A 148-unit affordable housing development in the Alphabet Historic District has been approved by the Historic Landmarks Commission. The development is being designed by Carleton Hart Architecture for nonprofit developer and housing provider Northwest Housing Alternatives. The project will be comprised of two buildings, which with varying levels of affordability (income limits will be 0-60% Area Median Income). The north building at NW 18th & Irving is intended to be workforce housing with no age restrictions. The south building at NW 18th & Hoyt will incorporate and add to the existing Buck Prager building, and is intended to serve low-income, vulnerable seniors. As part of the development the Buck Prager building will receive a seismic upgrade. No vehicular parking is proposed.
Category Archives: Carleton Hart Architecture
Landmarks Commission Offers Advice on 1727 NW Hoyt St (images)
An affordable housing development in the Alphabet Historic District has gone in front of the Historic Landmarks Commission for three Design Advice Request (DAR) hearings, in advance of its land use review application. The project is being designed by Carleton Hart Architecture for nonprofit developer and housing provider Northwest Housing Alternatives. The project will be comprised of two buildings. The north building at NW 18th & Irving is intended to be workforce housing. The south building at NW 18th & Hoyt will incorporate and add to the existing Buck Prager building, and is intended to serve low-income, vulnerable seniors. As part of the development the Buck Prager building will receive a seismic upgrade.
Metro Reports: Zeal Lofts, Glass Lab, Fernhill Crossing, and more

The Zeal Lofts on N Williams (currently addressed as N Vancouver) will include 205 micro units. The project is being designed by Jackson Main Architecture for developer Vibrant Cities.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers June 11th to June 17th, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested by Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 6968 N Montana Ave:
Construction of a new 3-story, 34-unit apartment building (all residential).
Early Assistance has been requested by Integrate Architecture and Planning for a project at 3962 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
Demo existing restaurant and replace with a new 2100 sq ft single story building for a new restaurant. Parking, exterior terrace, landscape, and stormwater facilities, and sidewalk improvements are included in the scope of work.
Con-way Blocks 292W and 291W at 1417 NW 20th Ave have been submitted for a Type III Design Review by SERA Architects:
Construct two 6-story market-rate apartment buildings with ground floor retail and basement parking. Modifications requested to bike parking width and vehicle stall size.
A project at 1727 NW Hoyt St has been submitted for Type III Historic Resource Review by Carleton Hart Architects:
100-day-review-timeline. Construct two new buildings and renovate existing building which is a contributing resource in the Alphabet Historic District. A total of 148 affordable housing units across the three buildings.
Glass Lab at 1805 SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd has been submitted for building permit review:
Change of occupancy from M to B. Core & shell remodel of 1st & 2nd floors of (E) building – remove all interior partitions, fixtures, & stairs; add walls to create new tenant spaces on 2nd floor; replace storefront & overhead doors; (4) new mezzanines, new stairs, bathrooms, & offices; restripe & landscape parking lot *** no tenants this permit *** w/18-187700-MT ***
A project at 1475 SE 100th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by CB|Two Architects:
Addition to existing skilled nursing facility including 18 new beds. See 18-103623-LU.
A project at 4242 SE Milwaukie Ave has been re-submitted for building permit review:
New 3-story mixed use building, west wing has (3) retail spaces on level 1, (4) office spaces on level 2, and (4) apartment units on level 3. East wing has tuck-under parking and (12) apartment units.
Fernhill Crossing at 4250 NE Portland Highway has been submitted for building permit review:
New construction 1 of 4 mutifamily residential building with 4 units. **mechanical permit to be obtained separately**
New construction 2 of 4 mutifamily residential building with 8 units. **mechanical permit to be obtained separately**
New construction 1 of 4 multifamily residential building with 4 units. Includes site improvements; uncovered trash enclosure. **mech permit to be obtained separately**
A project at 621 NE Randall Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 4-unit, 3 story apartment building with associated sitework *** floor and roof trusses to be a DFS ***
The Zeal Lofts at 3185 N Vancouver Ave have been submitted for building permit review:
New 6 story mixed-use 205 group living unit, 10 full unit apartment building with 3-4 tenant spaces on ground floor and onsite below grade parking, includes associated sitework w/18-185085-MT
A building permit was issued to CIDA Architects for a project at 6640 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
New 4 story mixed use building, 18 apartment units, ground floor shell tenant space, interior trash enclosure. Associated site work. Mechanical permit separate.
