Cathedral Village will include 110 units of affordable housing.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 18th, 2021 to January 24th, 2021.
Early Assistance has been requested by Barry Smith Architect for a project at 3333 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd:
PROPOSAL The proposal is develop housing on Marquam Hill to eliminate commuting for residents and support personnel of the Hospitals and Level 1 Trauma Center. Housing and services are provided for the employment providers adjacent to the site. Household Living will be classified as Residential Group R1 and R2 for temporary and permanent residences by the Oregon State Structural Specialty Code. Household Living is mixed within structures in a combination of SRO and apartment configurations. Business, Retail Sales and Service and Assembly Occupancies are developed to provide support services for residents, guests and neighbors. Parking is provided and shared throughout the site.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 15031 SE Division St:
Construction of one L-shaped 4-story (66 unit) multi-family building with structured parking, bicycle parking, community room and leasing office.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss an expansion of DoveLewis at 1947 NW Overton St:
Multi-story building with parking, different configuration options being considered (to serve wholly or partially as an expansion for DoveLewis’s existing main facility). Note PR 16-277190 ZCL
A project with two buildings North of 5904 SE 89th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Single PDF: 3 story 11 unit apartment building and associated site work. Main floor includes main entrance, trash enclosure with water heater room. Short term bike park outside and long term parking within dwelling units. Lot 14.
Single PDF: 3 story 11 unit apartment building. Main floor includes main entrance, trash enclosure with water heater room. Short term bike park outside and long term parking within dwelling units. Lot 15.
A building permit was issued to MWA Architects for Cathedral Village at 6520 N Salem Ave (formerly 8614 N Crawford St):
New 4 story, 110 unit Multi-family apartment building and associated site work. w/20-168121-MT, 20-168124\27-CO (2 demos)
A building permit was issued to Studio 3 Architects for Provi 3 at 5505 NE Glisan St:
Construct new 4 story (22) unit apartment building with interior trash room and fire riser room; associated site work
The first building permit is under review for the Fremont Place Apartments.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers November 25th to December 1st, 2019.
Early Assistance has been requested by Emerick Architects for a project at 1520 NW 20th Ave:
12-unit, 2-story, apartment addition over an existing 1-story, 10,000 sq ft building. The new residences will have two stair exits and elevator access. The second story has walk-out terraces, and there will be balconies on the third floor, and anticipated solar panels on the upper roof. The existing building is unreinforced masonry, 1-story, manufacturing-type IIIB, non-historic building. The existing 1-story building will receive a seismic upgrade to meet Title 24.85.050.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 503 SE 29th Ave:
30 unit apartment building
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Trammel Crow to discuss Con-way Blocks 262 and 261 at NW 20th & Savier:
The project includes Blocks 261 & 262 of the Con-way Master Plan. the combined site area of the two blocks is 89,731.45 sf prior to any right of way improvements. The applicant is currently performing due diligence and intends to develop market rate housing o Block 262 and hotel on Block 261. The applicant seeks feedback on the process and feasibility of amending the Conway Master Plan to facilitate hotel use on Block 261. Stormwater management information will be submitted with the DR application.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project West of 4144 SW Canby St:
Construction of a 25-unit condo-style housing planned development on the 3.41 acre lot. A private street system will serve the development with access from SW Canby St. The site contains both conservation and protection overlays, and all proposed development will remain outside of those environmental overlay areas. A private utility pump will serve the development (due to the constraints and the topographical features of the site) which will connect into the municipal sanitary system on SW Canby St.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Lenity Architecture to discuss a project at 10603 SE Henderson St:
New assisted living/memory care/cottages for the elderly around existing church facilities. Stormwater to be collected and conveyed in to existing storm system infrastructure.
A project at 11468 NE Holman St has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review:
Development of a new hotel. Adjustment to pedestrian standard 33.140.240.B.1.a, to eliminate connection to Airport Way. Tree Review to remove 2 trees shown on Tree Preservation Plan. Tree Preservation Violation Review for the removal of 7 trees.
An addition to Marshall High School at 3905 SE 91st Ave has been submitted for a Type II Conditional Use Review:
New 20,540 sf single story building and associated modifications and improvements to on-site circulation and landscaping in the vicinity of the new building and as needed to accommodate required non-confirming upgrades. The new building will support career and technical education programming to allow the site to serve as a atemporary location for Benson Polytechnic High School. Adjustment to the setback.
