Metro Reports: 2135 NW 29th Ave, Neuberger Hall, 8608 N Lombard, and more

Site plan for 2135 NW 29th Ave by SERA Architects, as submitted for the project’s Pre-Application Conference in January

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Early Assistance has been requested by Hennebery Eddy Architects for a project at 808 SE Alder St:

Proposal is for a change in use, renovation and addition to an existing two (2) story concrete and wood frame structure with full basement previously used for storage. New proposed use is wet lab tenant spaces of group B occupancy and associated office space.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by LRS Architects to discuss a project at 15 NE Broadway:

Proposal to build a new multi-story automobile sales and service center on the existing property, with a ground floor automotive showroom facing NE Broadway and service entrance and reception off of NE Victoria Ave. Automotive service bay and parts storage will be below-grade, with vehicle inventory stored and displayed on upper floors.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Hacker Architects to discuss the Neuberger Hall Renovation:

Renovate existing building, which includes updating and modifiying accessibility, fire, life, safety, deferred maintenance, program adjustment and facade improvements. While these renovations are taking place, they are proposing to use alternate sites to facilitate academic and staffing needs. (See separate PC 17-115464)

A project at 6449 SE 128th has been submitted for Type II Adjustment Review by Scott Edwards Architecture:

Adjustment to parking requirement for 15 unit affordable housing development with tuck under parking.

A project at 8145 SE 6th Ave has been submitted for Type II Adjustment Review:

Adjustmet to height 33.805 from 45′ to 55′ for the development of a new Apartment Building.

A project at 2135 NW 29th Ave has been submitted for Type III Conditional Use Review by SERA Architects:

Conditional Use Review to allow residential use in the EG1 zone. Project includes 15 row houses with 6 ADU’s

Conditional Use review for a mixed use development. Three separate mixed use buildings and a standalone retail building are proposed. A street vacation is requested for NW Roosevelt east of NW 30th Avenue. Approximately 350 to 400 units total are proposed and 150 to 200 parking spaces. Residential uses in the EG zone are only allowed through approval of a Conditional Use as per Chapter 33.815.130 of the Portland Zoning Code. Adjustment to height requirements for all proposed buildings.

A project at 8608 N Lombard St has been submitted for Type II Design Review by Jones Architecture:

The proposed building is 4 stories tall with a basement. Mixed use with 30 residential units; ground level retail and parking.

A project at 2620 SW 1st Ave has been submitted for Type III Design Review by SERA Architects:

Proposal for a six story market rate apartment building with 160 units, ground floor retail and 80 tuck under parking stalls.

A project at 829 N Russell St has been submitted for Type III Historic Resouce Review by Otak Architects:

5 story shared housing project with 78 micro-studios, with 4 parking spaces provided. Proposal includes 2 signs.

A project at 1825 NE 108th Ave has been submitted for Type III Conditional Use Review:

Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map Amendment from R7 to R2, with Conditional Use Master Plan for expansion of existing assisted care living facility.

A project at 3608 NE Killingsworth St has been submitted for building permit review:

New 4 story triplex; with garage on 1st floor; associated site work

A project at 2626 NE Dekum St has been submitted for building permit review:

Construct new three story apartment building with 14 units and associated site work (10 units and 4 SROs)

A project at 533 NE Dekum St has been submitted for building permit review by Architecture Building Culture:

New 4 story, 27 unit apartment building, includes associated sitework

A project at 1834 NW 25th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Mentrum Architecture:

Construct new 5 story 30 unit apartment building with no parking; 64 sf trash enclosure  see folder comments

A project at 1904 NE Alberta St has been submitted for building permit review by Emerick Architects:

New 4-story mixed use building, ground floor commercial tenant space and trash room, upper floors 33 dwelling unit apartment, and associated site work

A project at 4732 N Albina Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Emerick Architects:

New 5 story apartment building with basement bike room, electrical room, water pump room and storage, 55 dwelling units with attached trash room and associated sitework

A project at 4509 N Montana Ave has been submitted for building permit review:

30 unit, 4 story wood framed multi family apartment building with interior bike and trash rooms; on same lot with two existing apartment buildings – see folder comments

