Hacker Architects and Williams & Dame Development are planning a 4 story mixed use building at 9101 SE Foster Rd in Lents Town Center. The project would include ground floor commercial space, with residential units above. A public plaza would be created mid-block, facing onto SE Foster Rd. Parking for 28 vehicles is proposed at the rear of the site. The project is currently at the Pre-Application Conference stage, prior to the submission of Design Review drawings.
Category Archives: Lents Commons
Metro Reports: hotel on Burnside, mixed use in Lents, office on Front Ave and more

1320 Broadway, formerly home to the Oregonian
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Works Partnership have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 910 E Burnside:
Proposal is to build a 6 story structure with restaurant/retail on ground floor, indoor/outdoor event space on second floor and four floors of hotel units.
Skylab Architecture have requested Design Advice for a structure that would like Yard at the Burnside Bridgehead to Sideyard:
Design Advice Request for a Type I Skywalk spanning between Blocks 67 & 76 off of East Burnside
Scott Edwards Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1451 NE Alberta:
Redevelopment of a three-story, mixed-use building with a warm-shell commercial space of the ground floor. 2 levels of residential above (10) one-bed/one-bath units, while preserving the existing building facade. Checking that no stormwater improvements are required – since they are redeveloping.
GPA Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 3131 N Columbia Blvd:
2-story office building with support spaces for manufacturing facility
GBD Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 2301 NW Savier St:
Pre-application conference for a Type III DZ review for a new 4-story mixed use building.
Carleton Hart Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 8710 N Dana Ave:
New Group living facility – Supportive Living for youth phasing out of foster care. Proposal is for 15 unit group living structure.
Hacker (previously THA Architecture) have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project on Lents Town Center Property #3 (South) at 9101 SE Foster Rd:
4-story mixed use development with ground floor commercial. Approximately 28 Parking Spaces
Ankrom Moisan Architects have applied for a Conditional Use Review for a project at 1300 NE 16th Ave:
Combine parking lot for hpp 1300 NE 16th Ave. Directly adjacent house to be demolished at 1716 NE Clackamas St. Proposal is for new two story 10-plex independent living apartments to be built over below grd parking. With 4 adjustments
Hacker (previously THA Architecture) have submitted the Field Office at 2030 NW 17th Ave for Design Review:
Type 3 Design Review w/2 modifications for two 5-6 story office buildings above a “park” that creates a central garden/plaza, lobby areas, retail spaces, and building amenitites.
Allied Works Architecture have submitted 1320 Broadway for building permit review:
Core and shell renovation of existing full block Oregonian building. Partial change of occupancy, convert basement offices to parking. New entrances and windows, new ramp to parking. Reinforce mezzanine for live loads, new opening in elevator shaft for new stop. Relocate existing generator. New restrooms, locker rooms, and showers.
A building permit has been issued for a project at 6518 SE Division St:
New 3-story apartment building with 9 units, detached 71 sq ft fenced trash enclosure, parking lot and associated site work. No truss package provided
A building permit has been issued to Dustrud Architecture for a project at 2605 NE 7th Ave:
6-story, 68 unit multifamily apartment (5 over 1) with 1 story 43 cars/75 bikes underground parking.
A grading permit has been issued to Opsis Architecture for the Oregon Zoo Education Center:
Site work for new Oregon Zoo Education Center. Demo 3 buildings (see separate permits),demo existing below grade utilities and site prep for future buildings related to new education center.
Weekly Roundup: Lents Town Center, Loyal Legion, Langano Apartments and more

Lents Town Center Property #2, including the New Copper Penny site
The Portland Development Commission will vote next week on whether to offer financial support to the three development projects in Lents. The developments include: a development by Palindrome Communities on Lents Town Center Property #2, which will also include the New Copper Penny site; a development by Williams & Dame on Lents Town Center Property #3 (South); and a third by Asian Health & Services Center Lents Town Center Property #4.
The Loyal Legion, the new bar by ChefStable in the I. O. O. F. Orient Lodge / PPAA Building will open to the public on July 8th. A pre-opening event hosted by Restore Oregon will take place on July 3rd, where guests will receive guided tours of the newly renovated building.
The City Council discussed the zoning map amendment that will allow the Multnomah County Health Department HQ to be up to 150′ tall. A vote will be held next week.
A 6 week old restaurant was named by The Oregonian as its restaurant of the year. Renata recently opened in the former warehouse at 626 SE Main.
The growth scenarios in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan show that Portland is expected to gain 94,000 new apartments between 2010 and 2035, but only 17,000 new single family homes.
The new headquarters for SolTerra Systems at 2422 SE 9th Ave will be the tallest building on the west coast built with insulated concrete forms. Other sustainable features will include a green roof and low flow plumbing fixtures.
The Portland Business Journal published a photo gallery of Park Avenue West, the downtown skyscraper scheduled for completion in December.
Tenants are now moving into the Langano Apartments, according to the Portland Chronicle. The building is owned by Petros Jarra and Ainalem Sultessa, immigrants who formerly operated Jarra’s Ethiopian Restaurant on the same site.
The Oregonian reported on the new building proposed at 4th & Harrison, which will include 425 apartments targeted to students at PSU. The developer hopes to open the building in 2018.
The East Building at One North is nearly finished. The Daily Journal of Commerce wrote about how the building will serve as a model for sustainability.
Weekly Roundup: Oregon Square, Lents Town Center and more
- The Design Commission offered Design Advice on Oregon Square to GBD Architects. The project by American Assets Trust will redevelop a superblock in the Lloyd District, with 4 new buildings of 10-32 floors.
- The Historic Landmarks Commission offered Design Advice on the Worldmark by Wyndham building to SERA Architects.
- The City Council backed a plan by the Portland Housing Bureau to commit $20 million for affordable housing in North and Northeast Portland.
- Zidell Yards was the subject of an email accidentally sent to OPB news and published by the Oregonian. The PDC and the Zidell family are currently negotiating on whether the Zidell property should include affordable housing. The Portland Housing’s Bureau’s preferred location is Riverplace Parcel 3, which the Portland Tribune wrote about in the article “Can South Waterfront be made affordable?“
- Portland Monthly reported that Providore Fine Foods and Pastaworks are scheduled to open this fall in The Shore, an under construction project by Guerrilla Development on NE Sandy Blvd.
- The PDC has selected developers for 6 of the 12 acres of property in owns in Lents Town Center. Property #1 and #2 are to be developed by Palindrome Communities. The south portion of Property #3 is to be developed by Williams & Dame, with the north portion by ROSE CDC. Asian Health & Services Center and REACH CDC are the selected developer for Property #4.
- The first office tenants are moving into Washington High School, an adaptive reuse project by Venerable Properties. The Oregonian was there to take photos.
- Portland Monthly had a look at Ancient Heritage’s new creamery, set to open this May in the 626 SE Main building.
- The Portland Chronicle published photos of the two houses set to be demolished on NE Glisan St, for the Treece & Lambert Apartments by Barry R Smith Architect.
- The Oregonian visited the Stadium Fred Meyer on West Burnside, the remodel of which is nearing completion.