A proposed 23 story tower in the Pearl District has gone in front of the Design Commission for its first Design Review hearing. The project is being developed by Vibrant Cities in partnership with the Sunray Group, with design by Otak. The lower 11 floors of the 249′ tall building would be occupied by a 170-room Hyatt Place branded hotel. The upper 12 floors would be residential, with 110 apartment units. No vehicular parking is proposed. 174 long-term bicycle parking spaces are proposed in a mezzanine level bike room.
The building will be subject to the city’s inclusionary housing rules, which require the provision of affordable housing or the payment of a fee-in-lieu.
The redevelopment of the former USPS Processing and Distribution Center in the Pearl could include up to 4 million square feet of new commercial, employment, and residential development.
The Marquam Hill Apartments by Steelhead Architecture will include 72 units split between three buildings.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers April 8th to April 14th, 2019.
Design Advice has been requested for the Broadway Corridor Masterplan at the former post office site in the Pearl:
Place holder DA request. Applicant is hoping for June 6th and again on July 11th. Note Pre-app EA 19-147103.
Early Assistance has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects for the Small Division Apartments at 11332 SE Division St:
60 units of low-barrier permanent supporting housing. They will eventually need/want the info related to the RM2 zoning (through the Better Housing by Design).
The Hyatt Place at 350 NW 12th Ave has been submitted for a Type III Design Review by Otak Architects:
Development of a 23-story building. 11 stories will be used for a new Hyatt Place brand hotel (170 rooms). 12 stories will be used for a new residential apartment community (110 one-bedroom and studio units).
A project at 6716 NE Garfield Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Ink:Built Architecture:
New 3-story, 28-unit modular apartment building with trash enclosure and associated site work.
The Marquam Hill Apartments at 3140 SW 12th Ave have been submitted for building permit review by Steelhead Architecture:
1 of 3 new 5 story 40 units multifamily building on consolidated tax lots and associated siteworks includes trash enclosure and parking. Ground floor includes parking, stair and lobby.
2 of 3 new 5 story 24 units multifamily building on consolidated tax lots and associated siteworks includes trash enclosure and parking. Ground floor includes parking, stair and lobby.
3 of 3 new 3 story 8 units multifamily building on consolidated tax lots and associated siteworks includes parking.
A project at 7206 N St Louis Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Construction of new 6-unit apartment building with fire sprinkler room; 40 sq ft trash enclosure and associated sitework. Existing house to remain. Mechanical permit to be separate.
A building permit was issued to Urban Development Group for a project at 425 NE Bryant St (previously 7000 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd):
New 3-story, 12-unit apartment building with no on-site parking
A building permit was issued to Wright Architecture for a project at 435 NE Church St:
New 3 story apartment building with 19 units and associated site work. No off street parking.
A building permit was issued for a project at 1505 N Humboldt St (previously 4905 N Interstate Ave):
New 3-story, 12-unit apartment with trash and riser rooms. ***Fire sprinkler systems, fire alarm, mechanical, plumbing, electrical separate permits***
A proposed 23 story tower in the Pearl District has gone in front of the Design Commission to receive Design Advice. The project is being developed by Vibrant Cities in partnership with the Sunray Group, with design by Otak. The lower 11 floors of the 250′ tall building would be occupied by a Hyatt Place branded hotel. The upper 12 floors would be residential, with 120 apartment units. No vehicular parking is proposed.
Prosper Portland is moving forward with design work on an office building to be built on top of the parking garage currently under construction across from the Convention Center.
Prosper Portland intends to move forward with an office building on top of the garage adjacent to the Convention Center Hotel, reports the Oregonian. The 100 Multnomah office building would add 118,000 square feet of rentable office space on top of the currently under construction parking garage.
Bloomberg wrote about Portland’s opportunity zones, which include most of Downtown, the Pearl and the Central Eastside. A part of the 2017 federal tax overhaul, the zones allow investors to reduce taxes on capital gains—with investments held for 10 or more years exempt from capital gains tax.
The Portland City Council approved financing for the N Williams Center, reports the Portland Mercury. The 61-unit apartment building will include 40 units for renters who earn less than 30 percent of area median income (AMI) and 20 units for those earning less than 60 percent AMI.
The charter investors backing the Portland Diamond Project were revealed.
Multnomah County intends to purchase the Modish Building at 333 SW Park, for use as a mental health and addiction resource center. A previous proposal for the 4-story building would have seen it converted into creative office space.
The proposed Hyatt Place at NW 12th and Flanders would rise to a height of 250′, with 10 floors of hotel rooms and 12 floors of residential units.
The 23-story Hyatt Place proposed in the Pearl went in front of the Design Commission last week—where it drew strong opposition from neighbors,* according to the Daily Journal of Commerce. At the same hearing the Commission also approved the Grand Avenue Mixed Useapartments.
The Block 216 tower has been submitted for Design Review. The 35 story tower will be located on the block currently known for its collection of food carts.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 23rd to July 29th, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by Otak Architects for the Hyatt Place at 350 NW 12th Ave:
23-story building including 11 stories for a new Hyatt Place brand hotel with ground floor public uses and 12 stories for a new residential apartment community (approximately 120 residential units total).
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects to discuss alterations to the Con-way Ad-Tech I building at 2151 NW Savier St:
Proposal is to reposition the existing single tenant office into a multi-tenant office building. This will include plaza redevelopment options, interior demolition and potential exterior skin modifications.
