The Douglas Fir Apartments will provide fifteen units of affordable housing. The project is being built by community mental health nonprofit Luke-Dorf.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers August 31st, 2020 to September 6th, 2020.
A project at 6606 N Greenwich Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Single PDF – new 3 story apartment building with 12 units.
The Douglas Fir Apartments at 6485 SE 128th Ave have been submitted for building permit review by Scott Edwards Architecture:
PDOX PS – new 3-story 15 unit apartment building with on-site parking and associated site work. W/20-179789-MT
A building permit was issued for a project with buildings at 1405 SE Bybee Blvd and 1406 SE Glenwood St (previously 6705 SE 14th Ave):
Construct new 3 story (5) unit apartment building with associated site work
Construct new 3 story (4) unit apartment building with associated site work
Design Advice has been requested for Minnesota Places at 1208 N Jessup St. The eight story affordable housing building, designed by Wright Architecture, will be constructed with mass timber. The project’s seventy two units will be mostly compromised of two and three bedroom units.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers August 24th, 2020 to August 30th, 2020.
Design Advice has been requested by Wright Architecture for a Minnesota Places at 1208 N Jessup St:
54,000 SF affordable housing building on a 1/4 block site in the North Interstate Plan District, primarily residential use, modular constructed mass timber structure using MPP, includes on-site stormwater facilities.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 8736 N Willamette Blvd:
Construct a new apartment building (24-30 units total).
Early Assistance has been requested by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 751 N Prescott St:
New Multi-Family Residential Project with 40 proposed dwelling units (including ground level units & Inclusionary Housing); no vehicle parking; 60 long term bike parking spaces; stormwater managed via Drywell or Infiltration Planter (TBD). These are contributing structures in the Mississippi Conservation District.
A project at 7365 SE Foster Rd has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – new 3-story 18 unit apartment building with associated site work w/20-178474-MT
A project at SE 17341 SE Powell has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – construct new 1 story steel building for new convenience store w/20-167750-CO (fuel canopy) & 20-177196-CO (trash enclosure)
A project with three buildings at 14603 E Burnside St has been submitted for building permit review:
146 EAST – BLDG 100 – This project consists of 70 total new affordable apartment units. The units are located in (3) detached three story buildings with on-site parking spaces, user amenities, covered bike parking, and trash enclosure. Unit counts are 30 in Building 100, 24 in Building 300, and 16 in Building 200. Both the bike shelter and trash enclose will require separate permits. ** No Mechanical with these permits *****review w. 20-173847/51/71/72-CO
146 EAST – BLDG 200 – This project consists of 70 total new affordable apartment units. The units are located in (3) detached three story buildings with on-site parking spaces, user amenities, covered bike parking, and trash enclosure. Unit counts are 30 in Building 100, 24 in Building 300, and 16 in Building 200. Both the bike shelter and trash enclose will require separate permits.**No Mechanical with these permits****review w. 20-173775/851/871/872-CO
146 EAST – BLDG 300 – This project consists of 70 total new affordable apartment units. The units are located in (3) detached three story buildings with on-site parking spaces, user amenities, covered bike parking, and trash enclosure. Unit counts are 30 in Building 100, 24 in Building 300, and 16 in Building 200. Both the bike shelter and trash enclose will require separate permits.***review w. 20-173775/847/871/872-CO
3450 NE 50th, designed by EM Architecture, will include two three-story buildings at the corner of NE 50th and Fremont.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers August 17th, 2020 to August 23rd, 2020.
Early Assistance has been requested by Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East for a project at 2374 SW Vermont St:
Habitat for Humanity is evaluating a portion of the Greater Portland Bible Church property for potential acquisition and creation of a new affordable multi-family residential community with ownership opportunities provided by way of a condominium plat. The church property is made up of three separate tax lots (totaling approximately 20.65 acres) and has frontage on SW Capitol Hill Road to the east and SW Nevada Court to the south. The property is occupied by structures, parking areas, pedestrian improvements, landscaping, open fields, etc. Per City Quarter Section Map 3727, the property has RM1 (Residential Multi-Dwelling1) zoning designations with portions of the site having ¿c¿ and ¿p¿ (Environmental Conservation/Protection) overlay zoning. The area of consideration includes approximately 5.20 acres in the northeastern portion of the property as illustrated on the Preliminary Site Plan included in the submittal materials.
