419 E Burnside
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
Otak Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1500 NE Irving St:
New building – 2 options: either new office building – or new residential building. Hoping to meet community design standards.
Scott Edwards Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1205 SE Morrison St:
Proposing new 4-story apartment building with ground-floor covered parking and community space
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 6400 SW Canyon Ct:
Proposed project is for 267 apartment units located in four buildings with structured parking under and on-site parking and related site improvements.
Leeb Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 5327 N Interstate Ave:
Proposal for new apartment complex with underground parking and ground floor commercial
Polyphon Architecture & Design have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 710 E Burnside St:
Pre-application conference to discuss new 11-story mixed use building, which will require Type III DZ.
Works Partnership have submitted the expansion of the Jupiter Hotel for Design Review:
Proposal is for a six story development to expand the Jupiter Hotel.
The Convention Center Hotel has been submitted for Design Review:
Proposal for new hotel and adjacent parking garage, with adjustment for parking and loading entrances
SERA Architects have submitted the Con-way Leland James Center Renovation for building permit review:
Re-skin exterior of building, new metal stud walls tto support brick veneer, and windows. create office core for future TIs, add 4th floor penthouse with decks and green space. add vehicle ramp to basement for new tenant parking. ***NO OCCUPANCY UNDER THIS PERMIT***
Demo interior of unoccupied bldg, includes all MEP and non supoorting walls, and all exterior siding.
The first building permits were issued for 419 E Burnside:
Demolish free standing canopy and 20’x 25′ office for used car sales lot. Demolish stormwater facility located on parking lot. Associated with 14-216353-CO and 14-216353-FND-01-CO.
Excavation, shoring and foundation at basement. Basement slab, basement columns and wall, first floor post tensioned concrete slab, below grade utilities.
A building permit is under review for a project by Carleton Hart Architecture at 110 SW Arthur St:
New, 3-story multi-family project with 39 units of studio and 1 bedroom apartments.
A building permit was issued to Boora Architects for partial demolition of the YMCA building at 2815 SW Barbur Blvd:
partial – a) demolition of exterior east and north facades; b) demolition of interior partitions and casework; and c) demolition of exterior site elements to the east and north of the building. Mechanical, electrical and plumbing contractors to obtain separate demolition permits.) No occupancy during construction.
A building permit was issued to Waterleaf Architecture & Interiors for a portion of the Lloyd Center Remodel:
adding new plaza space and mall entry facing Multnomah Street, including a new curainwall, a new sprial entry stair located inside the Mall, a new pedestrian bridge over the plaza, a new internal traffic ramp, pedestrian stair at the SW parking structure and required bike parking.
A building permit was issued to Colab Architecture for a project at 1510 N Sumner St:
New construction of 25-unit apartment building with partial ground floor retail; interior bike parking; attached trash enclosure with eco roof above, no onsite parking