The South Building at the Adidas Campus Village expansion has been submitted for building permit review. The building, seen here from Madrona Park, will be built on top of an existing parking garage.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers December 10th to December 16th, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by Alamo Manhattan for a project on South Waterfront Blocks 41, 42, 44 and 45:
Four separate structures with a mixed-use program comprised of mulit-family housing(1,125 units total), commercial and parking uses. The project will also include greenway improvements and infrastructure.
Design Advice has been requested by Mithun for the Pepsi Blocks Phase 1a:
Phase 1a of the Sandy Blvd Planned Development. Includes the renovation of the existing mid-century Pepsi warehouse, one new apartment building, altered south facade of existing warehouse (W1), below grade parking, a new publicly- accessible Plaza and design of a multi-modal east-west connector (woonerf)
Design Advice has been requested by NBBJ for the OHSU Hospital Expansion Project:
Design Advice Request to discuss construction of a 14 story building on the site of the former School of Dentistry on the OHSU campus. The project is an expansion of inpatient services. Approximately 200 to 300 parking spaces are proposed for use by patients as part of the project. Approval of the project requires this meeting and a Marquam Hill Parking Review.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 3019 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
Proposal is for new residential building with six units. The project intends to meet Community Design Standards of 33.218.140. Project may need adjustments to property line setbacks on southwest, north and west side of property. Zoning is CM3d and RHd.
Early Assistance has been requested by Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 110 SE Main St:
Proposal is the renovation of existing one story concrete building for industrial office and retail sales/service tenants.
Early Assistance has been requested by William Kaven Architecture for a project at 3802 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
Divide the property into 4 lots, demolish existing building, construct (4) 3-story mixed used buildings, 19 units each.
Early Assistance has been requested by Studio 3 Architecture for a project at NW 23rd and Roosevelt:
Vacant lot, add new warehouse and office with onsite parking.
Early Assistance has been requested by Lever Architecture for a project at 1130 NE Alberta St:
New construction of a 4-story mixed use building; 1 level of below grade parking, 1 story ground floor retail, 1-story of office, 2 stories of co-housing with lofts. The overall building height is 60ft. The project is pursuing affordable commercial space and high ground floor ceiling bonuses. approx. 85-90 units of housing
Early Assistance has been requested by Clark/Kjos Architects for a project at 1500 SE 96th Ave:
Design Review for a four to five story medical office building and adjacent surface parking for Adventist Medical Center
A project at 5702 SE Center St has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review:
New 1-story + mezzanine commercial office space (approximately 7,000 sq ft with on-site parking). Request for adjustment to allow vehicles on the property accessed from SE Center St 33.130.215.B.1.B.2 (building setback).
A project at 1500 SW Taylor St has been submitted for a Type III Design Review by Leeb Architects:
Development of a seven-story mixed use building, consisting of a five-story wood frame building over a two level podium with a concrete structure. Two modifications requested for encroachments into parking spaces and reduce the spacing for bike parking spaces from 24″-18″.
A structural permit has been submitted for review by Lever Architecture for the South Building at the Adidas Campus Expansion:
STR 01 – New building structural frame for 4 stories of mass timber construction (assembly) built on top of an existing parking garage. Work includes steel braced frame core with elevator pit and stairs for the new structure. Seismic upgrades to the existing 3 story post tensioned concrete structure below parking garage
A project at 6935 NE Glisan St has been submitted for building permit review by Brett Schulz Architect:
New 2 story apartment with 11 SRO sleeping units, with one retail space- M occupany (no occupancy this permit) trash enclosure shared with adjacent building. ***mechanical to be deferred.***
A project at 5663 NE Glisan St has been submitted for building permit review by Novak Architecture:
New three story, 15 unit apartment building, includes associated sitework *** w/18-280954-CO & 18-280959-MT & 18-280963-MT *** building 1 ***
The Glisan Street Apartments at 1500 NE Irving St have been submitted for building permit review:
New 5 story mixed use building with 86 total apartment units; ground floor to include, lobby, parking garage, bike parking, trash room, 7 apartments on south elevation, and retail shell at SE corner. Site work including transformer vault. ***mechanical permit separate***
A building permit was issued for 1111 NW 16th Ave:
New 6 story mixed used building with retail and bike parking on main foor and 80 student rooms above. ***project uses Type III construction code guide OSSC/6/#4.*** *** mechanical permit to be separate ***
A building permit was issued for 140 SW Columbia St:
New 20 story, mixed use residential tower. Tower will span over existing parking entrance. Project will include 348 residential dwelling units, 244 parking spaces and approx 15,000 sf shell commercial space