The Oregonian reported that nearly complete TwentyTwenty building has switched from condominiums to rental apartments. The developer cited slower than expected pre-sales.
The Daily Journal of Commerce wrote about the new Meyer Memorial Trust Headquarters, planned for a site at N Williams and Tillamook.*
Rumors are flying that the Portland Diamond Project is looking at building an MLB Stadium in the Lloyd District, writes the Oregonian.
The Oregonian reported that one of Iceland’s top chefs will open a new restaurant, Vivian, and rooftop bar, Dóttir at the KEX Hotel.
Metro approved $22.9 million in funding for the redevelopment of Dekum Court in NE Portland. Home Forward will replace the 40 apartments currently located on the site with 160 apartments, affordable at 30% or 60% of median family income.
Two years after the completion of the Franklin High School Modernization problems are surfacing, reports OPB.
The launch of Alberta Commons brings renewed visibility to the black-owned businesses of Northeast Portland, writes Willamette Week.
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