The Design Commission has approved Lovejoy Square, a proposed mixed use building in the Pearl designed by Bora Architects for developer Killian Pacific. The 10 story building would reach a height of 148′-6″ at top of parapet. The building will include approximately 7,000 sq ft of ground floor retail, 33,000 sq ft of office space on levels 2 to 4 and 78 residential units at levels 5-10. Two levels of underground parking will provide 70 parking spaces. Long term parking for 165 bicycles is proposed.
Category Archives: Bora Architects
Metro Reports: Rothko Pavilion, Lincoln High School, Platform, and more

A potential massing for a rebuilt Lincoln High School, as envisioned during the master planning process by Bora Architects.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers February 19th to February 25th, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by Hennebery Eddy Architects for the Portland Art Museum Rothko Pavilion:
Request Design Advice for project to construct a three story structure linking the two existing Portland Art Museum buildings. Additional work will be located at south end of complex on Jefferson St. Interior modifications include mechanical, electrical, plumbing and life safety systems.
Design Advice has been requested by BORA Architects for the new Lincoln High School:
Lincoln High School Replacement project. The new school building is proposed to be 8 stories and 138 feet tall and provide 281,000 square feet of educational and support space. Please note Pre-application conference case # 18-108160.
Design Advice has been requested by Allied Works Architecture for the Platform building at 1130 SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
Request for Design Advice for a new eight story building, 140,000 SF commercial office space with retail use on ground level and two levels of parking below grade
Early Assistance has been requested by Scotia Western States Housing for a project at 3204 SW 12th Ave:
No changes to this site/project with comp plan/zone map changes: New 4-story apartment building with 23 units and 14 surface parking lots.
A project at 1001 SE Sandy Blvd has been submitted for Type II Design Review by em architecture:
Proposal is for a tenant improvement that includes an occupancy change from S-2 (wine storage) to B (architecture offices.) New window and egress doors will be added to the new tenant’s space.
A building permit was issued for a project at 450 NE Jessup St (previously 442 NE Jessup St):
Construct new 3-story, 15 unit apartment building with attached trash room on 1st floor
Metro Reports: NE 106th and Halsey, Lincoln High School, Portland River Center, and more

A Pre-Application Conference was scheduled to discuss the Portland River Center
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 15th to January 21st, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by Holst Architecture for a project at NE 106th and Halsey:
DESIGN HEARING – Current Code: Request for a Design Advice for a six story mixed use building including approx. 10,000 SF of ground floor retail, 9,000 SF of second floor office space and 75 apartments units including affordable housing units and 60 surface parking spaces.
Early Assistance has been requested by Köz Development for a project at 105 N Killingsworth St:
Future code: Proposal is for new 91 unit studio apartment building. 4-story, type VA construction. Stormwater will be rylnaged through green roof and discharged to city system.
Early Assistance has been requested by Merryman Barnes Architects for a project at SE 90th & Powell:
Future code: Proposal is to develop the property to accommodate a new +42,000 gsf clinic, a 52 unit senior housing building, and associated (shared) parking and landscaping. The senior housing project will likely be developed by another entity, and the site would be divided in order to allow for separate ownership and include a shared use agreement for the parking. No current plan for stormwater disposal at this time.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 835 SE 162nd Ave:
This site/project isn’t affected by the comp plan/zoning changes taking effect in May 2018.
Construction of six (6) 2-story buildings (townhomes and duplexes) of affordable housing (41 units units). The largest building is 26 apartments with community space and resident services spaces. New access drive with easement to 162nd. Stormwater treated on site with drywells, swales, and/or rain gardens.
