The Multnomah County Health Department Headquarters, as presented to the Design Commission in April
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested by Gerding Edlen for a project at 5 SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
New mixed-use building containing ground floor retail, office and apartments with height of 200 ft and FAR of approx 370,000 sq ft.
Early Assistance has been requested by em architecture for a project at 1934 NE 45th Ave:
New 25-unit, 5-story, full sprinklered, wood-framed apartment building with flow-through planter at east side of property. No parking included. Will use Community Design Standards.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4949 SW Macadam Ave:
New development – 5 story 117 unit apartment building with 59 parking spaces. Looking to meet Community Design Standards
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 240 NE Columbia Blvd:
Proposal is for re-development of an existing restuarant building and construction of a new drive-thru Carl’s Jr restaurant.
Early Assistance has been requested by Stewart Gordon Straus Architect for a project at 3225 SW Barbur Blvd:
30 unit 2 Buildings, Apartments (Demo Existing Structure); using density bonuses. On-site Stormwater, on site Stormwater. Questions regarding existing overlapping easements.
Early Assistance has been requested by Main Street Development for a project at 304 NE 99th Ave:
6-story, 58 residential unit building. Ground floor parking is proposed. A 7.5 foot pedestrian path is proposed along the north property line.
Early Assistance has been requested by Waechter Architecture for a project at 4806 N Maryland Ave:
Proposal is for a new development of a five level 8 unit residential structure. Four units and common uses on ground level. Four full floor flats above. No on-site parking. Applicant is planning on following community design standards.
Early Assistance has been requested by TVA Architects for a project at 5009 N Interstate Ave:
Proposed project is a 5-story apartment building with 88+ residential apartments. Ground level surface parking will be provided, as well as secure bike room. Will go through design review instead of meeting community design standards.
The Multnomah County Health Department Headquarters has been submitted for Design Review by ZGF Architects:
9-story headquarters building for the Multnomah County Health Department. The building will house public health clinics & administrative offices, and some retail space. See DA 16-116592
Koz Development have submitted 216X SW Yamhill St for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story with basment 30 unit apartment building; bike storage on basement mezannine level; associated site work
A project at 434 NE Stafford St has been submitted for building permit review by Mentrum Architecture:
Construct new, 3 story, 10 unit apartment building, no parking, with trash enclosure less than 120 sf in area, includes associated site work
Grant Park Village Phase II has been submitted for building permit review:
5 story new wood frame construction over one level of sub-grade parking
The first building permits are under review for the Multnomah County Central Courthouse:
DSN 01 – 50% DD’s for new court house