.
Early Assistance has been requested by Olson Group Architects for a project at 5109 NE Killingsworth St:
Proposed 2 story, 18 unit addition to existing 2 story, 19 unit apartment building.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 5528 SE Rhone St:
RIP CODE: A new six unit multi-dwelling development is proposed. No parking will be provided. Stormwater disposal is proposed via drywells.
The RiverPlace Redevelopment at 150 S Montgomery St has been submitted for at Type III Central City Master Plan Review by GBD Architects:
Central City Master Plan review of approx. 8 acres of RiverPlace development that includes the following addresses: 0150, 0308 – 0320 SW Montgomery St., and 2025 WI/ and 2025 SW River Parkway.
A project at 5911 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd has been submitted for a Type II Design Review:
Construct New Retail Shell Building. Proposed Tenants to include: Restaurant, Barbershop, Retail, Recreational Marijuana Store. Structured Underground Catchment system & Infiltration into soil
A building permit was issued to Holst Architecture for the Stark Family Housing at 16025 SE Stark St:
STARK FAMILY HOUSING – PHB – Construction of a new 5 story, 93 unit affordable housing building with ground floor amenity spaces and 26 surface parking spaces/1 Type B loading space. (with 20-206651-MT)
A building permit was issued to Scott Edwards Architecture for the Centennial Place Apartments at 3750 SE 164th Ave
Three story, 71 unit multi-family building, consisting entirely of affordable housing, plus surface parking; includes associated site work *** w/ 20-135564-MT ***
A building permit was issued to Beebe Skidmore Architects for a project at 3824 N Vancouver Ave (previously 3818 N Vancouver Ave):
PDOX PS – new 2 story office building with associated site work; mechanical permit separate