Metro Reports: Burnside Delta, 4904 SE Hawthorne, 7661 SW Capitol Hwy, and more

Burnside Delta

A building permit was issued for Vallaster Corl Architects’ Burnside Delta

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Early Assistance has been requested by SERA Architects for a project at 7661 SW Capitol Highway:

Current zoning: New 4-story apartment building with ground floor retail, parking, and approximately 40-50 apartment units. The project is designed for CS zone and community design standards.

Early Assistance has been requested by SERA Architects for a project at 4904 SE Hawthorne Boulevard:

Current zoning: New 5-story apartment building with ground floor retail, basement parking, and 210 apartment units.

A building permit is under review for a project at 1515 N Rosa Parks Way:

New 3-story, 14 unit mixed use building, ground floor retail space, associated site work***w/17-191400-MT.

A project at 1332 N Skidmore St has been submitted for building permit review by Holst Architecture:

Overlook – East Building – 68 units over parking and retail space for lease.

West Building – 90 units, over parking and retail space for lease

A building permit was issued to Morton Building Design for 20th & Everett Phase II:

Construct new 5 story, 55 unit apartment building, to be connected to apartment building (15-206564co) on neighboring lot by 4 story corridor; main floor is parking, bike parking, and living units, floors 2-5 are living units, rooftop terrace and elevator/stair penthouse, associated site work included in this permit

A building permit was issued to Urban Development Group for the Burnside Delta at 22 SE 11th Ave:

New 6 story building with 85 residential units, 14 car parking stalls, 4 motorcycle stalls, 130 bikes and 2 retail spaces

A building permit was issued to CIDA Architects for a project at 6800 N Interstate Ave (formerly 1439 N Dekum St):

New 4 story, 30 unit apartment building, no onsite parking, trash room on first floor , includes associated sitework

A building permit was issued for a project at 2025 NE 42nd Ave (formerly 2023 NE 42nd Ave):

Construct new 5 story mixed use building; main floor to include 2 residential units, bike storage, and commercial space for future tenant; 2nd thru 5th fl to include 30 units

A building permit was issued for a project at 2088 NW Vaughn St (formerly 2012 NW Vaughn St):

Construct new, 3 story plus basement, self storage facility, includes parking, landscaping and site utilities

Metro Reports: Clay + Tiffany Apartments, Tree Farm, Modish Building, and more

Tree Farm at SE 3rd & Morrison is being developed by Guerrilla Development

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Early Assistance has been requested by Sinan Gumusoglu Architecture for a project at 5340 SE Milwaukie Ave:

Current code: Build a new 19 unit 5 story residential building with 17 surface parking stalls. L shaped building will replace existing 8 unit apartment building. Drywell, located in parking lot, will be used to treat storm water. Community design standards will be used.

Early Assistance has been requested by Sinan Gumusoglu Architecture for a project at  432 NE Simpson St:

New 12 unit 3 story apartment building, 6 one bedroom and 6 2 bedroom units. No parking provided. Looking to meet Community Design Standards.

A project at 1604 E Burnside St has been submitted for Type II Adjustment Review by Woodblock Architecture:

Construction of a new five story, 90 room hostel withh ground floor restaurant, coffee and bar, and public rooftop patio. Adjustment 1. 33.130.210 Max Height, Adjustment 2. 33.266.310 Loading space, Adjustment 3. 33.130.215 setbacks

The Clay + Tiffany Apartments at 1110 SW Clay St have been submitted for Type III Design Review by SERA Architects:

New mixed use building for student housing. Commercial space is proposed on the ground floor. The sixteen story building would have 260 units. There would
be a mix of studios, and one and two bedroom units. No on-site parking is proposed. A loading space is proposed with access from SW Clay. One modification requested to bike rack requirement (33.266.220.C3).

The renovation of the Modish Building at 333 SW Park Ave has been submitted for permit review by Beebe Skidmore Architects

Shell and core only seismic upgrade; storefront redevelopment; addition of new 5th floor and roof deck; new roof; accessibility improvements

A four-building development at 1944 SE Tacoma St has been submitted for building permit review by Works Progress Architecture:

New three-story, three unit mult-family structure (1 of 4, with 17-194721,-24,-27 CO)

New three-story, three unit mult-family structure (2 of 4, with 17-194710,-24,-27 CO)

New three-story, three unit mult-family structure with trash enclosure. (3 of 4, with 17-194710,-721,-727 CO)

New three-story, three unit mult-family structure (4 of 4, with 17-194710,-721,-724 CO)

Hoodworks at 5615 SW Hood Ave has been submitted for building permit review:

New 4 story office building with below ground parking, includes associated sitework *** w/ 17-193220-mt ***

Tree Farm at SE 3rd & Morrison has been submitted for building permit review:

New 6-story commercial building; 1st floor future retail tenant, lobby and trash room; floors 2-6 f2 occupancy; and associated site work *** mechanical permit 17-196436mt ***

A project at 2922 SE 82nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Mackenzie:

Construct new 3-story self storage building; 1st floor. 3 separate future tenant spaces and storage; 2nd & 3rd floor storage only; and associated site work *** mechanical permit 17-196247mt ***

The first building permit for the Grant High School Modernization project was issued to Mahlum Architects:

Abate and demo 1959 library, lower level cafeteria addition, below grade fan room. Abate and selective demo original 1923 admin building, 1925 north wing, 1927 south wing, 1927 auditorium, and 1952 west addition to north wing. Shoring and tiebacks with associated waterproofing at west facade of 1923 admin bldg. Associated civil work (excaation of courtyards), construction staging pad, fill at 1956 gym, erosion control and tree removal

Building permits were issued to Green Hammer for Tillamook Row:

Construct new 3 story (5) unit apartment building; associated sitework and detached trash enclosure under 120sq ft

Construct 2 story (3) unit apartment building with attached bike storage area

Construct 3 Story (5) Unit Apartment Building

Construct 3 story (3) unit apartment building

A building permit was issued to SERA Architects for the Modera Davis:

Partial – excavation, shoring, concrete structure and structural embeds from two levels below grade to L13 (roof) also includes all utility connections and routing of utilities below the P2 slab (basement). and all plumbing installation to L13. includes grease interceptor

Metro Reports: 5415 SE Milwaukie, Press Blocks, Riverplace Parcel 3, and more

Press Blocks

The Press Blocks have been submitted for building permit review

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Early Assistance has been requested by Tahran Architecture & Planning for a project at 5415 SE Milwaukie Ave:

Proposal is for two five story apartment building; one with 32 units; one with 48 units and with 31 surface parking spaces. The buildings will be designed to meet Community Design Standards. Stormwater handled with rain gardens and storm planters.

Early Assistance has been requested by Soderstrom Architecture for a project at 5826 N Willamette Blvd on the University of Portland campus:

Review under current code: New building w/offices, meeting rooms classrooms including related site development and landscaping. Two stories above grade, plus basement. Approx. 63,500 sq. ft. Sanitary will go to exisiting campus sewer system, storm water to new drywells.

A project at 808 SE Alder St has been submitted for building permit review:

Full building renovation, change of use and occupancy; addition of 3rd story. Full seismic upgrade (with 17-192142 MT)

The Press Blocks have been submitted for building permit review by GBD Architects:

24 story half block multi family apartment building with ground floor retail on top of 4 story full block parking garage

4 story quarter block mixed use building with ground floor retail on top of full block 4 story below grade parking garage

New 8 story office building with 1.5 levels of below grade parking

Riverplace Parcel 3 has been submitted for building permit review:

New 13 story Type I concrete high rise apartment building over concrete podium structure with ground floor commercial and daylight basement parking – 2nd 6 story tower permitted under 17-156305-CO

New 6 story 5 over 1 TYpe IIIA and Type I wood apartment over concrete podium structure with ground floor commercial and daylight basement parking – 2nd 6 story tower permitted under 17-156297-CO

A building permit was issued to Mentrum Architecture for a project at 4950 NE 7th Ave:

New 18-unit, three-story apartment building, attached trash enclosure, drywell

A building permit was issued for NW 14th & Raleigh:

12 story, multi-family affordable housing, 93 units, parking for 15 cars, 654 misc. retail on 1st floor

A building permit was issued to William Wilson Architects for a project at 310 SE 12th Ave:

New 4 story 84 unit apartment building with basement garage and bike storage; associated site work

Metro Reports: 4075 N Williams, Abernethy Flats, 7250 NE Killingsworth, and more

4075 N William Ave

A building permit was issued for William Kaven Architecture’s project at 4075 N Williams Ave.

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Early Assistance has been requested by Case Design Group for a project at 833 SW Naito Parkway:

Demo existing building(s) and develop new 5000 sq ft building for assembly use. Site is non-contributing located in Yamhill Historic District.