A building permit was issued for a project at 2630 NE Dekum St:
Construct new three story apartment building with 12 units and associated site work
Metro Reports: Holman 42, Hyatt Place, 5020 Condos, and more

The 5020 Condos are an affordable home ownership project by Proud Ground and Habitat for Humanity. The building is proposed for a site on N Interstate Ave owned by the Portland Housing Bureau.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers June 4th to June 10th, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested by Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 6306 N Maryland Ave:
Construct new three story, 18 unit apartment or condominimum building on corner site in RHd zone to meet Community Design Standards 33.218.140. Bay windows overhang right-of-way.
Early Assistance has been requested for a Hyatt Place at 350 NW 12th Ave:
New construction of 11 story Hyatt Place hotel with a FAR of 9:1 to be achieved through transfer of 3:1 FAR from the nearby historic landmark site. The site zoned EXd and is located within the CC Plan District.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4330 SW Macadam Ave:
Request for early assistance meeting for informaton on new construction of automobile showroom with three story parking garage.
Early Assistance has been requested by V3 Studio for a project at 8314 N Willamette Blvd:
Proposal is new construction for senior housing of at least 80-90 units with parking, outdoor amenities and landscaping.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Carleton Hart Architecture to discuss the 5020 Condos at 5020 N Interstate Ave:
Housing Bureau Project. Proposal is for the new construction of a five-story, 55,788 square foot affordable multi-dwelling development. The proposal will include 10 one-bedroom units; 22 two-bedroom units; 16 three-bedroom units; and three three-bedroom townhomes. First floor will include tuck-under parking. All existing structures will be removed.
A project at 5727 SE 136th Ave has been submitted for a Type III Conditional Use Review:
New construction of a new facility for worship at 5727 SE 136th Ave. The site is approx. 1.5 acres and has mixed zoning the eastern portion is CM1 and the western portion is R5a.
The Holman 42 apartments at 6324 NE 42nd Ave have been submitted for building permit review by Carleton Hart Architecture:
New 3-story, 59-unit apartment building with lobby, management office, resident services, community spaces and bike storage.
Metro Reports: Woody Guthrie Place, Block 216, 2275 NW Glisan, and more

2275 NW Glisan St, as presented to the Historic Landmarks Commission in March. The new building is proposed on the site of the 2016 gas explosion.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers April 23rd to April 29th, 2018.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled and Design Advice requested by GBD Architects for a development on Block 216 at 936 SW Washington St:
DESIGN HEARING – Future code:project is a full block of mixed use; office, hotel and residential in a 33 story tower and podium configuration. Parking will be configured below grade in 4 1/2 levels. Gross floor area is approx. 750,000 SF above grade and 160,000 SF below grade. The project will be entitled in accordance with CC 2035 amendments.
Early Assistance has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects to discuss alterations to the Artist Repertory Theatre, necessary for a project at 1515 SW Morrison St to move ahead:
Future code: Proposal includes partial demolition of existing structure, reducing the existing theatre to the south half block and creating a mixed-use apartment tower to the north half. Retail lobby, and amenity area are proposed on the ground floor. Parking will be below grade. Alterations and improvements to the existing Artist Repertory Theatre within the south half of the block will be under a separate design review and permit. Approval by others.
Early Assistance has been requested by Sinan Gumusoglu Architecture for a project at 6532 N Interstate Ave:
Future code: remove single family house to build 3-story mixed-use apartment building. Building will have commercial space, one (1) residential unit on the first floor & three (3) residential units on the second floor, and three (3) residential units on the 3rd floor (7 units total). Flat roof will have AC units. Front elevation will have brick facade with balconies, store front at ground floor. Cement siding will also be used.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Doug Circosta Architect to discuss a project at 3436 SE 43rd Ave:
Future code: 60 new affordable rental living units and new chapel on CG zoned portion of property (changing to CM2).
A project at 2275 NW Glisan St (previously 510 NW 23rd Ave) has been submitted for Type III Historic Resource Review by Allied Works Architecture:
Four story mixed use residential building. Site is location of 2016 gas explosion.