A project at 6800 NE Grand Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Architecture Building Culture:

New 4 story, 27 unit apartment building, includes associated sitework

Metro Reports: Leland James Center, NE Alberta & MLK retail, Market Hill Commons, and more

Conway Leland James Center

A building permit was issued for the remodel of the Con-way Leland James Center

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Early Assistance has been requested by C2K Architecture for a project at 1335 SE Stark St:

Demolition of existing building and development of a new 4-story, 39-unit, mixed-use apartment building with 12 parking spaces.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 11365 SW Capitol Highway:

10-unit apartment complex with private drive.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 5031 NE 148th Ave:

Early Assistance to discuss construction of a two-story office building (9,900 SF), one-story warehouse (4,800 SF) and associated site improvements including paving, fencing and landscaping.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 15141 E Burnside St:

New 36-unit design within the East Corridor Plan District, with onsite stormwater disposal. Parking provided.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Koble Creative Architecture to discuss a project at 5615 SW Hood Ave:

Pre-application conference to discuss a new mixed-use building (office/retail at grade w/parking behind @ 4′ below grade w/2 floors office lease space above. Project includes rooftop penthouse, deck, and greenroof.

A project at 4018 N Williams Ave has been submitted for Type II Design Review by William Kaven Architecture:

New 5 stroy mixed use development, 66 apartments, 19 parking spaces. Modifications to Bike Rack Spacing & Loading Space.

Additions to a buiding at 2033 SE Clinton St have been submitted for building permit review by BAMA Architecture & Design:

Addition 4 story plus basement: two retail spaces on ground floor; two 3 level townhouse apartments above

Additions to St Joseph the Worker at 2400 SE 148th Ave have been submitted for building permit review by DiLoreto Architecture:

Additions on east and west elevations of existing church, remodel of existing building. Expansion of parking lot, new landscaping and stormwater facilities. New 120 sq ft trash enclosure.

Additions to a building at 0110 SW Porter St have been submitted for building permit review by Hennebery Eddy Architects:

Addition-renovation of existing building, addition of full second floor within the existing building shell. Change of occupancy from storage (S) to business (B), seismic improvements, site improvements, and MEP upgrades

A project at 8852 SE Ellis St has been submitted for building permit review by Mentrum Architecture:

Construct new 12 unit apratment buidling 3 story.

The Market Hill Commons have been submitted for building permit review:

New 4 story apartment building with (16) units, associated site improvements

A project at 323 N Emerson St has been submitted for building permit review:

Construction of new three story 6 unit apartment building with a 24 sq ft trash enclosre on site

A project at 4204 NE Halsey St has been submitted for building permit review by LRS Architects:

Construct new 6 story building with concrete podium and 5 level wood framed construction; ground floor level parking with building lobby and 3 future tenant spaces; top levels to include 100 apartment units; associated site work

A project at 2012 NW Vaughn St has been submitted for building permit review:

Construct new, 3 story plus basement, self storage facility, includes parking, landscaping and site utilities

A building permit was issued to SERA Architects for the remodel of the Con-way Leland James Center:

Re-skin exterior of building, new metal stud walls tto support brick veneer, and windows. create office core for future TIs, add 4th floor penthouse with decks and green space. add vehicle ramp to basement for new tenant parking. ***SEISMIC UPGRADE***NO OCCUPANCY UNDER THIS PERMIT*** (See Comments)

Building permits were issued to Tiland/Schmidt Architects for the NE Alberta & MLK retail development:

New single story 8,400 square foot masonry building, landscaping, parking, stormwater facility. Shell only, no occupancy this permit.

New single story 16,500 square foot masonry building, landscaping, parking, stormwater facility. Shell only, no occupancy this permit.

Metro Reports: Hoyt20, 419 SW 4th, 51 NE Weidler, and more

606 NE 20th Ave

A builing permit was issued for the Hoyt20 Apartments

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Design Advice has been requested and a Pre-Application Conference scheduled by Works Partnership for a project at 404 NW 23rd Ave:

Proposal is for a new four story development with basement and surface parking. The roof will have a deck and be used for mechanical storage.

