Metro Reports: Meyer Memorial Trust HQ, Moxy Hotel, 4804 SE Woodstock, and more

Moxy Hotel
A building permit has been issued for the 197 room Moxy Hotel, which will be built at SW 10th and Alder.

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers February 4th to February 10th, 2019. 

Early Assistance has been requested by Leeb Architects for a project at 4804 SE Woodstock Blvd:

Proposed full block building at SE Woodstock and 48th Avenue consists of 178 apartments on five floors. The building also includes a full basement with parking for 130 automobiles spaces. There is also a 5,000 SF commercial retail space on the Ground Floor. The structure of the building will be comprised of a concrete basement level (parking garage) with five floors of wood frame residential construction above

A project at 7433 N Chicago Ave has been submitted for building permit review:

New three story 11 unit apartment building with shared cortyard (see 19115675 CO)

New 12 unit three story apartment building with shared cortyard (see 19-115695 CO)

The Meyer Memorial Trust Headquarters at 2045 N Vancouver Ave has been submitted for building permit review:

New construction of 3 story office building and associated sitework

A building permit was issued to Opsis Architecture for the Oregon Harbor of Hope at 1111 NW Naito Parkway:

New navigation center to provide short-term shelter and navigation toward social service programs

A building permit was issued for the Moxy Hotel at 585 SW 10th Ave:

New 12 story, 197 unit hotel w/ associated sitework (no onsite parking); ecoroof *** mechanical permit to be separate ***

Metro Reports: L&L PDX Hostel, De Paul Treatment Center, Argyle Apartments, and more

REACH CDC’s Argyle Apartments will add 189 units of affordable housing on surplus property formerly owned by TriMet.

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 28th to February 3rd, 2019. 

Design Advice has been requested by Holst Architecture for the De Paul Treatment Center at 830 SE 102nd Ave:

55,000 square foot drug and alcohol treatment center for adults, possibly could expand to 65,000 square feet and include services for youth. The current proposal includes 70 beds in sleeping units for short term treatment and 24 beds for detox treatment. The proposed structure would also include dining and amenity spaces for residents as well as administrative spaces

Early Assistance has been requested by Dao Architecture for a project at 5403 SE 122nd Ave:

Work Proposed: Proposed building is a single 4-story, wood-framed structure, providing 65 units of affordable housing and approximately 18 covered, but not enclosed parking spaces. R-2 occupancy, Type V-A, NFPA 13R sprinklered. Building is U-shaped, ground floor common room and support spaces, surrounding an interior court/garden.

Early Assistance has been requested by Holst Architecture for a project at 2510 NE Sandy Blvd:

Renovation of existing warehouse building with work that will include demolition of existing offfice, portion of building, reconstruction of exterior wall to enclose warehouse building, seismic upgrade, energy code upgrades, new utilities, new roof, site upgrades and ROW upgrades. The project will include an occupancy change to OCCUPANCY B

Early Assistance has been requested by Brett Schulz Architect for a project also located at 2510 NE Sandy Blvd:

Demolish northern portion of existing 1-story industrial building. Construct new 49-unit multifamily building with affordable housing and ground floor retail. Community design standards are being used.

A project at 5136 N Lombard St has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:

New 4 story, 36 unit apartment building with (2) tenant spaces on ground floor, includes associated sitework *** mechanical permit to be separate ***

The renovation of the Medallion Apartments at 1969 NW Johnson St has been submitted for building permit review by Holst Architecture:

F37/ medallion apartments all flrs TI; exterior – replace reroof, windows, doors, curtain walls, parking lot, plaza areas, stormwater planters, walkways, install new entrance canopy & covered trash enclosure; interior – 1st flr demo walls, new walls to create laundry rm, community rm, bathrms, offices, maintenance rm; all flrs remodel units, ceiling, flooring, finishes, plumb and elec

A building permit was issued to MWA Architects for the Argyle Apartments at 2133 N Argyle St:

New construction of 151,555 sq ft, 4-story apartment bldg – 189 affordable housing units, 2 community rms and site work