Early Assistance has been requested by Waechter Architecture for a project at 5134 N Interstate Ave:
Future code: Proposal is for 60 apartments including afordable units. Amenity and retail space.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss the Portland River Center on the OMSI campus:
A Pre-Application Conference to discuss construction of the Portland River Center. This facility will be operated by The Portland Boathouse, a non-profit organization. The facility will contain boat storage and staging areas, educational classrooms, a small office, workout spaces with showers and restrooms, and interior and exterior river-viewing areas. The building will have 29,000 square feet of floor area in a two story building and is located partially in the Willamette Greenway Setback.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by BORA Architects to discuss the new Lincoln High School:
Future code info for the rebuild Lincoln High School (demo and replace building). They will need a Type III DZ.
A project at SE 124th & Ash has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
100-day review timeline: Construction of new 4-story workforce housing building with 175 units of affordable housing (all units), a community space, courtyard, two offices for support staff and 43 car parking spaces. They will be meeting community design standards. Adjustment requested for Loading Standards Placement, Setback and Landscaping (33.266.310.E).
A project at 5603 SE Milwaukie Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Tahran Architecture & Planning:
New 4 story, 30 unit with attached trash enclosure, includes associated sitework ***separate fire protection***
A project at 4126 NE Garfield Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Fosler Portland Architecture:
New 12 unit 2 story apartment building, includes pre-fab trash enclosure and associated sitework.
A project at 12350 NE Sandy Blvd has been submitted for building permit review:
New one story building for future restaurant (shell only – no interior walls, no concrete slab, no RTUs); includes restriping & upgrades to (E) parking lot & associated site work *** w/ 119 sq ft trash enclosure ***
A project at 4107 SE 28th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 1 story restaurant on existing parking lot including seating area, kitchen, storage, toilet, trash room, bike parking, ramps and upper and lower deck patio. Infill existing driveway ***no occupancy in this permit***
A building permit was issued to Urban Development Group for a project at 5955 SE Milwaukie Ave (previously 6003 SE Milwaukie Ave):
New 4-story 54 unit apartment complex, trash enclosure within structure and associated site work
A building permit was issued for a project at 1375 N Wygant St (previously 4806 N Maryland Ave):
New construction of 10500sf, 6 unit 3 story w/basement apartment building with new trash/recycling, bike parking, and s-2 storage in basement ***separate mechanical permit required***
Design Commission Reviews Lovejoy Square (images)
An initial Design Review hearing has been held for Lovejoy Square, a proposed mixed use building in the Pearl by Bora Architects for developer Killian Pacific. The 10 story building would reach a height of 148′-6″ at top of parapet. At full build out the phased development would include approximately 16,000 sq ft of ground floor retail, 56,000 sq ft of office space on levels 2 to 4 and 186 residential units. Two levels of underground parking would provide 143 parking spaces. Long term parking for 318 bicycles is proposed.
Meier & Frank Building Renovation Approved (images)
The Historic Landmarks Commission has approved a renovation of the Meier & Frank Building, formerly home to the downtown branch of Macy’s. The renovation is being designed by Bora Architects, for project owners Sterling Bay and KBS Realty Advisors. The project will create up to five new ground floor retail spaces, and convert levels 2 to 5 of the building to creative office space. Portions of the existing basement will be re-purposed as bike parking and lockers, a gym, a conference room and a multi-use area. The top floors of the building, home to the Nines Hotel, are in separate ownership and are not part of the project.
Metro Reports: 3403 N Mississippi, NE 106th & Halsey, Neuberger Hall, and more

Construction has started on a project by Holst Architecture at 3403 N Mississippi Ave
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested by DLR Group for a project at 539 SW 10th Ave:
Construct a new hotel with approximately 177 rooms, 11 stories. (Central City, Downtown, West End Plan District – Central City Design District)
Early Assistance has been requested by Holst Architecture for a project at NE 106th & Halsey:
Proposal is for a six story building with 45 affordable housing units, 30 market rate apartments, tuck-under parking, 10,000SF of retail and 10,700SF of office space. Amenities to include community room and green roof deck.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Mainland Northwest to discuss a project at West of 8524 N Crawford St:
Previous EA 15-219376. Proposal to change the zoning, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Map designation, from EG1 (General Employment 1) and EG2 (General Employment 2) to EXd (Central Employment zone with the Design overlay zone). The applicant states the future development on this 15-acre site could include multi-dwelling residential, neighborhood retail, mixed office-manufacturing uses. The greenway trail will also be developed. This application does not include a specific development plan.