Proposal is for a new four story multi-unit development with basement parking and a provision for additional at grade surface parking. The roof will include a deck and mechanical storage.

Design Advice has been requested by ZGF Architects for a project at 419 SW Washington St:

30-story mixed use (housing/hotel) with five stories of underground parking. Existing building has a two stories of below grade parking.

Early Assistance has been requested by William Wilson Architects for a project at 2502 SE 29th Ave:

New four story, 50 unit apartment building with basement garage and ground floor retail.

Early Assistance has been requested by TVA Architects for a project at 5009 N Interstate Ave:

Proposed project is a 5-story apartment building with 70+ residential apartments. Ground level surface parking will be provided, as well as secure bike room. Will go through design review instead of meeting community design standards. Adjustment to drive through aisle will be requested.

Early Assistance has been requested by Mackenzie for a project at 627 SE Division Pl:

Demo existing structures and construct a new 4 story self-storage facility.

Early Assistance has been requested by Hennebery Eddy Architects for a project at 341 SW 10th Ave:

Early Assistance w/meeting to discuss an addition of up to 2 floors on top of the existing building, which houses a “walk-in” theatre. Those floors would include add’l theatres, food service, common space, and potentially offices.

Early Assistance has been requested by Urban Development Group for a project at 1725 SE Tenino St:

Proposal is for a new apartment building with 78 units. Existing structures will be demolished.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by LRS Architects for a project at 51 NE Weidler St:

Proposal for a mixed use full block development. Ground floor auto dealership facing Broadway and commercial tenant spaces facing Weidler. Below grade parking and behicle service bay for dealership operations. One level of residential parking above the dealership with five floors of residential units. Outdoor terrace and green roof over residential parking structure.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Holst Architecture regarding 1510 NE Multnomah St:

New mixed use development of 2, 6 story 1st floor retail/live work apartment buildings. Approximately 520 market rate units with below grade parking.

A project at 1825 NW 23rd Ave has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Works Partnership:

Type III Design Review for a 5-story mixed use building with ground-level retail. Project includes basement parking.

A project at 6805 SE 52nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Allusa Architecture:

New 3 story mixed use building with (15) apartments and (2) retail spaces, site improvements, detached trash enclosure and gazebo each less than 120 sq ft.

New 3 story apartment building with (12) units

A project at 9525 N Lombard St has been submitted for building permit review:

Construct new 2 story (7 unit) apartment building with associated site work

A building permit was issued to MCA Architects for The Woodlark hotel at 813 SW Alder St:

Combine Woodlark Building (B occupancy) and Cornelius Hotel (R-2 occupancy) into a single Hotel (R-1 occupancy,) with 150 rooms, restaurant, bar and retail amenity area. (see 15-173142 CO for interior demolition permit)

A building permit was issued for a project at 7711 SW Capitol Highway (previously 7707 SW Capitol Highway):

New four story apartment building, 72 units, approximately 40 parking stalls, 2 retail spaces, ***demo permit for existing structure to be obtained separately***

A building permit was issued for the Hoyt20 Apartments at 620 NE 20th Ave:

New construction of a 6-story 59unit apartment building including parking and retail on level 1. Levels 3-6 contain a mix of apartment including studios, 1 bedroom, and 2 bedrooms. Level 6 also has an amenity deck along the west property line. Retail space on level 1 is to be built out under a separate permit with no occupancy this permit. Demo of existing building to be under separate permit. Demo plans included for reference only.

A building permit was issued for a project at 6400 N Montana Ave (previously 6404 N Montana):

New 6 unit, 3 story apartment with associated site work and landscaping

Under Construction in the Pearl: Hampton Inn & Suites (images)

This is an updated version of an article originally published on August 7th 2015.

Construction is underway on a 243 room Hampton Inn & Suites in the Pearl District. At the ground level the building will have public spaces such as the lobby, lounge, dining area and meeting rooms facing onto NW 9th Ave. Restaurant and retail spaces will face onto NW Everett St and onto NW Park Ave. 104 on-site parking stalls will be located in above grade structured parking, accessed from NW Flanders St.