A project at 8005 SE 13th Ave has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by William Kaven Architecture:
The proposed project is a new three-story, mixed-use structure located aat the intersection of SE 13th Ave and SE Nahalem St. It is comprised of two stories of residential apartments over ground floor retail, lobby, and residential units. The project site is 8003-8005 SE 13th Ave, and currently contains a single story residential structure, to be demolished. the project proposes a mix of Studio (11) and One bedroom (8) apartments for a total of 19 units. Modification to Transit Street Multi-Dwelling Main Entry Location (33.130.242.C.1&3). Modification to Vertically Hung Bicycle Rack Spacing (33.266.220.C.3.b)
A project at 1325 SW Gibbs St has been submitted for a Type III Planned Development Review:
A planned development to construct two multi-dwelling structures to contain a total of 21 units (12 one-bedroom and 9 two-bedroom units). A partition to create an environmental tract to preserve the norther portion of the property that is in the “c” overlay. Four modifications through the environmental review criteria to the R7 base zone standards and land division standards to: 1) increase the maximum lot size, 2) increase maximum building coverage, 3) allow a split-zoned property, and 4) allow a reduction to the parking lot interior landscaping tree requirement.
A project at 5505 NE Glisan St has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:
Construct new 4 story (22) unit apartment building with interior trash room and fire riser room; associated site work
A project at 1604 SE Cesar E Chavez Blvd has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:
Construct new 4 story apartment building with associate site work
A project at 1726 NE 82nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Kaul Design Architecture:
New 78 units, 5 story apartment building with garage on ground floor, retail on west side of first floor.
A shoring, excavation and foundation permit is under review for Fremont Place at 1650 NW Naito Parkway:
FND 01- Shoring, excavation and foundation work for a 17 story mult family building. Scope to include demolition, excavation, underground shoring, foundation piles, foundation walls, structural mat slab and underground waterproofing — level P1 to L1 slab
A building permit was issued to Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 6310 N Maryland Ave:
Build 3 story 18 units apartment building. Mechanical separate.
Design Advice has been requested by ZGF Architects for the Portland Proper Hotel at NW 13th & Irving.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 29th to August 4th 2019.
Design Advice has been requested by ZGF Architects for the Portland Proper Hotel at 1202 NW Irving St:
10-story/170,000 gsf hotel including a ground floor lobby, one floor of below grade parking, and a rooftop amenity.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 7918 SE Crystal Springs Blvd:
Construction of a new 150-unit multi-family development in two (2) 4-story buildings. The development will include surface parking, detached garages, outdoor play ground, and open space. Access will be from SE Harney St and SE Crystal Springs Blvd. Stormwater management will be designed to comply with local requirements for the treatment of water quality and quantity. Infiltration rates are high on-site, so detention is not anticipated as part of this project.
Early Assistance has been requested by Scott Edwards Architecture for a project at 3800 SE 164th Ave:
Three story, 71 unit mult-family building, consisting entirely of affordable housing, plus surface parking. Stormwater to be treated on site. A lot line adjustment will be needed as part of the proposal.
Early Assistance has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects and the Portland Housing Bureau for a project at 11332 SE Division St:
Project consists of 60 units of low barrier permanent supportive housing located at 11332 SE Division on a 1.07acre site, R1 zoning.
Early Assistance has been requested by Hacker Architects for a project at 4245 SE Milwaukie Ave:
Anticipated to be new 5-story multi-family residential building with level 1 having a partially below grade parking level at NW side of site. Total building will be 124,345 gross sf (105,317 sf FAR). 160 units plus residential amenities. Inclusionary Housing will be triggered, and provided on-site t standard rates. Stormwater treatment is anticipated on-site via interior courtyards and flow-through planters.
Early Assistance has been requested by WDC Properties for a project at NE 55th & Glisan:
New 4-story multifamily residential structure containing 22 apartment units. No parking is proposed. Stormwater will be treated on-site via drywell. Type V-A construction. Ground units to contain (1) accessible type A unit and (6) accessible type B units.
Early Assistance has been requested by The Neenan Company for a project at SE 88th & Powell:
Two-story clinic, classified as traditional office occupancy use, with entrance off Powell and from within site. 175 surface parking spaces, separated as public parking and employee parking. Staff parking entry from east side of site being negotiated with adjacent property owner. Second drive entry on 88th Avenue application being submitted to transportation.
Early Assistance has been requested by GBD Architects for a project at SE 2nd & Ash:
The proposed project is a 79,795 sf building (with less than 60,000 sf of industrial office, 5,000 sf of traditional office, ground floor retail and structured parking).
The building has a day lit basement level and first floor of concrete with 5 levels of Type 3-A heavy timber above. Stormwater will be collected on the roof of the building and treated in flow through stormwater planters on the third level.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Guardian Real Estate to discuss a project at 131 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
Construction of an 8-story hotel and associated public improvements. Guestroom count is expected to be 168 keys. Gross building square footage is expected to be 104,330+/-. Stormwater disposal methods: it is required to provide a 100% eco-roof, with up to 40% exemptions allowed for mechanical and rooftop equipment. However, if the total provided is 70% (or more), all management can be met and direct discharge to the public systems is allowed. Proposal is targeting a minimum of 70% eco-roof.