A renovation of a building at 5845 NE Hoyt St has been submitted for building permit review:
Exterior renovation of existing 4 story multi family; demo and replace existing exterior cladding and windows; miscellaneous exterior improvements
A project at 7925 N Jersey St has been submitted for building permit review:
New construction of 3-story 6 unit apartment builiding with associated site work, no off-street parking provided
A building permit was issued for the Portland International Airport Concourse E Extension:
2 level, 800 lineal ft addition to existing concourse E, to include new hold rooms and concession areas.
A building permit was issued for a project at 2719 NE Flanders St:
New construction of 3 story 4-plex and site improvements.
A building permit was issued to Carleton Hart Architects for Woody Guthrie Place at 5800 SE 91st Ave:
New 4-story, 64-unit building septic decommissioning required. Call for inspection 842.
Weekly Roundup: Portland Diamond Project, 126 NE Alberta, 1727 NW Hoyt, and more

A proposed development at 1727 NW Hoyt St, designed by Carleton Hart Architecture for Northwest Housing Alternatives, would include 149 units of affordable housing.
The Oregonian reported that the management group behind the Portland Diamond Project, which hopes to bring Major League Baseball to the city, have put in offers for two sites: the Portland Public Schools Blanchard Education Service Center near the Rose Quarter and the Esco Industrial site in Northwest Portland. The paper also reported that the group has spent $30,000 lobbying city hall to date. The Willamette Week reported that the offer to PPS would include giving the school district the former Banfield Pet Hospital Headquarters on 82nd Avenue.
History Treasured & Sometimes Endangered wrote about how the threat of a large apartment building at 1727 NW Hoyt St has led one neighbor to dig deep into history.
Portland for Everyone wrote about how an upzone at 126 NE Alberta St would turn a parking lot into 50 below-market-rate homes. An op-ed in the Oregonian described the proposal as the “21st-century version of red-lining“.
The Daily Journal of Commerce reported on plans for to build the Oregon Harbor of Hope homeless shelter at the Broadway Bridge. The proposal is latest in a number of plans for the site*, which have included One Waterfront Place and the Broadway Bridge-Naito Parkway Apartments. In an article about the project the Portland Tribune revealed that plans for a shelter in an existing building at 320 NW Hoyt St have now been abandoned due to the high costs of converting the building to a new use.
OPB reported on Portland Community Reinvestment Initiative Inc’s plans to plans to bring African-American families back to North Portland.
The Portland Business Journal published a visual tour of CENTRL Office’s latest space in the 12th & Morrison office building.
The Daily Journal of Commerce published construction photos of the Redfox Commons. The project involves the conversion of the Old Freeman Factory in Northwest Portland into creative office space.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.
Metro Reports: 10th & Yamhill Smart Park, 203 NE Grand, Providence Park, and more

Building permits are under review for the renovation of the 10th & Yamhill Smart Park Garage
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers November 20th to November 27th, 2017.
Early Assistance has been requested by Carleton Hart Architecture for a project at 320 NW Hoyt St:
Renovation of existing (vacant) 3-story warehouse to be used as a shelter
Early Assistance has been requested by BAMA Architecture & Design for a project at 1537 SE Morrison St:
Future code – Evaluation of options for development of property.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at 12400 SE Schiller St:
Future code – Two planned multi-dwelling unit buildings with associated utilities, parking, and walkways on two existing legal lots of record.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Ankrom Moisan Architects to discuss a project at 203 NE Grand Ave:
Current code: New eight story mixed use project with apartments on levels 2-8. Ground floor retail. Amenities include a lounge, fitness, leasing, bike storage and bike lounge, pet area and pet wash area.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects to discuss a project at 236 SE Grand Ave:
Current code – Proposal to build seven story B occupancy office building on the 1.2 block between SE Pine and SE Ash on SE Grand Ave. The structure will be approximately 100 feet tall with a gross area of approximately 107,000 square feet.
The renovation of 10th & Yamhill Smartpark Garage has been submitted for building permit review by FFA Architecture & Interiors:
Addition to parking garage. Replace northeast and southwest stair and elevator towers with new (demo’d under permit 17-273719-co). Demolish northwest and southeast stair and elevator towers. Reconfigured first floor layout including partitions for shell tenant spaces and addition to first floor shell tenant spaces at northeast and southwest corners. Repair and maintenance throughout parking levels. Accessibility upgrades. ***mechanical permit separate***
Alteration to parking garage. Selective demolition of the northeast and southwest corner stair and elevator towers, and demolition of interior partitions on the first floor tenant spaces. Related selective demolition of mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems.