The PSU Neuberger Hall Renovation has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Hacker architects:
Renovation of PSU’s Neuberger Hall, which includes updates and modifications to accessibility, fire and life safety, upgrades to MEP systems, seismic strengthening, program adjustments and facade improvements. One modification requested to Ground Floor Windows (33.130.230, 33.510.220)
The renovations to the Meier & Frank Building have been submitted for Type III Design Review by Bora Architects:
Project is located at former Macy’s department store. Floors 1-5 and basement to be demolished and renovated as creative office space with ground level retail. New restrooms will be added to the office floors to accommodate future office tenant improvement. Basement amenity space including bike storage, fitness and conference space will be provided.Scope includes limited facade renovations to accommodate restored retail entries mid block on SW 5th and SW 6th and a new entry on SW 6th near Morrison. Each entry will include a new canopy. The SW Alder canopy will be reduced in depth per PBOT requirements. The historic facade and SW Morrison canopies will be preserved.
A building permit was issued to Holst Architecture for a project at 3403 N Mississippi Ave:
Excavation and Shoring
A building permit was issued for a project at 5025 N Minnesota Ave:
New 6 unit apartment building with associated site work
Metro Reports: 1430 NW Glisan, Asian Health & Services Center, 5 MLK, and more

The first building permit was issued for 1430 NW Glisan
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by DLR Group for a project at 539 SW 10th Ave:
Construct a new hotel with approximately 177 rooms, 11 stories. (Central City, Downtown, West End Plan District – Central City Design District)
Early Assistance has been requested by Woodblock Architecture for a project at 1604 E Burnside St:
Demo existing building for development of a new 83 room Hostel with related spaces, a restaurant and coffee shop. No parking provided.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1424 NE 33rd Ave:
Consolidation of 4 lots. Vacation of Halsey Street. Demo existing house. Construction of four 6-plexes (1,000 sq ft 2bed/2bath condos). Garages on 1st floor. No parking proposed. Affordable Housing. Modular construction. 24 total units.
A project at 3185 N Vancouver Ave has been submitted for Type III Conditional Use Review:
New 6-story mixed-use building consisting of 202 group living units, 8 apartment units, shared kitchens on each floor, 56 parking spaces, and 3 commerical tenant spaces on the ground floor.
A project at 177 N Failing St has been submitted for Type II Design Review:
New construction of a 44,700 SF building with 88 group living rooms provided in (16) dwelling units, (2) one bedroom and (2) two bedroom apartments in four floors of type VA construction above one floor of Type IA construction which will contain 6 live-work units, amenity spaces, parking and building utilities and one below grade level containing parking and building utilities.
A project at 1723 NW 24th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Skylab Architecture:
Change of occupancy from B to M; create six separate tenant spaces and six mezzanines; new interior trash rooms; accessible bathrooms; new exterior doors and parking upgrades; seismic upgrade; new storefront window openings
A project at 7220 N Burlington Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:
New 3-story, 19-unit multifamily apartment structure***deferred submittals: pre-engineered wood floor joists, pre-engineered wood roof joists, built in landscape irrigation (design build)***
A project at 6515 SE 78th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Mentrum Architecture:
New 2-story, 3-unit apartment building with 1 parking pad and associated site work, attached trash enclosure. No mechanical.