A project at the NW Corner of SE 74th and Foster has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – new 3-story 19 unit apartment building with associated site work w/20-178450-MT
A building permit was issued to Grove Development for a project at 3450 NE 50th Ave:
New three story 18-unit apartment building includes 2 structure with 12 and 6 units connected through stairs and balcony and associated siteworks. See 20-128179-CO for trash enclosure. See 20-128181-MT for mechanical
A foundation permit is under review for the North 18 apartments.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers August 3rd, 2020 to August 16th, 2020
A CVS pharmacy at 1525 SE Grand Ave has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Barghausen Consulting Engineers:
Construction of a new 12,450-square foot CVS/pharmacy with drive-through window and surface parking for 28 vehicles. The existing Burger King building and associated drive-through will be demolished to accommodate the proposed new improvements. The three (3) existing Sequoia trees at the southwest corner of the property will be retained on site. The project proposes to relocate one (1) left-in/left-out (LILO) driveway cut onto S.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and retain one (1) LILO curb cut onto S.E. Grand Avenue at the northeast corner of the property. Additionally, the drive-through exit will require a new driveway onto S.E. Clay Street for right-out and left-out turn movements. Four wall signs, depicted on the building, are proposed.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 9620 N Whitaker Rd:
Demo existing restaurants, lot consolidation, construct new 7-11 convenience store and gas station.
Early Assistance has been requested by Wright Architecture for a project at 1208 N Jessup St:
Proposed 54,000 SF primarily residential building on 1/4 block site in the North Interstate Plan District, modular constructed mass timber structure using MPP, including on-site stormwater facilities
Early Assistance has been requested by Jones Architecture for a project at 2307 SW Nebraska St:
The project site is zoned RM1, residential multi-dwelling. The site has d (Design Review), c (Environmental Conservation) and p (Environmental Protection) overlays. The proposed development includes one 19-unit, 3-story residential building, with on-site parking.
The Nehalem 13 Apartments at 8005 SE 13th Ave have been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – New 3 story 19 unit mixed use building with associated site work w/20-177139-MT
A project at 3818 N Vancouver Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Beebe Skidmore Architects:
PDOX PS – new 2 story office building with associated site work; mechanical permit separate
A foundation permit is under review for North 18 at 1126-1134 NW 18th Ave:
Concrete foundation for a new apartment building
A building permit was issued to Hacker for the Division 28 Homes at 2871 SE Division St:
28 Division Homes – New 4 story, 46,057 square foot mixed use building with 11 residential units, ground floor restaurant tenant, and 20 below grade parking spaces. Review w. 19-266954-MT
A shoring, excavation and foundation permit was issued to TVA Architects for Fremont Place at 1650 NW Naito Parkway:
FND 01- Shoring, excavation and foundation work for a 17 story mult family building. Scope to include demolition, excavation, underground shoring, foundation piles, foundation walls, structural mat slab and underground waterproofing — level P1 to L1 slab
Mamook Tokatee, meaning “to make beautiful” in the Chinook language, is being developed in collaboration between Community Development Partners, Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA), and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon. The building will provide 56 affordable apartments, 20 of which will be reserved for Native households.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 27th, 2020 to August 2nd, 2020.
Early Assistance has been requested by Ben Carr Architect for Porch Hang at 2706 SE Powell Blvd:
Porch Hang is a new construction 5 story multifamily project with ground floor retail and common areas. No parking is proposed on site. 28 residential units are proposed, with affordable housing being provided in the building. A large central courtyard, open air corridors and shared outdoor areas throughout the building help provide residents with a safe way to be outdoors. Total area of building will be +-16,500 SF. The existing structure and site improvements will be demolished.
A project at 8210 SE 6th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by BAMA Architecture:
PDOX PS – New 31 unit, 4 story wood framed mixed use building
The Unicorn Bed Apartments at 2167 NW Glisan have been submitted for building permit review by Dao Architecture:
PDOX PS – new 3-story mixed use building with 13 residential units and a daycare space w/associated site work***demo to be obtained separately ****
A project with two buildings at 5527 N Greeley Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – construct new 3 story (12) unit apartment building: building 1 of 2 south side building: bike storage under separate permit (20-165640-CO)
PDOX PS – construct new 3 story (12) unit apartment building: building 2 of 2 south side building: bike storage under separate permit (20-165640-CO)
A project at 7150 N Greenwich Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Single pdf – new 3 story apartment building with 18 units.
A project at 1603 N Willis Blvd has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – New 4-story with basement 44 unit apartment building with associated site work w/20-173946-MT
A project at 2425 NE Alberta St has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – construct new 4 story mixed use building with commercial spaces on main floor and 29 apartment units: associated site work w/20-172680-MT
A building permit was issued to Brett Schulz for a project at 6280 N Montana Ave:
New 3 story, 18 unit apartment building with associated site work. No on-site parking ***mechanical permit separate***
A building permit was issued to Carleton Hart Architecture for Mamook Tokatee (previously known as Going 42) at 4610 NE 42nd Ave:
New 56-unit apartment building with associated site work w/20-118735-MT
A building permit was issued for a project at 16119 SE Stark St:
(N) single story 11,993 sf retail building. Construction sequence: 1. North portion. 2. Demo (e) building under permit # 18-260694-co. 3. Construct south portion of buildng. No occupancy this permit. Separate t. I. Permits required. Parking lot and site work to be completed as part of this permit. Separate permit for trash enclosure.