A building permit was issued to Woodblock Architecture for the L&L PDX Hostel at 1616 E Burnside St:

New 5 story, 88 unit hostel with restaurant and coffee shop for hostel on first floor, includes associated sitework *** mt permit to be submitted separately ***

Metro Reports: Hotel Chamberlain, OHSU Elks Children’s Eye Clinic, Koz on Killingsworth, and more

Hotel Chamberlain
The Hotel Chamberlain is a restoration of a building that was originally built as a hotel, and whose ground floor was occupied by Shleifer Furniture’s for 80 years. The new hotel will include 57 guest rooms at the upper floors, as well as a restaurant and cafe at the ground floor.

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 20th to January 27th, 2019. 

Design Advice has been requested by Leeb Architects for a project at 1500 SW Taylor St:

Proposal for 100 residential apartments on 7 floors. This building would be a sister to the existing project at 930 SW 15th. Ground floor to include the lobby, housing units, commercial spaces, a mechanical and trash area and parking for 30 cars. Total gross square footage is 74,780. Will connect to existing water and storm water pipes on SW Taylor St

Design Advice has been requested by SERA Architects for an addition to the Galleria at 600 SW 10th Ave:

Renovation of the Galleria Building, which is listed on the National Historic Register. Work anticipated includes a new office penthouse and roof terraces.

Design Advice has been requested by Clark/Kjos Architects for a project at 1500 SE 96th Ave:

Develop the site for Adventist Medical Center with a four story medical office building and adjacent surface parking.

Early Assistance has been requested by Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 2326 N Vancouver Ave:

New 19-Unit Apartment building on vacant 50×100 lot (approx. 12 to 14,000 sq ft gross building area). Stormwanter disposal via on-site infiltration drywell (pending soils report). Recreational common area in dedicated interior spaces; Bike parking room provided

Early Assistance has been requested by WDC Properties for a project at 5275 N Bowdoin St:

Provide affordable housing. 20 units in single building with affordable housing

Early Assistance has been requested by EM Architecture for a project at 11035 NE Sandy Blvd:

New 4,000 sf institutional building with associated landscaping and parking, utilizing existing on-site stormwater swales.

Early Assistance has been requested by Scotia Western States Housing for a project at 1325 SW Gibbs St:

The proposed project is a 30-unit multifamily project across approximately 24,000 sf of living space and 4 stories of living space above one level of parking garage on the R-1 portion of the site. Amenity bonuses will be utilized to obtain the full allowable 30 units. The entire multifamily and parking development will be limited to the existing parking lot area on the R-1 zoned parcel.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Emerick Architects to discuss a project at 2124 NW Flanders St:

Proposal is for four stories of market-rate apartments over a walk-out basement level with 19 residential units and typical utilities. Floors 1-4 are proposed to have outdoor balcony space. The roof is anticipated to incorporate a roof deck, partial green roof and solar panels. Site is non-contributing in Alphabet Historic District.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects to discuss the Riverplace Redevelopment at 0150 SW Montgomery St:

Master plan development of approximately 8 acres.

The Koz on Killingsworth apartments at 105 N Killingsworth St have been submitted for building permit review:

New 4 story mixed use apartment building, 88 unit with ground floor commercial and associated sitework **mechanical work to be deferred**

A project at 408 SE 105th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:

Building 1 of 3 new apartment building. Two stories with two units. See comments regard commercial folder type.

Building 2 of 3 new apartment building. Three stories with six units.

Building 3 of 3 new apartment building. Three stories with five units and community room.

A building permit was issued to Works Progress Architecture for the Hotel Chamberlain at 509 SE Grand Ave:

Change of occupancy from M to A-2 on ground floor. Seismic retrofit. Major remodel to entire building, new storefront, entries, canopies, elevator, egress stairs, roof, stormwater facilities, demising walls.

A building permit was issued to NBBJ for the OHSU Elks Children’s Eye Clinic:

New OHSU Elk’s Children’s Eye Clinic at the OHSU Casey Eye Institute. 62,000 sq ft, 5 stories + mechanical penthouse. Also has a MT permit.