The De Paul Treatment Center at 830 SE 102nd Ave has been submitted for a Type III Design Review by Holst Architecture:
53,150 sq ft drug and alcohol treatment center for adults. The proposal includes 94 beds for short and medium term inpatient care with associated kitchen and dining areas, as well as meeting and amenity spaces for care recipients. A portion of the building will be used to provide outpatient treatment services and administrative space for building staff. Three modifications are requested: one for maximum setback on 102nd (to be 10′) 33.150.215.C; one for the fence that are more than 50% sight obscuring may be up to 3 1/2 ft high within 10′ of street lot line (33.150.285); and one for the vehicle areas not allowed between building and street in pedestrian district (33.266 Table 266-3).
A building permit was issued to Urban Development Group for a project at 2590 NW Upshur St:
New 5 story wood framed 146 unit apartment building with associated site work
A building permit was issued to SRG Partnership for the University of Portland Joe Etzel Field at 5000 N Willamette Blvd:
New seating and amenities for Joe Etzel field to include: press box, concessions, seating and restrooms. Meeting room, associated sitework and new landscaping between Chiles Center and stadium
Early Assistance has been requested for a redesign of the Market Hill Commons. The project was approved in 2016, but has yet to break ground.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July Ist to July 7th 2019.
Early Assistance has been requested by EM Architecture for a project at 7570 SW 74th Ave:
This proposal is for two new three-story apartment buildings situated on two lots (lot line adjustment needed) in the CM1 and R1 zones at the Tigard/Portland boundaray. Basement level parking is proposed with lined stormwater planters integrated into the structure.
Early Assistance has been requested by Minarik Architecture for a project at 1605 N Rosa Parks Way:
3-story, 18-unit multifamily project. 6 units on each floor. 2 stairs, a bike/utility room, storage room and trash enclosure. Primarily pitched roof over 6:12. All flat roofs have a cornice. Stormwater will be handled via drywell.
Early Assistance has been requested by WDC Properties for a project at NE 55th and Glisan:
New 4-story multifamily residential structure containing 22 apartment units. No parking is proposed. Stormwater will be treated on-site via drywell. Type V-A construction. Ground units to contain (1) accessible type A unit and (6) accessible type B units.
Early Assistance has been requested by Hacker for a project at 1709 SE 3rd Ave:
New creative office development to be developed in 2 phases, as two distinct buildings. “Phase 3” is the renovation of an existing bow-string truss warehouse with basement level parking. “Phase 4” is a 6+ story mass timber office building over two levels of underground parking. Work may include removal of a portion of the existing warehouse building, currently located in the right-of-way.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1318 NW 20th Ave:
Commercial office building over retail. Requesting initial zoning only review of development program concept and height and density provisions, following on previous staff correspondence regarding transition from former EX to CM3 in the Northwest Plan District. No stormwater disposal methods determined at this point.
Early Assistance has been requested by Scotia Western States Housing for the Market Hill Commons at 1475 SW 20th Ave:
Re-design for a re-submittal for a design review fot the 9-unit (4 story+ ground floor parking) condo project.The previous design was approved for 16 units via a Type III review (see LU 15-118576).
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Hacker to discuss Live Nation South Waterfront:
Proposed interim artist amphitheater including public bathrooms, terraced bleacher seating, performance stage, pedestrian walkways, concession stands and artist back stage venue. Utilities will be installed to all on-site structures. Life of lease 7 years w/extensions.
A project at 3019 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review:
Adjustment requested to north, west and partial south setback on a new, four-story, six-unit apartment building. Project includes landscaping and bicycle parking.
A project at 1430 N Killingsworth St has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Kōz Development:
This project building is proposed as a 6-story structure with a height of just over to 72′ above average grade. It will provide an additional multifamily housing opportunity comprised if a total of 154 new apartments. These apartments consist of a variety of studio, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom and loft units. In addition, 3 retail/commercial spaces comprising of over 3700 sf will be created.
A project at 1130 NE Alberta St has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Lever Architecture:
New five story mixed-use building with one level below grade. Uses onsite include retail sales and service, restaurant, office and associated services.
A project at 2923 SE Division St has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by William Kaven Architecture:
Proposal for a new three story mixed-use building located on the north side of SE Division Street between SE 29th Avenue and SE 30th Avenue. The project is comprised of two stories of residential apartments over ground floor retail, lobby and three residential units. The project provides a mix of one bedroom (5) and studio (14) apartments, totaling 19 units. Modificaton requested to 33.266.220.C.B Minimum Bike Rack Space Width
A project at 1901 N Killingsworth St has been submitted for building permit review:
New 4-story, 18-unit mixed use building with ground level retail ***mechanical permit separate***