SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss development on Blocks 292 West and 291 West in the Con-way masterplan area
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers March 19th to March 25th, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by Lever Architecture for the Adidas Campus Expansion:
Design Advice Request for new buildings at Adidas Village including a centralized
loading facility modification.
Early Assistance has been requested by LRS Architects for a project at 201 NE 2nd Ave:
No zone change to this site. Proposal is for an addition of a 3-4 story office space for business growth and would be located in front of the existing office space. The first floor would be a 630SF lobby entry and includes smaller defliver truck loading and open air plaza covered by upper levels that have approx. 3780SF for each floor plate.Open air plaza accommodates the reservation for easement through the 6’0″ water easement. There is a new water/fire vault that was placed in to lawn area of site in 2015. Questions include steps taken to build over the new water/fire vault; options for stormwater disposal give flood plain and proximity to river,etc.
Early Assistance has been requested by Northpoint Development for a project at 3256 NE Columbia Blvd:
Current code: Proposal is to redevelop site with a 3-story, 120,000 sf self-storage facility with accessory office space and parking, taking access from NE Columbia Blvd.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 16211 SE Foster Rd:
Future code info: Audobon Society of Portland is considering purchasing the lots to create a conservation-focused facility in East Portland. The facility would include environmental education activities, a wildlife hospital, offices, interpretive center, outdoor caging for wildlife and a nature store. It would also include housing staff onsite. They want to ensure that they fully understand what would be allowed at each of these properties.
Early Assistance has been requested by Skylab Architecture for a project at 3205 SW 11th Ave:
Current code (no change to site): Construction of new multi-family, 11 unit residential development (approximately 10,850 sq ft). The building program is arranged into two 4-story bars that step downhill along with the slope of the site. The upper bar will be 4 stories of residential and the lower bar will be 3 stories of residential over 1 level of utility, storage, and parking. Stormwater will be retained onsite with a planter at the south and a basin at the north. Infiltration is not feasible onsite due to the slope, so the planters will be piped to the combined storm/sewer pipe running beneath 11th Ave.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Northpoint Development to discuss a project at 11858 NE Halsey St:
Current code: Redevelop site with 3-story 90,000 sf self-storage facility with accessory office space and parking, taking access from NE Halsey Street.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Fieldwork Design & Architecture to discuss a project at 121 N Beech St:
Future code: Proposal is for a new 5-story building with retail at ground level and 4 stories of office above. Drywell stormwater system.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects to discuss a project on Con-way Blocks 292W and 291W at 1417 NW 20th Ave:
Future Code: Block 292 West and Block 291 West in the Conway Master Plan area. Proposal is for two 6-story market rate apartment buildings with ground floor retail and basement parking. (400+ units).
A project at 1935 N Killingsworth St has been submitted for Type II Design Review by Works Progress Architecture:
This proposal is for a new mixed use development building composed of 4 stories of wood frame construction with at grade parking. The building will be compromised of multi-unit residential uses on the uper levels with retail uses proposed on the ground level. The 36 residential units are a mix of studios, one bedroom and two bedroom units.
A project at 6615 SE 52nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review by DiLoreto Architecture:
Change of occupancy from “B” to R-2″ and conversion of office building to 32 unit apartment building, includes associated sitework, new drive and curb cut, and restriping the (e) parking lot. Seismic upgrade
A project at 2590 NW Upshur St has been submitted for building permit review by Urban Development Group:
New 5 story wood framed 145 unit apartment building with associated site work
A building permit was issued for a project at 821 SE 14th Ave:
Renovation of an existing 3-story 12,462sf office building with a 1-story, 2000sf addition and site improvements
A building permit was issued for the Aniva Apartments at 5009 N Interstate Ave:
New multi family apartment building with 90 units, tuck under parking, associated site work.