The Oregon Park apartments in Kerns will include 19 units on a site currently occupied by a single family house.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 20th, 2020 to July 26th, 2020.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 3335 SE 124th Ave:
Development of 30-unit apartment building with parking. Storm water to drywell or planter/trench.
Early Assistance has been requested by McGuirl Designs And Architecture for a project at 6928 N Maryland Ave:
The project involves 3 separate tax lots that are adjacent to one another. The project will have one building across all three properties with four stories above grade and a partial basement. Building use is R2 Multi-family with 105 dwelling units and will include inclusionary housing. No off street vehicular parking, interior bicycle storage, interior trash room. Site to utilize on-site drywell.
The Oregon Park apartments at 823 NE 29th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Wright Architecture:
PDOX PS – new 3-story 19 unit apartment building with associated site work
The Rosewood Family Health Center at SE 88th & Powell has been submitted for building permit review:
ROSEWOOD FAMILY HEALTH CENTER – New three story medical clinic with first floor consisting of medical clinic and pharmacy, 2nd floor consisting of a dental clinic and third floor administrative space.
A building permit was issued to Allusa Architecture for a project at 1545 NE 41st Ave (previously 1535 NE 41st):
New 3 story, 19 unit apartment building and associated siteworks. Trash inside the building. Includes 5 units on ground floor and 7 units on 2nd and 3rd floor.
A building permit was issued Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 6290 N Montana Ave (perviously 6234 N Montana Ave):
New 3 story 11 unit apartment building with associated site work, no on-site parking, mechanical permit separate
Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare’s Centennial Place Apartments will include 15 studios, 32 one-bedroom, and 24 two-bedroom affordable apartments.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 13th, 2020 to July 19th, 2020.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4624 SW Dickinson St:
Partial redevelopment of existing apartment complex. Remove 2 existing apartment buildings from the site and add 2 new buildings and a total of 300 dwelling units on site. Stormwater disposal methods to be determined.
Early Assistance has been requested by Polyphon Architecture & Design for a project at 1213 N Ainsworth St:
Proposed new development consisting of two four-story congregate living structures and trash enclosure. Stormwater to be infiltrated on-site via drywell within the central courtyard.
Early Assistance has been requested by Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 5035 NE 42nd Ave:
New five story assisted living facility for developmentally disadvantaged individuals, some of whom drive. The ground floor contains a small parking area, pharmacy and building lobby. Floors 2 thru 4 contains a total of 24 group living sleeping rooms with shared dining room and commercial kitchen. The fifth floor contains offices for the operator and staff of the facility.
A building permit has been submitted to Otak Inc to convert the never occupied Wapato Corrections Facility at 14355 N Bybee Lake Ct into the Bybee Lakes Hope Center:
BYBEE LAKES HOPE CENTER/SHELTER – tenant improvement to existing building to create a re-entry program for the houseless
A building permit is under review for Centennial Place at 3800 SE 164th Ave:
CENTENNIAL PLACE – Three story, 71 unit multi-family building, consisting entirely of affordable housing, plus surface parking; includes associated site work *** w/ 20-135564-MT ***
A series of building permits were issued to Bora Architects for the new De La Salle North Catholic High School at 5310 NE 42nd Ave:
DE LA SALLE H.S. – Renovation of existing building for new high school, including seismic upgrade, new finishes, mechanical, electrical, and fire protection *** w/19-256420-CO, 20-106062-CO, 19-256433-MT, & 20-106063-MT ***
DE LA SALLE H.S. – New 21,000 s.f. gym, commons, and commercial kitchen for new high school; new driveway, parking, and associated site work *** w/20-105975-CO, 20-106062-CO, 19-256433-MT, & 20-106063-MT ***
DE LA SALLE H.S. – New 732 s.f. structurally independent covered walkway between the new and existing buildings *** w/19-256420-CO, 20-105975-CO, 19-256433-MT, & 20-106063-MT ***
Building permits were issued to Edge Development for a project at 5635 and 5645 NE Glisan St (previously 5625 NE Glisan St):
New 3 story, 12 unit apartment building with trash room, electrical room, and associated site work and covered bike storage area . W/19-218545 MT
New 3 story, 13 unit apartment building with associated site work and covered bike storage area
A building permit was issued for a project at 5321 NE Glisan St (previously 5315 NE Glisan St):
New single story building for use a convenience store; site work to include new walkway, landscaping, and 100sf detached trash enclosure; ***Mechanical permit separate*** w/19-261541-rs septic decommissioning required. Call for inspection 842.