A building permit was issued for a project at 6011 SE 90th Ave (previously 8928 SE Woodstock Blvd):

Construct new 3 story (12) unit apartment building with associated site work

Metro Reports: 801 NE 21st, 6144 SE Foster Rd, 6330 N Lovely, and more

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 14th to January 20th, 2019. 

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 6702 SE 72nd Ave:

2 Phase project, Phase 1 includes two 3 story buildings with a total of 20 dwelling units, off street parking, on site drywell

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 6330 N Lovely St :

2 Phase project, Phase 1 includes a 3 story building with a total of 19 dwelling units, no off street parking, on site drywell

Early Assistance has been requested by Iselin Architects for a project at 2047 NE Davis St:

Proposal is for an addition of four multi family residential units to an existing duplex. Stormwater proposal to be drywell.

Early Assistance has been requested by Hacker Architects for a project 801 NE 21st Ave:

Anticipated to be new 7-story multi-family residential building over 1 of below grade parking level. Total building will be 271,708 gross sf (234,425 sf FAR), 300-350 units, plus residential amenities. Inclusionary Housing will be triggered, and provided on-site at standard rates. Stormwater treatment is anticipated on-site via flow-through planters. Possible street vacation.

A project North of 2455 SE 89th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Allusa Architecture:

New 3 story, 12 unit apartment building, includes associated sitework **mechanical to be obtained separately**

A project at 14708 NE Glisan St has been submitted for building permit review by Doug Circosta Architect:

1 of 5 new buildings, 3 story, 8 unit apartment building and associated site work. **Mechanical to be deferred**

2 of 5 new buildings, 3 story, 12 unit apartment building and associated site work. ***Mechanical to be deferred**

3 of 5 new buildings, 3 story, 12 unit apartment building and associated site work. **Mechanical to be deferred**

4 of 5 new buildings, 3 story, 12 unit apartment building and associated site work. **Mechanical to be deferred**

5 of 5 new buildings community building with laundry and bathroom **mechanical to be deferred**

A building permit was issued to Merryman Barnes Architects for
for the shelter at 6144 SE Foster Rd:

Change of occupancy from M and B to R-2 and A-2, S-1 for shelter housing to include sleeping beds, commons, kitchen bathrooms, showers, storage; seismic upgrades and exterior site improvements.

A building permit was issued for a project at 621 NE Randall St:

New 4-unit, 3 story apartment building with associated sitework *** floor and roof trusses to be a DFS***

Metro Reports: King Parks, Bowlero, 500 NW 23rd, and more

A building permit was issued for PCRI’s King Parks Apartments. The development will include 70 residential units, 50 of which are larger family-sized two and three bedroom units. All rental units are affordable to households at or below 60% of the area median family income (MFI), with 24 units affordable to those at or below 30% MFI.

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 7th to January 13th, 2019. 

SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference and requested Design Advice for a project at 2135 NW 29th Ave:

6-story market-rate apartment building (approx 200 units) with below-grade parking.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 5904 SE 89th Ave:

Construct (2) nine unit apartment buildings and (2) twelve unit apartment buildings. Complete two lot confirmations to produce four individual legal lots that will each site an apartment building.

Early Assistance has been requested by C2K Architecture for a project at SW Marquam St and Sam Jackson Rd:

Multi-Family and Senior Housing

Early Assistance has been requested for the Lloyd Center Bowlero:

Remodel/conversion of former retail space to a Bowlero bowling facility with arcade, bar and food service components. Includes facade modification and exterior signage.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Studio 3 Architecture to discuss a project at the Southwest corner of NW 23rd and Roosevelt St:

A Pre-Application Conference to discuss construction of a 6,700 square foot, two story office building and a 3,500 square foot warehouse. Fifteen surface parking spaces are proposed with access from NW Roosevelt Street. The approval criteria for this review are found in Chapter 33.815.125 of the Portland Zoning Code.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Studio 3 Architecture to discuss a project at 5275 N Bowdoin St:

Proposed zone change from R2.5to CM2. Remove existing home and construct a single building (20 units) for affordable housing