The Block 216 tower at 936 SW Washington St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by GBD Architects:
Full-block building is a 35-story tower with a mix of office, hotel and residential uses. The proposed height is 460 feet. Parking will be configured below-grade in 4 levels. Access for the parking is proposed from SW Washington. The access to the loading dock is proposed from SW Alder St. The floor area is approximately 807,000 square feet above grade and 161,000 square feet below grade. The project will be entitled in accordance with the CC 2035 amendments. Stormwater will be disposed in accordance with City of Portland Stormwater Manual.
A project South of 6836 NE Grand Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Allusa Architecture:
Construct new 3 story 6 unit apartment building with associated site work; new detached trash enclosure under 120sq ft
A building permit was issued to LRS Architects for a project at 5845 NE Hoyt St:
Exterior renovation of existing 4 story multi family; demo and replace existing exterior cladding and windows; miscellaneous exterior improvements
Building permits were issued to Guerrilla Development for Jolene’s First Cousin at 2828 SE Gladstone St:
New two-story building with (2) retail spaces on ground floor and (2) 1-bedroom apartments on second floor. (with 17-237384 CO)
New two-story building (building 2) with (1) retail space on half of the ground floor, concregate living the other half of ground floor and second floor. (with 17-2387371 CO)
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 9th to July 15th, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested for a project at 1202 NW Irving St:
Construction of new hotel.
Early Assistance has been requested by CIDA Architects for a project at 4747 N Channel Ave:
Proposal is for the construction of a new Corp 3 building located on Daimler’s Swan Island campus. New building functions to include; (6) pull-thru service bays, parts storage, and 2-story office. Stormwater disposal methods have yet to be determined but are expected to follow methods used for the recently constructed new Daimler headquarters building.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by the Sunray Companies to discuss the Hyatt Place at 350 NW 12th Ave:
23-story mixed-use building including hotel and residential uses.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Steelhead Architecture to discuss a project at 3204 SW 12th Ave:
Proposal for a new 40 unit multifamily building with density bonuses on three tax lots. Four stories of Type V-A residential, 10 units each above one level of Type I-A parking. Site is in regulatory landslide hazard zone. Stormwater via drywells.
The Meyer Memorial Trust Headquarters at 2045 N Vancouver Ave has been submitted for a Type II Adjust Review by Fieldwork Design & Architecture:
Request for adjustment to required setbacks; 33.140.215.B.4a. Project is demolition of existing towing yard, construction of new three story office building and renovation of one story concrete building; new car parking structure, plaza and on-site parking.
A project at 121 N Beech St has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Fieldwork Design & Architecture:
New four-story commercial mixed-use building with 3 levels of office above ground level retail.
A building permit was issued to Mackenzie for a project at 4836 SE Powell Blvd:
New three story addition at south of existing building and add two stories within existing for self storage facility; remodel office and add pass through between existing and new addition ** with 17-224747-CO, 17-259014-CO and 17-224748-MT**
A building permit was issued for a project at 10730 NE Wygant St:
Construct new 3 story apartment building; three bedroom flats and townhouse style on top and associated site work, 87 sq ft trash enclosure
A building permit was issued to Urban Development Group for a project at 1515 NE 28th Ave (previously 2761 NE Halsey St):
New construction of 3-story with basement apartment building with 53 studio and one-bedroom units, interior trash room, dog wash, and bike parking. Separate mechanical and fire sprinklers
The Canyons will include a Japanese style alley running through the site, where the public can past eleven live/work spaces with storefronts, intended to include essential services for seniors, workspaces for artisans, and other small businesses.
The Esco site in NW Portland has sold to a consortium of developers — not including the group behind the Portland Diamond Project, writes the Oregonian.
The 5020 Condos are an affordable home ownership project by Proud Ground and Habitat for Humanity. The building is proposed for a site on N Interstate Ave owned by the Portland Housing Bureau.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers June 4th to June 10th, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested by Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 6306 N Maryland Ave:
Construct new three story, 18 unit apartment or condominimum building on corner site in RHd zone to meet Community Design Standards 33.218.140. Bay windows overhang right-of-way.
Early Assistance has been requested for a Hyatt Place at 350 NW 12th Ave:
New construction of 11 story Hyatt Place hotel with a FAR of 9:1 to be achieved through transfer of 3:1 FAR from the nearby historic landmark site. The site zoned EXd and is located within the CC Plan District.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4330 SW Macadam Ave:
Request for early assistance meeting for informaton on new construction of automobile showroom with three story parking garage.
Early Assistance has been requested by V3 Studio for a project at 8314 N Willamette Blvd:
Proposal is new construction for senior housing of at least 80-90 units with parking, outdoor amenities and landscaping.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Carleton Hart Architecture to discuss the 5020 Condos at 5020 N Interstate Ave:
Housing Bureau Project. Proposal is for the new construction of a five-story, 55,788 square foot affordable multi-dwelling development. The proposal will include 10 one-bedroom units; 22 two-bedroom units; 16 three-bedroom units; and three three-bedroom townhomes. First floor will include tuck-under parking. All existing structures will be removed.
A project at 5727 SE 136th Ave has been submitted for a Type III Conditional Use Review:
New construction of a new facility for worship at 5727 SE 136th Ave. The site is approx. 1.5 acres and has mixed zoning the eastern portion is CM1 and the western portion is R5a.
The Holman 42 apartments at 6324 NE 42nd Ave have been submitted for building permit review by Carleton Hart Architecture:
New 3-story, 59-unit apartment building with lobby, management office, resident services, community spaces and bike storage.