The Worldmark by Wyndham, as presented to the Historic Landmarks Commission in January
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
The City of Portland has requested Design Advice for the renovation of the Portland Building:
Preservation and renovation of the Portland Building.
YBA Architects have requested Design Advice for a project at 1134 NW 18th Ave:
Proposal is for mixed use development with retail space on ground floor, a row of townhomes and at-grade double height car parking with stacking semi-automated parking system.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2515 SE 41st Ave:
12 unit residential building, will need new sewer.
Tahran Architecture & Planning have requested Early Assistance for a project at 5325 NE Irving St:
Demolish home and build new attached condos (7 units total).
SERA Architects have requested Early Assistance related to the Worldmark by Wyndham at 221 SW Naito Parkway:
Early Assistance Meeting, as follow-up to Pre-Application Conference EA 14-2178.37 for a Type III Historic Resources Review for 6-story, 67,000 sqare foot, 70′ tall building for vacation ownership units.
Boora Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project on Block 20 of the Hoyt Street Yards property in the Pearl:
Project proposal is for a high-rise condo building.
SERA Architects have applied for a Conditional Use Review and Design Review for a hotel at 619 SW 11th Ave:
Conditional Use Review for 15 story, 221 room hotel. See EA 15-210283 for information.
New construction of 15 floor hotel.
A Design Review application has been submitted for a project at 10506 E Burnside St:
50-unit mid rise apartment complex. Ground level tuck under parking and additional surface parking.
The Burnside Delta by Vallaster Corl Architects has been submitted for Design Review:
new 7-story building with some ground-level retail and a total of 85 residential units. The ground level will include 56 bicycle parking spaces and 18 vehicle parking spaces. 7 modifications outlined in application.
Jones Architecture have submitted a renovation of the Fisk Tire Company Building at 1236 NW Flanders St for Historic Resource Review:
Changes include a new loading dock, replacment of all existing window panels, new stroefront entrance doors, new roofing on existing entry canopy, new ada lift and new exterior lighting. Loading dock replacment and expansion will be in the ROW
LRS Architects have submitted a renovation of the Towne Storage Building at 17 SE 3rd Ave for Historic Resource Review:
Core/shell renovation to historic building for creative offices and retail
A building permit is under review for a project at 5606 N Greeley Ave:
New 2 story 4-plex, slightly sloped lot with associated site work
A building permit was issued to Design Department Architecture for the conversion of a building at 930 SE Sandy Blvd:
Change of occupancy from F-1 to A-2. Interior demolition and new walls to reduce existing kitchen and alter sales area to dining area, (2) ADA bathrooms. Exterior work: new parapet at west property line.
A building permit was issued to Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 8510 N Ivanhoe:
New construction. Three story 20-unit apartment building. New 550sf gross bike and trash enclosure on west side of the lot