500 NW 23rd Avenue has been submitted for building permit review by Allied Works Architecture:

New construction of 4 story mixed use building, retail on the first floor with associated site work (tenant improvement separate)

A project at 506 NE 53rd Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:

Construct new 4 story (18) unit apartment building with associated site work and detached trash enclosure under 120sq ft

A building permit was issued to Merryman Barnes Architects for the King Parks apartments at 6465 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:

New 4 story affordable housing apartment building with flats, 2-story townhomes and covered parking

Metro Reports: Saltwood, 1645 SE Nehalem, 2525 E Burnside, and more

Saltwood - Conway Blocks 291W and 292W

The two-building Saltwood development, seen above in the context of other Con-way Masterplan area developments, has been submitted for building permit review.

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers December 31st 2018 to January 6th, 2019. 

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at the northeast corner of N Vancouver and Page:

New 5 story building using community design standards. Building occupancy is R-2 with combined sleeping units and dwelling units. No offstreet parking. Stormwater method utilizes flow through planter.

Early Assistance has been requested by Scott Edwards Architecture for a project at 2525 E Burnside St:

Interior tenant improvements to existing building and new 2 story addition and associated interior tenant improvements.

A project with two buildings at 7636 N Lombard St has been submitted for building permit review:

New 3 story (12) unit apartment building

New 3 story (12) unit apartment building with detached trash enclosure and associated site work

The Saltwood development on Blocks 291W and 292W of the Con-way Masterplan has been submitted for building permit review:

Saltwood – new construction of 177 unit, 6 story apartment building (5 stories of Tupe 111A over 1 story of Tupe 1 construction). With two levels of below grade parking. Ground floor consists of residential lobby, retail space, residential amenities, dwelling units, and a loading area. The building occupies the full block and is configured around a south-facing private courtyard. Mechanical work under 18-278422-MT

Saltwood South – new construction of 6 story, 177 residential unit apartment building (5 stories of Type IIIA over 1 story of Type 1 construction). There is one level of below grade parking. Ground floor consists of residential lobby, retail space, residential amenities, and dwelling units. The building occupies the full block and is configured around a south-facing private courtyard. Mechanical under 18-278466-MT

A project at 12150 NE Airport Way has been submitted for building permit review:

New 2 story convenience store with walk-in freezers and coolers, (2) restrooms, associated site work.

A building permit was issued to Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 2477 SE 106th Ave (previously 10561 SE Division St):

New construction , 2 story, type VB building with ground floor retail, 1 live work unit on ground floor and 4 residential units on second floor

A building permit was issued to Urban Development Group for a project at 1645 SE Nehalem St:

New 4 story 63 unit apartment building, associated site work *** w/18-128359-mt ***

Metro Reports: OHSU Expansion, Adidas South Building, 140 SW Columbia, and more

Adidas Campus Village

The South Building at the Adidas Campus Village expansion has been submitted for building permit review. The building, seen here from Madrona Park, will be built on top of an existing parking garage.

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers December 10th to December 16th, 2018. 

Design Advice has been requested by Alamo Manhattan for a project on South Waterfront Blocks 41, 42, 44 and 45:

Four separate structures with a mixed-use program comprised of mulit-family housing(1,125 units total), commercial and parking uses. The project will also include greenway improvements and infrastructure.

Design Advice has been requested by Mithun for the Pepsi Blocks Phase 1a:

Phase 1a of the Sandy Blvd Planned Development. Includes the renovation of the existing mid-century Pepsi warehouse, one new apartment building, altered south facade of existing warehouse (W1), below grade parking, a new publicly- accessible Plaza and design of a multi-modal east-west connector (woonerf)

Design Advice has been requested by NBBJ for the OHSU Hospital Expansion Project:

Design Advice Request to discuss construction of a 14 story building on the site of the former School of Dentistry on the OHSU campus. The project is an expansion of inpatient services. Approximately 200 to 300 parking spaces are proposed for use by patients as part of the project. Approval of the project requires this meeting and a Marquam Hill Parking Review.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 3019 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:

Proposal is for new residential building with six units. The project intends to meet Community Design Standards of 33.218.140. Project may need adjustments to property line setbacks on southwest, north and west side of property. Zoning is CM3d and RHd.