An excavation and shoring permit is under review for 5 MLK:
Excavation and Shoring for new 17 story building
A building permit was issued to Bora Architects for alterations to the Meier & Frank Building:
Interior alteration -demolition of interior partitions, finishes, and associated materials. Demolish dedicated MEP systems serving current Macy’s tenant space. All work will be coordinated to ensure cotinuous operation of hotel floors above
A building permit was issued for a project at 5016 N Maryland Ave:
New 3 story apartment building with a total of 12units, buildings g and k connected by a breezway, site improvements, drywell, detached trash enclosure less than 120 sq ft. ***nfpa 13 sprinkler system required***
The first building permit for 1430 NW Glisan was issued to Ankrom Moisan Architects:
STR 01 – structural permit up to the underside of level 2 for a 286,000 GSF mixed-use building with 4 levels below grade for parking. General retail on level 1. 230 residential units on levels 2-15. 200 below grade parking spaces, no mechanical install with this phase of work.
A building permit was issued to Holst Architecture for the Asian Health and Services Center at 9035 SE Foster Rd:
Construct new 3 story 30,140 sf office building with assembly space on level 3 and ground floor commercial lease space, includes onsite parking and associated site work
Metro Reports: Chamberlain Hotel, 333 SW Park, 10506 E Burnside, and more

A building permit was issued for 10506 E Burnside St
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested by Bora Architects for the renovation of the Meier & Frank Building:
Design advice to discuss renovations to the façade of the existing Macy’s. New retail entries would be created on SW 5th and SW 6th Avenues and updates to the SW Alder façade. The scope of the project includes tenant improvements from the basement to the fifth floor. This work includes interior demolition of floors one through five.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled and Design Advice requested by LRS Architects for a project at 1053-1201 NW Naito Parkway:
Two new market-rate apartment buildings (5 story over 1).
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 3717 NE Columbia Blvd:
New construction of two 3-story self storage buildings with associated parking, utilities and landscape. At least one of the existing two buildings will be demolished.
Early Assistance has been requested by Carleton Hart Architects for a project at 6324 NE 42nd Ave:
New affordable housing apartment building. 59 units
Early Assistance has been requested by Urban Development Group to discuss changes to a project at 1707 SE Tenino St:
New 4-story apartment building (89 units total). Please note – there is already an existing building permit for the project, but he wants to add the affordable housing aspect to forgo the parking requirement. See CO 17-112446. If he finds he can proceed with the project as proposed for this EA, he will cancel the previously applied-for CO permit and get a new one, with the parking removed.
Early Assistance has been requested by Urban Development Group to discuss changes to a project at 5965 SE Milwaukie Ave:
New 4-story apartment building (54 units total). Please note – there is already an existing building permit for the project, but he wants to add the affordable housing aspect to forgo the parking requirement. See CO 16-171002. If he finds he can proceed with the project as proposed for this EA, he will cancel the previously applied-for CO permit and get a new one, with the parking removed.
A project at 333 SW Park Ave has been submitted for Type II Design Review by Beebe Skidmore Architects:
General restoration of building. New storefront and addition of 1,000 sf penthouse.
The renovation of the Chamberlain Hotel at 509 SE Grand Ave has been submitted for Type II Design Review by Works Progress Architecture:
Proposal is the reuse and rehabilitation of the historic Chamberlain Hotel. The proposed development will consist of 57 hotel units to be integrated with a 14 story mixed-use bldg to be built on the asphalt parking lots to the west and southwest.A connection between the two hotel areas is provided through a shared courtyard located mid-block off se stark .
A project at 8248 SE Flavel St has been submitted for building permit review by Allusa Architecture:
Construct 2 story 6 unit apartment building, no basement, includes all site work, detached trash enclosure 120 sq ft
A project at 2715 NE Flanders St has been submitted for building permit review:
New construction of 3 story 4plex and site improvements.
