The new Faubion Elementary School by Bora Architects
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
Steelhead Architecture have requested Early Assistance for the Lightbox Going at NE Going and N Williams:
New Construction – three new units on one property.
Carleton Hart Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at Lents Town Center Property #3 (North):
New 4-story wood-framed multi-unit housing with 68 units and a community space. Working with the PHB.
GBD Architectects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 1331 NW 17th Ave:
Pre-Application Conference to discuss a possibleType III Design Review or possible Community Design Standards Plancheck Review (depending upon the size of the building) for a new mixed-use multi-dwelling residential building. The applicant requests development-related information and the assigned Planner to compare the Design Review and Community Standards tracks. The proposed new development may range from 55 to 120 feet in height with a range of 4:1 to 7:1 FAR. Parking will be accommodated within the building. Number of spaces and configuration has not been determined. The existing commercial building will be demolished.
SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 905 NW 17th Ave:
Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Design Review for a new 6-8 story mixed use building with 140-190 residential units, ground floor retail and below grade parking – approximately 70 spaces.
Soderstrom Architects have submitted a project at the St John Fisher Parish for a Conditional Use Review:
Type III Conditional Use Review to construct a new parish hall and make alterations to existing church and church rectory.
Demolition permits were issued to Koz Development for two buildings at 1015 NW 16th Ave, including the former Slabtown bar:
Demolish single family residence, infill basement, cap sewer, remove all debris
Demolish tavern, cap sewer, remove all debris
CIDA Architects have submitted a project at 5816 SE Foster Rd for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story (30) unit apartment building; with associated site work ***see 16-125884-CO separate permit for trash enclosure and covered bike parking***
Urban Development Group have submitted a project at 3701 SE Caruthers St for building permit review:
New 4 story 30 unit apartment building with (1) retail space on ground floor. Site improvements and flow-through planter.
A building permit was issued to In Situ Architecture for a project at 3740 SE Haig:
Addition of 2 stories to existing single story duplex (with unit on main level and one in basement) to create 4 plex, new units are 2 story units, detached trash enclosure is 20sf
SRG Partnership have submitted drawings for the Knight Cancer Research Building for building permit review:
75% plans for 6 story medical research building , 2 levels of below grade parking 1st floor retail.
A building permit was issued for a project at 1308 NE Dekum St:
New 3 story (28 unit) modular apartment building; see comments and project file for scope of modular reviewed by state.
A building permit was issued to Bora (formerly Boora) Architects for the Faubion Elementary School Rebuild:
New three story, 133,000 sf pre kindergarten through 8th grade school with spaces for Concordia University college of education classrooms, offices, and community service partner organizations
A building permit was issued to Gary Brink & Associates for the above ground work at the Pearl District Hampton Inn & Suites:
New 8 story hotel with 243 guestrooms, 104 parking stalls above grade, ground floor retail, indoor pool. Slab-on-grade, 3 levels of PT concrete floor system and 4 levels of non-combustible steel stud/composite joists.