The Abernethy Flats at 2014 SE 11th have been submitted for building permit review:

New 4 story, 34 unit apartment building with (2) tenant spaces on first floor (no occupancy this permit); includes associated sitework *** w/ 17-185728-MT permit ***

A building permit was issued to Studio3 Architecture for a project at 2220 NW Pettygrove St:

Construct new 4 story (above grade) (40) unit apartment building; associated site work

A building permit was issued to Partin & Hill Architecture for a project with two buildings at 7250 NE Killingsworth St:

New 12 unit three story apartment building, mechanical under separate permit

New 12 unit three story apartment building and related site improvements including parking, landscaping and storm water facilities, mechanical under separate permit

A building permit was issued to William Kaven Architecture for a project at 4075 N Williams Ave:

New 4 story mixed use building. Parking and retail on ground floor. Offices on floors two through four; enclosed transformer at southwest corner; associated site work; shell only. Separate tenant improvement permits required for retail and office spaces.

Metro Reports: Providence Park, Adventist Medical Center, Eastside Health Center, and more

The Eastside Health Center at 122nd and Burnside will include two floors of integrated primary care, substance use disorder treatment, domestic violence counseling and wellness services, as well as on-site housing operated by Central City Concern.

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Design Advice has been requested by Alamo Manhattan for two buildings at 3714 SW Macadam Ave:

The projects are two separate mid-rise structures with a mixed-use program comprised of multi-family housing (approx. 200 units in each building), commercial and parking uses. Parking for approx. 240 cars will be provided in each garage structure.

Early Assistance has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects for a project at SE 124th & Ash:

Approximately 170 units of affordable senior housing to be developed at SWC/ 124th & SE ASH ST, former TRI-MET park and ride parking lot. Project will be slab on grade with four stories of wood framing, presumably type V construction. Site parking will be incorporated at 0.25 per unit along with bike parking. Applicant is meeting Community Design Standards.

Early Assistance has been requested by EPR Design for a project at 3723 SW Hood Ave:

Proposal is to construct two buildings on two separate tax lots. Each building with have 13 residential units and the buildings will be identical.There is no parking proposed on-site and it is not required as the site is close to public transportation. Because of the minimal area and slope of lot (20% or greater) a flow-through planter is proposed for the roof storm water. Each unit will have private decks and a common shared outdoor area. The developer’s goals are to meet all of base zone standards without any adjustment requests. The site area is in the regulatory landslide hazard area.

Early Assistance has been requested by Carleton Hart Architecture for a project at 1206 NE Alberta St:

Proposal is for a 4-story multifamily residential development of 48 units total with ground floor retail (future TI). Support spaces for residential include lobby, management office, common utility spaces and bicycle storage. Exterior site improvements and streetscape upgrades on three frontages are also included in the project. Stormwater disposal will be via on-site drywells.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss work at Adventist Medical Center:

Previous EA – 17-123133. The proposed improvements will increase development on campus by 107,726 sf from additional sq footage: build out the remaining 47,226 sq ft of shell space in Pavillion; re-purpose the former in-patient psychiatric facilities located in hospital north wing for other campus medical uses (results in no additional square footage); expand Nursing Tower by 50,000 sq ft to allow for larger inpatient rooms (increasing typical size from 110 sq ft to approx 300 sq ft per room – without adding add’l beds; construct a 10,000 sq ft childcare/daycare facility on the west end of the property north of Main Street; add a community garden (open-to-the-public) approx 58,000 sq ft in size (results in no add’l square footage).

The Providence Park Expansion has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Allied Works Architecture:

Proposal is for the eastside expansion of Providence Park to create a more inviting sports venue and to amplify the sound and energy created by The Timbers Army and fans throughout the stadium. The building will be a lacework of steel structure preserving connection to the neighborhood and inviting lights/views from all sides.

The Eastside Health Center at 25 NE 122nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:

New 6 story mixed use building to consist of medical clinic, mix of transitional housing and mult family residential housing

A building permit was issued to LRS Architects for a project at 4204 NE Halsey St:

Construct new 6 story building with concrete podium and 5 level wood framed construction; ground floor level parking with building lobby and 3 future tenant spaces; top levels to include 100 apartment units; associated site work

A building permit was issued for a project at 2027 SE Harold St:

Construct new 3 story (4) unit apartment building with associated site work

Metro Reports: Gilkey International Middle School, ArLo Apartments, Sideyard, and more

French American International School

The Gilkey International Middle School will be located on the campus of the French American International School at 8500 NW Johnson St

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Early Assistance has been requested by Studio 3 Architecture for a project at 5320 SE Woodstock Blvd:

Existing site to be redeveloped with a new 3 story, 19 unit multifamily apartment structure. Stormwater to be managed through tree credits and subsurface infiltration.

