The proposed office building at 3rd & Taylor, as presented to the Design Commission in November 2015
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2922 SE 82nd Ave:
Proposal for a 3-story enclosed mini-storage facility with drive-through acess.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 304 NE 99th Ave:
The proposal is for a 6-story, 58 residential unit building. Ground floor parking is proposed. A 7.5 foot pedestrian path is proposed along the north property line. A Type III Design Review is required.
Stack Architecture have submitted a project at N Crawford & N Charleston Ave for Design Review:
Design Review for a four-over-one apartment bldg with 1 level of parking on an undeveloped lot. Project includes 101 units with 40 parking spaces. Two modifications requested: one for ground floor window standard, and one to increase height.
Ankrom Moisan Architects have submitted the office portion of 3rd & Taylor for Design Review:
New 10 story creative office building with ground floor retail space, bicycle parking, and rooftop amenities.
A building permit is under review for a project at 233 NW 16th Ave:
New 5 story, 50 unit apartment building with groundfloor commercial, onsite storm water management
A foundation permit was issued for the Grove Hotel renovation and expansion:
partial – EXISTING BUILDING: demolish north theater addition (portion of building within the new tower footprint) and basement level, ground level, second level + third level- existing slab on grade, existing non-structural partitions, ceilings, finishes, etc. New footings for new shear walls. Install new basement level slab (new lower elevation). New shear walls. EXISTING AND NEW ADDITION UNDERGROUND UTILITIES: water, sanitary, storm, electrical piping. NEW ADDITION FOUNDATION (Foundation = below grade plus ground floor slab): New shoring- steel soldier piles + lagging, tiebacks, and shotcrete. Matt slab on rammed aggregate piers foundation (Geopiers). Basement foundation walls- Shoring becomes permanent basement foundation walls. Basement level cast-in-place concrete columns. Ground level PT slab (entry level at grade).
A building permit was issued to Works Partnership for work at 1400 NW 22nd Ave:
Change of occupancy from film production to office – shell only. ASCE 41 seismic upgrade. Second story exterior: new brick cladding, new windows. First story exterior:new storefront and accessible entrances. Alteration of interior space to create open courtyard. New roof with new deck. Interior improvements include: new restroooms and bike storage, all new stairs, new ramps. Enclose trash and utility room. Relocate mezzanine to be used as office. **separate tenant improvement permits required.**
A building permit was issued for the Holiday Inn Express @ Cascade Station:
New 4 story, 104 room holiday inn express to include breakfast area, laundry room, fitness room, check-in/lifestyle lounge, covered patio, pool with patio and bike parking w/associated parking, utilities and landscaping. 189 sq foot detached trash enclosure