A structural permit was issued to Allied Works Architecture for the Providence Park Expansion:
STR 02: All micropiles shown on sheets S200C, 2001A, and 2002A; Shotecrete slabs on the hillside shown on S2001A at the north and south ends. This includes pile cap tie reinforcement that would be located within the shotcrete slabs.
Metro Reports: Blackburn Building, 1727 NW Hoyt, 1120 SE Main, and more

A building permit was issued for Central City Concern’s Blackburn Building
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers November 13th to November 19th, 2017.
Design Advice has been requested by Carleton Hart Architecture for a project at 1727 NW Hoyt St:
Two new buildings and restoration of a Historic building (Contributing Structure) in Alphabet district.
Early Assistance has been requested by Design Department for a project at 4212 N Interstate Ave:
Current Code – New 4 story mixed use building. 1st floor retail 15 apartments proposed, no parking proposed.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects to discuss a project at 1120 SE Main St:
The proposal is a 1.5 acre site comprised of an existing two story commercial building to be renovated to be creative office/retail, a new wood framed five story multi-family building with ground floor retail, and a new manufacturing and production building with above with above grade parking. Total development to contain 72 apartments, 66,000 gsf manufacturing and production, and 94 vehicular parking stalls.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Case Design Group to discuss a project at 2231 NW Pettygrove St:
Current Code – New 5 story 29 unit apartment building. Purposed development valuation will trigger a Type 3 review.
A project at 4941 NE 14th Pl has been submitted for building permit review by CIDA Architects:
New 3 story, 15 unit apartment building, includes associated sitework
A building permit was issued for a project at 6041 NE Flanders St (previously 6035 NE Flanders St):
Construct 3 story, 4 plex building with 2 tuck under garages, 2 units on lowest level, 2 main floor units with upper levels above, no detached trash area, includes associated site work
A building permit was issued for a project at 7070 N Montana Ave (previously 7032 N Montana Ave):
Construct new 3 story six plex, no parking, detached trash enclosure less than 120sf in area, includes associated site work
A building permit was issued to Studio 3 Architecture for a project at 7210 N Burlington Ave (previously 7220 N Burlington Ave):
New 3-story, 19-unit multifamily apartment structure***deferred submittals: pre-engineered wood floor joists, pre-engineered wood roof joists, built in landscape irrigation (design build)***
A building permit was issued for a project at 123 SE 13th Ave (previously SE 13th and Ankeny):
New 87 unit, 4 story apartment building with roof deck. 5 parking spaces, landscaping and utilities
A building permit was issued for a project at 3618 SE 92nd Ave:
New construction of employee lift dispatch building with dispatch, training, offices, kitchen and two bathrooms; Site Improvements including new vehicle storage area and employee parking area; re-paving private road leading to parking area. Adjacent lift storage building under permit 17-187922-CO.
A building permit was issued to Ankrom Moisan Architects for The Blackburn Building (also known as the Eastside Health Center) at 12121 E Burnside St:
New 6 story mixed use building to consist of medical clinic, mix of transitional housing and mult family residential housing
Metro Reports: Division 33, Convention Center Hotel, New Omni, and more

The Theory 33 Flats will include 30 residential units over ground floor retail.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. (Note: this post covers August 7th to 13th, 2017; last week’s intakes will be covered in a subsequent post.)
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1602 SE Tacoma St:
Proposal is to construct a twelve unit apartment building with one and two bedroom units alongside a pedestrian passageway and a central stair to the upper units. Concept development from building at 686 SE Spokane St. The existing structure will be deconstructed by a certified deconstruction contractor. The applicant wishes to use Community Design Standards and wishes to confirm that a Type II Design Review will not be required. Applicant will use current zoning code for review.
Early Assistance has been requested by DiLoreto Architecture for a project at 6615 SE 52nd Ave:
Current code. 32 unit housing constructed within an existing office building. no additional square footage proposed. Existing parking and site to remain.