The developer of the project is Wisconsin based Raymond Management CompanyGary Brink & Associates, also of Wisconsin, are the architects of record, while local firm Hannebery Eddy are serving as the design architects. The landscape architects are Lango Hansen.

Hampton Inn & Suites

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Focus: 20 new hotels proposed for Portland

When construction activity first started to return to Portland around 2012 it seemed like all that was being built was apartments. While residential still dominates the construction industry, other sectors of the market have started to return. In the last year there has been been a noticeable increase in the number of hotels proposed in Portland. Next Portland counts at least 20 hotels either proposed, going through Design Advice / Design Review, being reviewed for building permits or under construction. Together these represent over 3000 new rooms, a substantial number for a city that had 25,924 rooms in its metro area as of 2014.

It is unlikely that every single hotel on this list will be built; some of the Early Assistance application may represent property owners performing a feasibility study, and there is always the possibility of a downturn in the economy. Even still, it’s clear that Portland is going to have a substantially larger number of hotels in just a couple years. Click through to see the full list, arranged by number of rooms.

1 – Hyatt Regency at the Convention Center

Number of rooms: 600+
Architect: Ankrom Moisan Architects, ESG Architects
Status: Design Advice

Hyatt Hotel at the Oregon Convention Center

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Metro Reports: tower on Glisan, office on Albina, and more

4703 N Albina

4703 N Albina by Lever Architecture

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

SolTerra Architecture have requested Design Advice for a project on the parking lot at 3138 N Vancouver:

New development of 100 units of housing with 3,000-4,000 sq ft of ground floor commercial space. Provide 44 parking spaces at grade and in parking garage below grade. 6 stories & basement collecting and re-using storm water onsite.

Hennebery Eddy Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 110 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, on the same block as their recently completed 107 NE Grand project:

Rehab existing stucture to establish commercial/retail space on grd floor; upgrade apartments on the second & third floors. Alternate plan is to fully gut and re-plan apartment floors and add one floor of apartmentson top of building.

Ankrom Moisan Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a tower at 1430 NW Glisan St:

270,000 gsf 14-story residential tower, approx 273 units. 7,500 sf Retail on the ground floor. Developed jointly with abutting 4,300 sf site. Parking is below grade – 182 total stalls

A building permit was issued to Lever Architecture for one of the structures making up 4703 N Albina:

New two story accessory building with shared trash enclosure, conference room and private office on second level; see comments re: review by State of Oregon Building Codes Division PWB WGBF– DCVA required on domestic, DCDA required on fire, to be installed per PWB guidelines at www.Portlandoregon.Gov.. See permit 15-194172

(the building permit for the other building at 4703 N Albina is Approved to Issue):

New 4-story mass timber office building with elevator; see comments re: review by State of Oregon Building Codes Division DCVA required on Domestic, DCDA required on Fire service, to be installed per PWB installation requirements at www.portlandoregon,gov/water/backflowinstallationrequirements.

Pearl Hampton Inn & Suites (images)

Design Review drawings for a Hampton Inn & Suites in the Pearl District have been submitted to the City. The proposed 8 story hotel at NW 9th & Everett will have 243 guest rooms and 104 above grade car parking spaces. The ground level will include hotel public spaces such as the lobby, lounge, dining area and meeting rooms facing onto NW 9th Ave. There will also be restaurant and retail spaces fronting NW Everett St and NW Park Avenue. A roof terrace overlooking the Park Blocks will be located on the 8th floor.

The developer of the project is Wisconsin based Raymond Management CompanyGary Brink & Associates, also of Wisconsin, are the architects of record, while local firm Hannebery Eddy are serving as the design architects.


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Under Construction in the Central Eastside: 107 NE Grand (images)

A Central Eastside warehouse at 107 NE Grand is currently being redeveloped into new retail/creative office space. The project  includes a seismic upgrade of the building, and new landscaping / storm water facilities at the existing car park. The 1922 warehouse is owned by the adjacent Stark’s Vacuums, and was previously vacant. Their retail store will remain. The project design is by Hennebery Eddy.


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