ZGF Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a new headquarters building for the Multnomah County Health Department. The 9 story building would reach a height of 144′-0″, just shy of the 150′ maximum height for site approved by the City Council through a Zoning Map Amendment earlier this year.
Category Archives: Old Town China Town
SERA planning addition to New Market Theater (images)
SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a potential addition to the New Market Theater building in the Skidmore / Old Town Historic District. The new four story structure would be primarily used as creative office space, with possible retail space at the ground floor.
Historic Landmarks Commission reviews Grove Hotel (images)
The Historic Landmarks Commission has reviewed designs for the renovation and expansion of the Grove Hotel. The project will include the renovation and seismic upgrade of the existing building fronting onto W Burnside, as well as the construction of a new 99′ tall tower to replace the existing theater addition. The addition would have the lobby and main entrance to the hotel at the ground level, and a rooftop restaurant at the 9th floor. New retail spaces would be created on the ground level of the original building, and a basement level “speakeasy” will be accessed from NW 5th Ave. The architectural design is by Portland based Surround Architecture with New York based Studio Tack acting as design consultants.
PDC identifies preferred concept for Post Office site (images)
The Portland Development Commission has identified a preferred concept for the redevelopment of the main Post Office site in the Pearl, as part of their ongoing Broadway Corridor Framework Plan prepared by ZGF Architects and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. The redevelopment of the 14 acre site could accommodate up to 3.8 million sq ft of development, with space for 4,000 jobs and 3,100 residents. The plan assumes that 25% of the housing built will be publicly subsidized affordable housing.
Focus: Projects by Neighborhood
There are 95 neighborhoods recognized by Portland’s Office of Neighborhood Involvement, and Next Portland has now written posts about projects happening in 29 of them. In some of these neighborhoods we’ve written 20 or more posts; in almost half of them we’ve only written about one project. To a certain extent this reflects where development is happening: there are a number of cranes up in the Pearl for construction of high rises, while other neighborhoods don’t have a single pin on our map. It is also however a reflection of the fact that in the Central City Design Review is required for all projects; in other neighborhoods such as Northwest or Boise developers can choose between Design Review or the prescriptive Community Design Standards; while in other neighborhoods such as Richmond or Sunnyside projects never go through Design Review. As such there are sometimes no published images of large new buildings, even once they are under construction.
Over the past month we’ve added categories to all of our in depth posts. To see which neighborhoods we’ve written about the most, read on.
Concepts released for redevelopment of USPS site
The first conceptual images of what a redevelopment of the USPS site in the Pearl might look like have been released by ZGF Architects and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. The images were prepared as part of the ongoing Broadway Corridor Framework Plan, a Portland Development Commission led effort to create a preferred development concept for the Post Office site. The PDC is currently in active negotiations to acquire the 14 acre Pearl District site, though none of the concepts represents a firm development proposal at this time.
Five concepts were presented at an open house held on July 21st at PNCA. All of the concepts assume that the site would be developed with a mix of uses, but the proportions of different uses varies between the concepts. Similarly the Green Loop is addressed in all of the concepts, but the route it might take differs.
Landmarks Commission approves Mason Ehrman Building Annex renovations (images)
The Historic Landmarks Commission has approved plans for a major renovation of the Mason Ehrman Building Annex, which will turn the existing cold storage warehouse into creative office space. The building, also known as the Zellerbach Paper Company Building, is being converted by Beam Development and GAW Capital. The architects for the project are SERA.
Design Advice offered for the Grove Hotel
The Historic Landmarks Commission has offered Design Advice to for renovation and expansion of the Grove Hotel on W Burnside Street. Since the end of its use as a single room occupancy hotel in 2010 the Portland Development Commission has attempted to developer interested in renovating the building. In May of 2014 a team that includes Naito Development and Eagle Point Hotel Partners was chosen to develop the building as a boutique hotel. The architectural design is by Portland based Surround Architecture with New York based Studio Tack acting as design consultants.
Height increase proposed for Multnomah County Health Department Headquarters (images)
A Zoning Map Amendment is being proposed for Block U, the proposed site for the new Multnomah County Health Department Headquarters. The change would enable the County to construction a building with a height of up to 150′. The site is currently zoned for 75′ maximum height, which the County believes in inadequate to support the 150,000 sq ft building they are proposing.
Current policy is to protect views of the Union Station clock tower from four locations: along NW 6th Ave; from the east bank of the Willamette at N Thunderbird Way; from the Steel Bridge; and from the Broadway Bridge. ZGF Architects have produced a number of images to illustrate the potential impact of a 150′ tall building from any of these designated points. An Economic, Social, Environmental and Energy Analysis by the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability found only minor impacts on the designated resource, which could be mitigated through the mandatory Design Review process and the provision of public amenities through bonuses and/or transfers.
Under Construction in Old Town: Block 8L (images)
An earlier version of this post was originally published in December 2014, prior to the building’s approval. The post has been updated.
Site work has begun for Block 8L, a 6 story mixed use development in the Skidmore/Old Town Historic District by Ankrom Moisan Architects and Gerding Edlen development. Located one block north of the University of Oregon’s White Stag Building, Block 8L’s ground floor will house the U of O’s new MBA Program and sports product management initiative in a 11,500 sq ft space fronting onto NW Naito Parkway. Three small retail spaces will be located at the corner of NW 1st and NW Davis. The second, third and fourth floors of Block 8L will be offices, which Ankrom Moisan intend to occupy as their new primary office. The fifth and sixth floors will have 65 residential units, 16 of which will be affordable [PDF] to those earning less than 80% of median family income, for at least 10 years. The building will include 107 long term and 10 short term bicycle parking space. No on site vehicular parking is proposed.

Aerial view looking south west