A project at 3185 N Vancouver Ave has been submitted for Type II Design Review by Jackson Main Architecture:

New 91000 sf, 6 story mixed used building.The residential use in the building is a Group Living use. There are 240 residential living areas proposed. There will be shared kitchens on each floor. Fifty-six parking spaces are proposed. The parking is accessed from NE Monroe Street. Three commerical tenant spaces are proposed on the ground floor.

Sideyard at project at 318 NE Couch St has been submitted for Type II Design Review by Skylab Architecture:

The site is located between NE 3rd Ave and NE Couch St. The proposal is for a mix of commercial retail and office core and shell building. No parking is required as five current bus lines and one streetcar stop are within 500 ft of the site. New construction will have five stories on one side and four stories on opposite side.

The Gilkey International Middle School at 8500 NW Johnson St has been submitted for building permit review by Hacker Architects:

New 3-story middle school building, to include new classrooms, offices, restrooms, and associated site work *** separate mechanical permit 17-180066MT***

A building permit was issued to Ankrom Moisan Architects for the ArLo Apartments at 6015 N Interstate Ave:

New, 5 story apartment building, 175 units with tuck under parking, 63 parking spaces (3 Accessible)


Metro Reports: 3403 N Mississippi, NE 106th & Halsey, Neuberger Hall, and more

Construction has started on a project by Holst Architecture at 3403 N Mississippi Ave

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Design Advice has been requested by DLR Group for a project at 539 SW 10th Ave:

Construct a new hotel with approximately 177 rooms, 11 stories. (Central City, Downtown, West End Plan District – Central City Design District)

Early Assistance has been requested by Holst Architecture for a project at NE 106th & Halsey:

Proposal is for a six story building with 45 affordable housing units, 30 market rate apartments, tuck-under parking, 10,000SF of retail and 10,700SF of office space. Amenities to include community room and green roof deck.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Mainland Northwest to discuss a project at West of 8524 N Crawford St:

Previous EA 15-219376. Proposal to change the zoning, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Map designation, from EG1 (General Employment 1) and EG2 (General Employment 2) to EXd (Central Employment zone with the Design overlay zone). The applicant states the future development on this 15-acre site could include multi-dwelling residential, neighborhood retail, mixed office-manufacturing uses. The greenway trail will also be developed. This application does not include a specific development plan.

The PSU Neuberger Hall Renovation has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Hacker architects:

Renovation of PSU’s Neuberger Hall, which includes updates and modifications to accessibility, fire and life safety, upgrades to MEP systems, seismic strengthening, program adjustments and facade improvements. One modification requested to Ground Floor Windows (33.130.230, 33.510.220)

The renovations to the Meier & Frank Building have been submitted for Type III Design Review by Bora Architects:

Project is located at former Macy’s department store. Floors 1-5 and basement to be demolished and renovated as creative office space with ground level retail. New restrooms will be added to the office floors to accommodate future office tenant improvement. Basement amenity space including bike storage, fitness and conference space will be provided.Scope includes limited facade renovations to accommodate restored retail entries mid block on SW 5th and SW 6th and a new entry on SW 6th near Morrison. Each entry will include a new canopy. The SW Alder canopy will be reduced in depth per PBOT requirements. The historic facade and SW Morrison canopies will be preserved.

A building permit was issued to Holst Architecture for a project at 3403 N Mississippi Ave:

Excavation and Shoring

A building permit was issued for a project at 5025 N Minnesota Ave:

New 6 unit apartment building with associated site work

Metro Reports: 3rd & Taylor, Jantzen Apartments, 4040 SE Division, and more

3rd and Taylor

A building permit is under review for the 3rd & Taylor office building

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Early Assistance has been requested by Quilici Architecture & Design Inc for a project at 4040 SE Division St:

Proposal is for a new 38 units with affordable housing (20,640 sf total) without parking. Stormwater planter provided along south PL. Main enterance and lobby on Division St. Trash and recycle room located on north side of building and accesed off Difision St. Existing commercial structure and all trees on-site to be removed.

Early Assistance has been requested by Quilici Architecture & Design Inc for a project at 3212 SE Division St:

Proposal is for a 32 unit apartment complex which includes affordable housing (20,640 sf total) without parking. Stormwater planter provided along south PL. Main enterance and lobby on 32nd Avenue. Trash and recycle room located on south side of building and accessed off 32nd. Existing commercial structure and all trees on-site to be removed.