The Pearl Building East was approved in 2017, however the approval is now expiring. Review of the building permit, submitted in 2019, was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. City Council is currently considering an ordinance that would extend the life of land use reviews approved in the past three years. If Council does not adopt an amendment that would let Pearl East move take advantage of this the project will need to be re-submitted for a Type III Historic Resource Review.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 6th, 2020 to July 12th, 2020.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2359 SE 124th Ave:
Applicant proposes to develop the project site to support a new commercial/retail building. The lot is currently vacant and has some existing structures and paved areas which will be removed in preparation for the proposed improvements. The lot is zoned CM2 and all improvements will fall under the allowed outright uses of the CM2 zone. Proposed site improvements include the construction of two buildings, a driveway and a parking/loading area in between the two buildings. All stormwater runoff from the impervious parking area will be disposed on-site via an infiltration swale and roof runoff will be retained and infiltrated onsite via drywells underneath the parking area. Building construction will be phased such that the rear building will be constructed first.
Early Assistance has been requested by ZGF Architects for a project on the site of the former Bridgeport Brewery at 1313 NW Marshall St:
Development of full block retaining historic structures.
Early Assistance has been requested by William / Kaven Architecture for a project at 3114 SE Belmont St:
5-story apartment building with 24 total units, 2 affordable units at 60% MFI. Drywell in SW corner for stormwater disposal.
A new Pre-Application Conference for the Pearl Building East at 520 NW 13th Ave has been scheduled by Specht Development:
Development of a 7-story office building, with retail on the ground floor. It will be approximately 90,564 square feet, including the below-ground area devoted to parking. The top 6 floors will be for office use, with retail space on the ground floor. 35 parking spaces will be provided in an underground garage. (See previously-approved LU case for this project, which expires July 2020: LU 16-153002 HR AD.
A project at 1531 N Alberta St has been submitted for building permit review by Fosler Portland Architecture:
PDOX PS – construct new 3 story 16 unit apartment building with associated site work
The redevelopment of Blocks 90 and 103 of Oregon Square has been submitted for design review.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers June 29th, 2020 to July 5th, 2020.
Design Advice has been requested by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 410 SW Harrison St:
Project is for a 16 story mixed use residential building that includes below grade parking and amenity spaces at grade. Storm water disposal currently under consideration is green roof water quality facility and diversion to storm sewer system.
Early Assistance has been requested by LEEKA Architecture for a project at 4937 SE Woodstock Blvd:
Portion of property being sold. Remainder of property to be redeveloped to accommodate a new Presbyterian Church and associated site requirements.
Early Assistance has been requested by Mcguirl Designs & Architecture for a project at 3841 SE 52nd Ave:
Phase 1: renovate and relocate historic house, add on-site parking & bike parking, & drywell. Phase 2: add 18-unit building, trash enclosure & increase bike parking. Phase 3: add 2nd 18-unit building and second drywell, expand parking & relocate trash enclosure.
Early Assistance has been requested by DBS Group for a project at 4427 NE Prescott St:
Multi-family unit development in the RM1 zone.
The Oregon Square Blocks 90 and 103 office development at 729 NE Oregon St has been submitted for a Type III Design Review by GBD Architects:
The proposed development is a (2) block development on a portion of the site of the existing Oregon Square block. Two commercial office buildings are being proposed on Block 90 (SW) and Block 103 (SE). The buildings are (5) stories and (6) stories respectfully totaling 413,000 GSF. The blocks will sit on one level of underground parking serving both buildings.
A project at 1531 N Alberta St has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – construct new 3 story 16 unit apartment building with associated site work
A project at 5024 NE Fremont St has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – new 3 story 10 unit apartment building with ground floor retail and associated site work ***mechanical separate***
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers June 22nd, 2020 to June 28th, 2020.
Design Advice has been requested by Tahran Architecture & Planning for a project at 2057 SW Park Ave:
The proposal is to build an 89-unit affordable housing building on a 6,016 square foot parcel at 2055-2057 SW Park Avenue. The building is an 11-story structure, modular units, prefabricated structure utilizing mass plywood panels and light gauge steel for a Type IV B building.
Early Assistance has been requested by GBD Architects for a project at 800 SW 13th Ave:
Study development opportunities of Commercial Office, Residential or a mixed-use of Residential and Commercial Office uses with underground parking.
A project at 5803 N Greeley Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – new 3 story 14 unit apartment building with associated site work; detached trash enclosure < 120 sf; w/20-150640-MT