A building permit has been issued for a development at 1905 NW 23rd Ave
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers May 14th to May 20th, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested by DMS Architects for a project at 10215 SE Foster Rd:
Proposal is for a new 1,500 sf commercial building accessed by lot to south. Structure raised above flood plain.
A project at 25 N Fargo St has been submitted for Type II Design Review by Jackson Main Architecture:
New construction of seven story mixed use building with 101 dwelling units. Incentive zone with affordable units and parking provided though none is required.
A project at 3240 N Williams Ave has been submitted for Type II Design Review by Evident Architecture Office:
New mixed-use, 4 story building. 12 residential units over ground floor retail and parking.
A project at 9648 NE Couch St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Works Progress Architecture:
Work includes construction of one new residential mixed-use building including 54 residential rental units, ground floor retail, and at grade parking. Building to be 5-stories of wood frame construction over a 1-story concrete podium. Residential units are a mix of studios, one-bedrooms, and two-bedrooms.
A project at 206 NE Sacramento St has been submitted for Type II Historic Resource Review:
Proposal is for a 10-unit multi-family development in the R2 zone. Existing historic dwelling to be removed. Amenity bonuses are proposed to increase density from 7 units to 10 units.
A project at 626 SE Spokane St has been submitted for building permit review:
New 2 story, 12 unit apartment building, includes associated sitework
A project at 4064 N Mississippi Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Allied Works Architecture:
New construction of 4 story mixed use building with 15 market value units; two retail spaces ground level; associated site work (tenant improvement separate)
A project at 8928 SE Woodstock Blvd has been submitted for building permit review:
Contruct new 3 story (12) unit apartment building with associated site work
The Magnolia 2 Apartments on land South of 3250 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd has been submitted for building permit review by LRS Architects:
New 4 story affordable housing project building which includes 50 new living units and 9 new surface parking stalls at ground floor with common, outdoor play and patio areas totaling 44,584 sq.ft., Connecting to Phase I building.
The 1440 SW Taylor Apartments have been submitted for building permit review by Leeb Architecs:
New 5 story, 107 unit apartment building with onsite parking, includes associated sitework *** w/18-169035-MT permit ***
A project at 2940 SE Division St has been submitted for building permit review by Quilici Architecture & Design:
New 4 story, 32 unit apartment building with no onsite parking, includes associated sitework
A project with two buildings at 1340 N Dekum St has been submitted for building permit review by Brett Schulz Architect:
New 3 story 15 unit apartment building to include 5 dwelling units per floor
Construct 3 story (18) unit apartment building with associated site work
A project at 9211 SE Division St has been submitted for building permit review by Allusa Architecture:
New 3 story apartment building with 15 units, detached trash enclosure less than 120 sq ft.
A project at 2106 SE Division St has been submitted for building permit review by Allusa Architecture:
New 3 story mixed use building with ground floor restaurant, 9 apartment units.
A project at 5410 SE 122nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 1 story building with new driveway and parking
A building permit was issued to Works Progress Architecture for a project at 1905 NW 23rd Ave (previously 1825 NW 23rd Ave):
New 5 story, 64 unit mixed use building with retail in first floor concrete podium. Landscaping, first floor parking and site utilities
A building permit was issued for a project at 6105 SE Cora St:
New 3-story 15-unit apartment complex, with attached trash enclosure, and associated site work
A building permit was issued to Valeant Architecture for a project at 2720 SE Steele St:
Construct new 3 story (7 unit) apartment building over carport; with attached bike storage and trash enclosure; new parking lot