A building permit application has been submitted for review by David Rodeback Architect for alterations to an existing building at 6012 SE Yamhill St:

Existing 4-story building – change of occupancy and use from R1, B, |A3 to R2 & A3 with 62 new apartment units and 14 sleeping units added, and complete seismic retro fit for entire building

A building permit application has been submitted for review by SERA Architects for the Jantzen Apartments at 518 NE 20th Ave:

New 6 story above grade with full basement. 211 apartments, 114 parking stalls, with retail, common space on ground floor

A building permit application has been submitted for review by TVA Architect for a project at 5036 NE Sandy Blvd:

New 6-story, 85 unit apartment building; ground floor shell only; recycle room; with onsite parking, includes associated site work***with 17-169667-MT permit***

A building permit application has been submitted for review for a project at 5419 SE Woodstock Blvd:

New 3 story 38 unit apartment building; interior trash enclosure; associated site work

A building permit application has been submitted for review by Ankrom Moisan Architects for the 3rd & Taylor office building:

New 10 story speculative office building, ground floor retail and comond and support area serving office functions, 2 stories of below grade parking

A building permit was issued for a project at 1211 SE Morrison St (previously 1205 SE Morrison St):

Construct new 4 story (39) unit apartment building with parking and bike storage on main level; associated site work

Metro Reports: Sellwood Bridgehead, 80 NE 14th Ave, 416 NW 5th, and more

A building permit was issued for Alliance Residential’s project at 80 NE 14th Ave

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Design Advice has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects for a project at 416 NW 5th Ave:

New 15-story, 160,000 gsf mixed-use residential development with basement parking. 430 NW 5th Ave is a non-contributing site; 416 NW 5th Ave is a contributing site both in New Chinatown/Japantown Historic District.

Early Assistance has been requested by LHW Architecture for a project at 12036 SE Pine St:

Construction of a 3-story residential apartment building. They are planning to meet community design standards.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Scott Edwards Architecture to discuss a project at 1921 SE 3rd Ave:

Proposed 7 story, 117,960sf mixed used industrial office building, with 45 below grade parking spaces.

7 Southeast Stark has been submitted for building permit review by Works Progress Architecture:

New core and shell development of 5 story CIP concrete slabs and columns, 5 story steel frame with composite steel floor decks, mixed-use with ground floor industrial service, 6 floors of commercial parking and 4 floors of industrial and traditional office.

A building permit was issued to Edge Development for a project at 4310 N Maryland Ave (previously 1329 N Skidmore St):

New 3 story apartment building with 10 units.

A building permit was issued for the Sellwood Bridgehead apartments at 8220 SE 6th Ave:

Construct new, 5 story apartment building with 119 units, below grade parking, associated site work included

A building permit was issued for a project at 80 NE 14th Ave:

New 6 story multi use 197 unit apartment building, retail and living on the 1st floor, temporary shoring1200-C

Metro Reports: SW Park & Columbia, St Thomas More Catholic School, 7 Southeast Stark, and more

7 Southeast Stark

A Type II Adjustment Review has been submitted for 7 Southeast Stark, which is being developed by Harsch Investment Properties

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Early Assistance has been requested by Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 9628 SE Holgate Blvd:

Proposal is to construct 2 new multi-family units (2-3 units in each building). Phase 1 to be duplex. Phase 2 to be a triplex. Existing house to remain. Stormwater disposal to be flow thru planters.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project west of 11709 SE Powell Blvd:

Proposal for a tri-plex

7 Southeast Stark (previously 87 SE Stark St) has been submitted for Type II Adjustment Review by Works Progress Architecture:

Construction of a new mixed-use building (see CO 17-160571). Adjustment to loading standards (33.266.310) needed.

The rebuild of St Thomas More Catholic School at 3521 SW Patton Rd has been submitted for Type III Conditional Use Review:

For a proposal to rebuild the existing school facilities and parish hall at the St. Thomas More site at SW Humphrey and Greenleaf. A new 44-space parking structure, with school facilities above, is also proposed.

SW Park and Columbia has been submitted for building permit review by GBD Architects:

7 stories (5 over 2 construction) consisting of 73 dwelling units. Ground floor contains parking for 12 cars and 38 bikes, leasing office, a residential lobby, builidng services and 3 residential loft units. Floors 2-7 include 70 residential units, amenity room and roof terrace on the top floor

A project at 4726 SE Belmont St has been submitted for building permit review by Mentrum Architecture:

New 3 story, 12 unit apartment building with 56 S.F. Detached trash enclosure, includes associated sitework

A project at 915 N Killingsworth Ct has been submitted for building permit review:

New three story, 9 unit apartment building (no parking) associated site work and trash enclosure less than 120 sf ft – on same taxlot as existing SFR

A building permit was issued to Edge development for a project at 4305 N Montana Ave:

New 3 story apartment building with 10 units