At the 72 Foster affordable housing development REACH CDC and Housing Development Center will partner with the Asian Health & Services Center to provide resident services, including community gatherings, cultural and social events, and health promotion and wellness activities.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested by GBD Architects for South Waterfront Blocks 42 and 45 on the Prometheus Property:
Design hearing – project consists of two seven story mixed use buildings, each building consisting of approximately 4,000 sf of retail, 200-300 market rate apartments and 150-200 off street parking stalls in one level of structured underground parking and a partial level of structures at-grade parking.
Design Advice has been requested by Hacker Architects for the Neuberger Hall Renovation:
DESIGN HEARING – Discuss the renovation of Neuberger Hall on the PSU Campus. The scope of work includes updating accessibility, fire, life, safety upgrades , deferred maintanence and façade improvements. (See separate PC 17-115464 for associated PC for temporary modulars).
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects to discuss a project at 600 SW 5th Ave (former Ross at SW 4th & Alder):
Proposal is to demolish existing 1/4 block building and replace with a new construction 215 room, 15 floor hotel. Approximate new construction square footage will be 136,000sf. Building height will be approximately 153′. Ecoroof and flow-thru planter placed at the 3rd floor level on roof deck to handle total roof area stormwater. Remaining portion of roof deck at 3rd level will be applied for exemption thru special circumstances.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 515 NE 82nd Ave:
Scope of work includes removal of existing convenience store, fuel canopy, fuel dispenser islands and restaurant. Construction of a new convenience store, fuel canopy and 4 fuel dispenser islands, landscaping, curbs and paving. Existing underground storage tanks to remain.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Mackenzie to discuss a project at 3075 NE Sandy Blvd:
Proposal is for a new Lexus dealership. 2-story building with one level of below-grade structure. Ground floor uses will include an automotive showroom and leasable retail with structured parking on the second and third levels, and an automotive service shop on the lower level. Vehicular access is proposed off NE 31st Avenue in two locations, approximately the same as the existing access points from this street. Access from NE Sandy Blvd is not proposed for the new building.
A project at 6025 SE Powell Blvd has been submitted for Type II Design Review:
New construction of a 3-story self-storage building with associated parking, utilities, and landscape.
Building permits have been submitted for review by Mahlum Architects for a portion of the Grant High School Modernization:
Abatement and selective demo, main building structure, masonry and facade restoration, underslab MEP, below grade waterproofing
Abate and demo 1959 library, lower level cafeteria addition, below grade fan room. Abate and selective demo original 1923 admin building, 1925 north wing, 1927 south wing, 1927 auditorium, and 1952 west addition to north wing. Shoring and tiebacks with associated waterproofing at west facade of 1923 admin bldg. Associated civil work (excaation of courtyards), construction staging pad, fill at 1956 gym, erosion control and tree removal
Mass demolition of free standing 1956 gymnasium with basement
Mass demolition of free standing 1962 portable bldg 1
Mass demolition of free standing 1966 science building
Mass demolition of free standing 1962 portable building 2
Mass demolition of free standing 1962 portable building 3
72Foster at 7120 SE Foster Rd has been submitted for building permit review by Holst Architecture:
New four-story mixed-use multi-family building with 101 apartment units over ground floor retail and residential services; 35 on-site parking stalls