Early Assistance has been requested by Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 110 SE Main St:

Proposal is the renovation of existing one story concrete building for industrial office and retail sales/service tenants.

Early Assistance has been requested by William Kaven Architecture for a project at 3802 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:

Divide the property into 4 lots, demolish existing building, construct (4) 3-story mixed used buildings, 19 units each.

Early Assistance has been requested by Studio 3 Architecture for a project at NW 23rd and Roosevelt:

Vacant lot, add new warehouse and office with onsite parking.

Early Assistance has been requested by Lever Architecture for a project at 1130 NE Alberta St:

New construction of a 4-story mixed use building; 1 level of below grade parking, 1 story ground floor retail, 1-story of office, 2 stories of co-housing with lofts. The overall building height is 60ft. The project is pursuing affordable commercial space and high ground floor ceiling bonuses. approx. 85-90 units of housing

Early Assistance has been requested by Clark/Kjos Architects for a project at 1500 SE 96th Ave:

Design Review for a four to five story medical office building and adjacent surface parking for Adventist Medical Center

A project at 5702 SE Center St has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review:

New 1-story + mezzanine commercial office space (approximately 7,000 sq ft with on-site parking). Request for adjustment to allow vehicles on the property accessed from SE Center St 33.130.215.B.1.B.2 (building setback).

A project at 1500 SW Taylor St has been submitted for a Type III Design Review by Leeb Architects:

Development of a seven-story mixed use building, consisting of a five-story wood frame building over a two level podium with a concrete structure. Two modifications requested for encroachments into parking spaces and reduce the spacing for bike parking spaces from 24″-18″.

A structural permit has been submitted for review by Lever Architecture for the South Building at the Adidas Campus Expansion:

STR 01 – New building structural frame for 4 stories of mass timber construction (assembly) built on top of an existing parking garage. Work includes steel braced frame core with elevator pit and stairs for the new structure. Seismic upgrades to the existing 3 story post tensioned concrete structure below parking garage

A project at 6935 NE Glisan St has been submitted for building permit review by Brett Schulz Architect:

New 2 story apartment with 11 SRO sleeping units, with one retail space- M occupany (no occupancy this permit) trash enclosure shared with adjacent building. ***mechanical to be deferred.***

A project at 5663 NE Glisan St has been submitted for building permit review by Novak Architecture:

New three story, 15 unit apartment building, includes associated sitework *** w/18-280954-CO & 18-280959-MT & 18-280963-MT *** building 1 ***

The Glisan Street Apartments at 1500 NE Irving St have been submitted for building permit review:

New 5 story mixed use building with 86 total apartment units; ground floor to include, lobby, parking garage, bike parking, trash room, 7 apartments on south elevation, and retail shell at SE corner. Site work including transformer vault. ***mechanical permit separate***

A building permit was issued for 1111 NW 16th Ave:

New 6 story mixed used building with retail and bike parking on main foor and 80 student rooms above. ***project uses Type III construction code guide OSSC/6/#4.*** *** mechanical permit to be separate ***

A building permit was issued for 140 SW Columbia St:

New 20 story, mixed use residential tower. Tower will span over existing parking entrance. Project will include 348 residential dwelling units, 244 parking spaces and approx 15,000 sf shell commercial space

Metro Reports: 5020 Condos, Glass Lab, Fourth and Montgomery, and more

Glass Lab

A building permit was issued for the renovation of the former Morehouse Glass building at 350 SE Mill St. New suites will be created in the building for small manufacturing and office users.

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers December 10th to December 16th, 2018. 