Early Assistance has been requested by MWA Architects for a project at 9747 NE Glisan St:
Project is intended as affordable workforce multi-family residential development. This project includes 3,500 square feet of resident service/community space and 164 apartment units.
Early Assistance has been requested by Winn Architecture for a project at 3336 SW 11th Ave:
Proposal is for a 18 unit, three story with basement apartment building with ground floor commercial space.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Ankrom Moisan Architects to the discuss the New Omni at 416 NW 5th Ave:
Current code. Request for a Pre-App for a Type IV and Type III land use review for one contributing structure (416 NW 5th) and non-contributing structure (430 NW 5th Ave) for a proposal of a new 14 story, 150,000 GSF mixed use residential development with parking. Stormwater disposal via landscaped planter.
The PCC Child Development Center at 11900 SW 49th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by GBD Architects:
Addition of new 2-story building for classroom and office space; mixed occupancy B and E; new covered walkway to connect 2 existing buildings with new; TI in ground floor of existing buildings change of occupancy from B to E, replace exterior windows and new walls to reconfigure classrooms; and all associated site work
A fourth building at the Sunshine Portland development, located at 3610 SE 29th Ave, has been submitted for building permit review by Siteworks Design Build:
New 15 unit four story apartment building. ( building 4 of complex) with associated site work
525 SE MLK Blvd has been submitted for building permit review by Hacker Architects:
New construction of six story (above ground) building consisting of 90,400 SF with one level of underground parking consisting of 15,490 SF; five levels of office over ground floor retail
A building permit was issued to Hacker Architects for the Theory 33 Flats at 3325 SE Division St:
Construct new 4 story, 30 unit apartment building, trash area at main floor of building, includes associated site work
A building permit was issued to Carleton Hart Architecture for New Meadows at 4353 N Hunt St (previously 8710 N Dana Ave):
New 15 unit 2 story housing facility for youth transitioning out of foster care
A building permit was issued to Deca, Inc for a project at 1728 NE 45th Ave:
New 3 story w/ basement, 12 unit apartment building , includes associated sitework – prelim mtg 16-289387 BD ***separate mechanical permit required***
A building permit was issued for a project at 85 N Going St (previously 25 N Going St):
New 3 story 6 plex and associated site work; approx 75 sq ft trash enclosure
The first building permit was issued for the Convention Center Hotel at 375 NE Holladay St:
Excavation and shoring, underground utilities, stuctural foundations, vertical structure only, vertical fire protection standpipe at stairs
Metro Reports: 4130 SE Division, 4905 N Interstate, 1714 NE 45th, and more
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Baysinger Partners for a project at 4130 SE Division St:
Review is for current code. Construction of a 4 story, 19-unit residential, multifamily building
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2701 NE 102nd Ave:
Current code. Construct (2) 4 unit apartments buildings on site with existing single family residence. Shared kitchen, living space, and bathrooms.
Early Assistance has been requested by Carleton Hart Architecture for a project at 6324 NE 42nd Ave:
New affordable housing apartment building. 59 units. New code
Early Assistance has been requested by Koble Creative Architecture for a project at 4242 SE Milwaukie Ave:
New Zoning Code – Proposal for a new mixed use, 4 story, multi family building approximately 37 units.
A Type II Adjustment Review has been submitted for a project at NW 24th & Raleigh:
New 3-story condominium in need of adjustments: building setbacks (33.120.220.D) and building coverage and pedestrian standards (33.120.225). Please note that the building permit will be applied for next week.
A project at 4905 N Interstate Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 3-story, 12-unit apartment complex***fire sprinkler systems, fire alarm, mechanical, plumbing, electrical separate permits***
A project at 6234 N Montana Ave has been submitted for building permit review by CIDA Architects:
New 3 story, 19 unit apartment building w/ bike storage & trash room on first floor; includes associated sitework *** w/ 17-203579-mt ***
A new building permit application has been submitted for a project at 316 NE 28th Ave, replacing an earlier permit:
Construct new 4-story, 119 unit mixed use-apartment building with basement level; 1st level 3 retail tenant spaces, trash loading area, and lobby
A building permit was issued to Deca Architecture, Inc for a project at 1714 NE 45th Ave:
New 3 story apartment building with basement (8 units) and associated site work; includes retaining wall; trash room inside