Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers August 23rd, 2021 to August 29th, 2021.
A Pre Application Conference has been scheduled by LRS Architects to discuss development at Laurelhurst Village at 3060 SE Stark St:
Phase 1 – Demolition of the existing aged Nursing facility (the goal is to submit and obtain an alteration permit this fall for a late winter removal). Phase 2 – Interim Use of the site will be to improve & expand the upper and lower parking area for staff and fire access. Included ne power service to the building an a upgraded fuel tank and relocation of the emergency standby generator. There is a request by Ownership to remove Parcel three from the CU development plan so it can be sold to another developer. Phase 3 – Intent is to submit for a new CU master plan for only parcels 2 and 3. Under the new zoning code this project will meet all applicable requirements. Concept Plan for a future Independent Living ¿ R2 Apartment building is proposed. In order for this proposal to be feasible at least 125 units will be necessary. Concept plan includes services and activity spaces for the senior residents. It is proposed to be 4 stories over a basement parking garage.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Jones Architecture for a project at Southwest Corner of SE 6th Ave & Alder St:
Proposed new construction of approximately 200 units of affordable housing, construction type and number of stories TBD.
A project North of 4427 NE Prescott St has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – Building A – 16 unit apartment building and associated site work. w/ 21-079689/94-CO and 21-081017/21-MT
PDOX PS – Building B – 15 unit apartment building – w/ 21-079689/94-CO and 21-081017/21-MT
A building permit has been issued to Mithun for the adaptive reuse of the Pavilion Building, a part of the Pop Blocks Phase 1A:
PEPSI BLOCKS – PAVILION BUILDING – Alteration to existing bow-truss warehouse for new commercial space and change of occupancy from S2 to M, includes demolition of attached warehouses and seismic upgrade; includes associated site work *** w/19-262030-MT ***