Early Assistance has been requested by Scott Edwards Architecture for a project at 1015 SE Woodward St:

Complete renovation of existing building, including on and off site work

The 5020 Condos at 5020 N Interstate Ave have been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Carleton Hart Architecture:

100-day review timeline New 6-story, 71,128 sf mixed-use development (wood framing over a concrete podium) with 64 apartments; 40 affordable apartments for residents at a variety of income levels and 24 apartments at market rate. Residential units consist of a mix of 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartments. the first floor includes a 1,606 sf commercial space (future TI), bicycle storage, bicycle amenities and utility spaces. Site improvements include surface and covered parking (16 spaces), a multi-purpose exterior space and sidewalk improvements. Modifications to facade articulation (33.130.000), Bicycle parking standards (33.266.220.C), Ground floor windows (33.130.230 & 33.415.340), Ground floor active use (33.415.200)

A project at 5432 NE 18th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:

Construct new 3 story (7) unit apartment building with assiciated site work and parking on the ground floor

Nomad at 1431 N Church St has been submitted for building permit review by Works Progress Architecture:

New construction of 7-story Mixed-Use Building; 2-stories C.I.P. Post-tensioned Concrete Slabs and Columns, 5-stories wood-frame. 6 levels of Residential Units with Amenity over 1 Level of Residential Amenity and Retail. Work to the Retail will be included as part of this Permit. The Overall Buillding Height is less than 75ft.

A project at 5833 N Maryland Ave has been submitted for building permit review:

New 3 story, 12 unit apartment building with attached 40 S.F. Trash enclosure, includes associated sitework, roof trusses and floor joists***dfs stair rail system*****mechanical to be obtained separately***

A building permit was issued for Glass Lab at 350 SE Mill St:

Change of occupancy from M to B. Core & shell remodel of 1st & 2nd floors of (E) building – remove all interior partitions, fixtures, & stairs; add walls to create new tenant spaces on 2nd floor; replace storefront & overhead doors; (4) new mezzanines, new stairs, bathrooms, & offices; restripe & landscape parking lot *** no tenants this permit *** w/18-187700-mt ***

A structural permit was issued to Lever Architecture for the North Building at the Adidas Campus Expansion:

STR 01 – North building only – Structural frame for new building including 5 levels of below grade precast construction (parking garage) and 5 stories of above grade precast concrete with CLT, glulams, andconcrete slab hybrid construction, work includes mat slab founation and site cast concrete cores with stairs. Work also inlcudes MEP work for below grade parking

A foundation permit was issued to SRG Patnership for the Fourth and Montgomery Building:

Foundation and structure up to bottom of Level 2, for new 3/4 block, 7 story, mixed use building that will house groups from PSU, OHSU, PCC and the City of Portland

Metro Reports: CitizenM, Brio Lofts, Oregon Zoo Polar Passage, and more

Brio Lofts

A building permit was issued for the Brio Lofts, a micro apartment development by Vibrant Cities, located at N Vancouver and Failing

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers December 3rd to December 9th, 2018. 

Design Advice has been requested by Perkins + Will for a project at 510 SE Morrison St, adjacent to the Weatherly Building:

New twelve story office building with ground level retail and below grade parking. Site is contributing in East Portland-Grand Avenue Historic District.

Early Assistance has been requested for a CitizenM hotel at 1016 W Burnside St:

Applicant is proposing a thirteen-story, 104,077 GSF, 264-key hotel with 4,420 SF of ground floor retail. Hotel drop-off/valet zone proposed on SW 10th Ave. Loading dock is proposed on SW 10th Ave.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects to discuss a project at 1634 SW Alder St:

Proposal is for a 7 story market rate apartment project with approximately 218 units in the Goose Hollow subdistrict of the CC Plan District.

1935 N Killingsworth St has been submitted for building permit review by Works Progress Architecture:

New 4 story mixed use building with ground floor tenant spaces and 36 residential units on floors 2-4. No occupancy for ground floor tenant spaces – future ti permits required *** w/18-272170-mt ***

The Oregon Zoo Polar Passage has been submitted for building permit review:

Polar Bear Holding Bldg, 1-story precast concrete structure w/ metal roof deck, holding facilities for polar bears, associated support functions, demonstration space for visitors, support spaces include prep, storage and a mechanical room

View shelter – Underwater view, open air steel structure w/ glazing panel, CLT roof deck and metal roof. Primary function to provide underwater viewing of polar bear deep pool

View shelter – at existing pool, helter is an open air steel structure w/ glazing panel, CLT roof deck and metal roof. Primary function of structure is to provide viewing of existing polar bear pool & provide shade for visitor seating area below

View Shelter – Polar Bear Cave an open air concrete & CMU structure w/ a glazing panel for viewing bears in the habitat. Structural also includes unconditioned themed hollow rock area w/ wood roof that facilitates adjacent pool drainage and polar bear cooling

Life Support System Bldg (LSS), 1-story concrete block structure w/ steel-framed metal deck roof. Primary function is to house the filtration and pump equipment for the polar bear saltwater pool systems

The Providence Park Retail and Ticket Booth Addition at 1844 SW Morrison St has been submitted for building permit review by John Weil Architecture:

Construct a new 1,200 square feet single story building for retail, with a small storage area, and an eco-roof covering the entire roof area

The Oregon Zoo Primate Forest has been submitted for building permit review:

Primate Holding Bldg – 1-story precast concrete structure w/ combination flat membrane and metal deck roofs. Primary function is to provide holding facilities for chimpanzees, including an on-exhibit day room, associated support functions and viewing area

The Oregon Zoo Cafe has been submitted for building permit review:

Cafe – 1-story wood famed structure w/ a wood truss roof. Primary function to provide facilities for food storage, preparation, and sale, support spaces unclude commercial kitchen & walk in cooler

A building permit was issued to CB|Two Architects for an expansion to Marquis Mill Park at 1475 SE 100th Ave:

8,453 sq ft addition to existing skilled nursing facility including 18 new beds and site improvements. See 18-103623-lu. W/ 18-214562-MT

A building permit was issued for the Brio Lofts at 3912 N Vancouver Ave:

New five story, 91 sleeping rooms, 4 dwelling units in a mixed use building with underground parking; enclosed trash, includes associated sitework

A building permit was issued to LRS Architects for the Magnolia II Apartments at 415 N Fargo St:

New 4 story affordable housing project building which includes 50 new living units and 9 new surface parking stalls at ground floor with common, outdoor play and pation areas totaling 44,584 sq.ft., Connecting to Phase I building, tree removal.


Metro Reports: Division Two, Sandy.51, Ankeny Apartments, and more

Ankeny Apartments

The Ankeny Apartments have been submitted for building permit review. In a rare action the project was denied by the Design Commission in February 2017. The denial was appealed to City Council, who ultimately approved a revised design in August 2017.

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers November 26th to December 2nd, 2018. 

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2436 SW 6th Ave:

Proposal is to build a skybridge to adjoin two buildings: Terwilliger Plaza a retirement community and a new building located between SW 6th Ave and SW 5th Ave between SW Caruthers and SW Sheridan St. The proposed building is identified as the Parkview Building on the site plans.

The Meyer Memorial Trust Headquarters at 2045 N Vancouver Ave has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review by Lever Architecture:

The project consists of a three-story urban office building in Portland, OR. The site i slocated on N Vancouver Ave and bounded by Tillamook St and Interstate 5. The building will be used as the headquarters for Meyer Memorial Trust. The building includes surface parking behind the bulding and an outdoor courtyard and patio.

The Ankeny Apartments at 1122 SE Ankeny St have been submitted for building permit review by YGH Architecture:

New construction of 6 story, 16 unit building w/ one main floor tenant space, rooftop solar and all associated site work ***mechanical and electrical separate***

A building permit was issued to Allusa Architecture for a project at 6822 NE Grand Ave:

Construct new 3 story 6 unit apartment building with associated site work

A building permit was issued for the Division Two Apartments at 3249 SE Division St:

New multi-family 4-story building with 54 units and ground floor retail and parking. Includes site improvements and new retaining wall along n edge of property

A building permit was issued for the Sandy.51 Apartments at 2351 NE 51st Ave:

New 6-story, 85 unit apartment building; ground floor shell only; recycle room; with onsite parking, includes associated site work***with 17-169667-mt permit***