A project at 627 SE Division Pl has been submitted for building permit review:
New 4-story 126,820 sf self-storage facility, site improvements
A building permit was issued to Ankrom Moisan Architects for 10506 E Burnside St:
New construction of five story multidwelling residential building, consisting of 52 units with 15 tuck-under parking spaces. Interior trash room
Metro Reports: Stark St Apartments, Tru by Hilton, Derby NW, and more

Ankrom Moisan’s Stark Street Apartments at 12613 SE Stark St will include 153 units of affordable housing
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested by FFA Architecture and Interiors for alterations to the 10th & Yamhill Smart Park Garage:
Alterations to smart park garage that include replacing existing stairways/elevators, new signage and awnings, reconstructed enterances and row encroachments. Green roofs are under consideration for new areas.
Design Advice has been requested by MCA Architects for a project at NW 13th & Savier:
Design Advice Request for 5-story self storage facility with ground floor retail
Early Assistance has been requested by LRS Architects for a project at 5734 E Burnside St:
4-story apartment building with ground floor retail and at grade parking. 3 stories of studio and 1-2 bedroom units.
Early Assistance has been requested by EPR Design for a project at 3244 SE 120th Ave:
New 16 unit building with pervious pavement and drywells for storm water runoff, 9 parking spaces in a garage and 7 spaces on private street. Seeking to meet Community Design Standards.
Early Assistance has been requested by DMS Architects for a project at 718 NE Dekum St:
Keep existing home on property and develop a new 3 story 6 unit apartment building with ground floor retail might want to divide the property located in the Woodlawn Conservation District
A Pre-Permit Zoning Check has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects for the Stark Street Apartments at 12613 SE Stark St:
Proposal for 153 units of affordable housing supported by home funds issued by PHB. The project is made up of two four story buildings with on-site parking to residents.
The Tru by Hilton at 7101 NE 82nd Ave has been submitted for Type III Conditional Use Review by JRA Architecture & Planning:
Proposal is to construct 98 guest room four story wood frame on-site parking suites hotel with pre-prepared breakfast (ho restaurant) on existing red lion hotel site. Remove existing 68 room red lion hotel annex in proposed construction area.
Interior alterations to the Meier & Frank Building have been submitted for permit review by Bora Architects:
Interior alteration -demolition of interior partitions, finishes, and associated materials. Demolish dedicated MEP systems serving current Macy’s tenant space. All work will be coordinated to ensure cotinuous operation of hotel floors above
A project at 5515 NE 17th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by CIDA Architects:
Construct new 3 story, 15 unit, apartment building with attached trash enclosure and associated site work
The Derby NW apartments at 1015 NW 16th Ave have been submitted for building permit review by Koz Development:
Construct 6-story mixed use 128 unit apartment building, on ground floor retail tenant space, bike storage, garbage room, electrical room and residential units and associated site work
A project at 1724 NE 45th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Deca Architecture:
New 3 story w/ basement, 12 unit apartment building , includes associated sitework – prelim mtg 16-289387 bd –
A project at 9109 NE Cascades Parkway has been submitted for building permit review:
New three story office building with onsite parking, 204 S.F. Detached trash enclosure, includes associated sitework *** w/ MT permit and trash enclosure permit (17-117593-CO) ***
A building permit was issued to Koz Development for the 2165 SW Yamhill St apartments:
Construct new 4 story 30 unit apartment building; bike storage on lower floor mezannine level; associated site work
Under Construction: Block 20 Condominium Tower (images)
This is an updated version of a post originally published on July 13th 2016.
Construction is underway on a 21 story tower designed by Bora Architects for Hoyt Street Properties. The 246′ tall Block 20 tower will include 143 residential units, offered for sale as condominium units. Flex retail / office spaces will be located at the ground level, facing NW 11th, Pettygrove and 12th. 168 car parking spaces and 229 bike parking spaces will be provided.
Block 20 was the first condominium tower to go in front of the Design Commission for almost a full three years. The most recent major condominium project in Portland prior to Block 20 was the Cosmopolitan on the Park, by the same developer and architect. The Cosmopolitan was approved by the Design Commission in July 2013, and was completed in 2016.