Metro Reports: The International School, Curio Hotel and more

The International School

The International School

Every week, the Bureau of Development services publishes a list of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

Early assistance was requested for a project at 16625 SE Powell Blvd:

6 apartments with a 7-space parking lot. Apartment units may have garages as well.

THA Architecture have applied for a Design Review for work at Portland Community College Cascade Campus:

Demo existing Student Center, addition of a new plaza in its place and reno of existing Library and Student Services Building.

HC Architecture have applied for Design Review of their proposed Curio Hotel:

Design Review for hotel

Mahlum have applied for Design Review for their expansion of the International School:

New 3 story 15,000 sq ft classroom building and related site improvements for the International School

Fosler Portland Architect have submitted plans for two new apartment buildings at 5625 E Burnside St:

New 2 story apartment with 5 units, associated site work, trash enclosure and biking parking

New 3 story apartment with 20 units; associated site work

A demolition permit was issued to Hawthorne 31 Apartments LLC for a building at 1521 SE 31ST Ave:

Demo existing building; subject to 35 day demo delay

An excavation permit was issued to Myhre Group for their redevelopment of the former Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs site at 4141 N Williams:

Partial – excavation and shoring only (no utiltiies this permit)

Metro Reports: more apartments at Conway, demolition of old Post Office and more

GBD have requested a Pre-Application Conference for a project on Block 294 in the Conway masterplan

GBD have requested a Pre-Application Conference for a project on Block 294 in the Conway masterplan

Every week, the Bureau of Development services publishes a list of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

SERA have requested early assistance on a project at 1133 SW Market St:

New 9-story market rate apartment building (approximately 100 units)

Lever Architecture have requested early assistance on a project at N Albina & N Blandena:

EA with infrastructure in Design Overlay Zone

G28 Investments LLC have requested early assistance on a project at 440 NE 28th Ave, the site of the recently demolished Lucky Inn:

New 4 story mixed use building. Ground floor retail with 3 floors of rental units

An apartment building is proposed at 1640 SE Tacoma St:

Construction for new four story apartment building over a concrete parking lot with retail space

GBD Architects have requested a Pre-Application Conference for a project on Block 294 of the Conway masterplan:

Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Design Review for two new mixed-use buildings with approximately 370 new units including 600 underground vehicle parking spaces and 500 bike parking spaces on the Conway Master Plan site.

Emerick Architects have applied for a Historic Resource Review for improvements to the Overland Warehouse Company building at 205 NW 4th Ave:

Historic Resource Review for exterior improvements

A permit has been issued for the demolition of the vacant University Post Office at SW 6th & Market, which is now owned by St Mary’s Academy:

Demolish 2 story post office builidng, cap sewer, remove all debris no fill greater than 24″. Remove all foundations and debris. Cap utilities. Decommissioning inspection required. Scope of work does not include removal of trees.

Metro Reports: Central Eastside offices, Pearl District hotel and more


Vallaster Corl’s Couch9, as presented at Design Advice

Every week, the Bureau of Development services publishes a list of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

Carleton Hart Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 110 SW Arthur, planned by Central City Concern:

EA to discuss proposed 39-unit multi-dwelling project with potential height Adjustment

Early assistance was requested for a project at 2601 SW Water Ave. The owner is Kevin Cavenaugh, of Guerrilla Development.

Multi-family building.

Vallaster Corl have applied for a Type III Design Review for their Couch9 project at 115 NW 9TH Ave:

11 Story building

FFA Architecture & Interiors have applied for a Type III Design Review for the Fair Haired Dumbbell, also by Guerrilla Development:

New mixed-use office building with retail use at the ground floor. Six stories with basement parking. Project will include full row street improvements. Stormwater plan will meet BES standards.

The NW Everett Hotel in the Pearl is also in for a Type III Design Review:

Design review for 232-unit, 8-story, mixed use hotel project with 114 parking spaces, with modifications to ground floor window standards and loading space standards.

di loreto Architecture have applied for a Type III Historic Resource Review for an addition to St Michael the Archangel at 424 SW Mill St:

Historic Landmark review of ADA and seismic upgrades, addition and site improvements.

Mackenzie have applied for a building permit for an office at 240 SE Clay. The site is owned by Killian Pacific, the developer behind the Goat Blocks project. A project valuation of $12,935,996 was listed.

New industrial office building with structured parking at lower level and the below grade parking area will also utilize the existing retaining wall, adjacent surface parking lot will utilize the exterior wall of the existing building at the perimeter


Metro reports November 24th – 30th

Every week, the Bureau of Development services publishes a list of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. Despite being a three day week, there was a lot of activity in the past week.

GBD have requested Design Advice on the Oregon Square project:

Proposed Oregon Square development – 4 block superblock development on site of the existing Oregon Square block, including 4 apartment towers and a public pedestrian only plaza. Proposing 1030 apartment units, 36000 sf retail, 800 below-grade parking stalls.

SERA have applied for an early assistance meeting for a new project at 4937 SE Division St:

Early Assistance Planner + Service Bureaus, No meeting for proposed 134 unit apartment building with retail at ground level.

YBA Architects have requested a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 1417 NW 20TH Ave, which is part of the Conway masterplan:

New mixed use project including 8 story building with ground floor retail and condominiums and public square.

Surround Architecture have requested a Pre-Application Conference for the Grove Hotel:

Pre-Application Conference to discuss Type III Historic Resource Review for the renovation of an existing 3 story building–the Grove Hotel and the construction of a new 9-story , 63,000 square-foot building (replacing the theatre addition). Both buildings will contain hotel uses with ground-floor retail. The site is within the New Chinatown/Japantown Historic District.

Lastly, a building permit for a project at 4942 NE 7th Ave was applied for: