The OHSU Center for Health and Healing South
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 8106 N Interstate Ave:
Proposal is for a new five story building with 120 apartment units including 64 group living units with shared kitchens. Proposed 33% parking ratio minus a 25% bike parking reduction will be provided in an undergrd garage.
SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 505 NW 14th Ave:
Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Design Review for a new 150-unit, 12-story, market-rate apartment building with ground floor retail and basement parking. Existing building on site is listed on the Historic Resource Inventory.
Woofter Architecture have applied for the first building permit required for the PSU Viking Pavilion:
partial – demolition of eastern half and selective demolition on western half of the existing building, relocation of existing gas meters, sewer line and hydrants, interior improvements including finishes, plumbing, electical and mechanical duct work to unoccupied weight room
Studio3 Architecture have submitted a project at 3730 SE Powell Blvd for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story (30 unit) apartment building with associated site work and detached. Brooker property.
A building permit is under review for a project at N Holman and Interstate:
Construct new 3 story (6) unit apartment building; with associated site work; detached trash enlosure
A building permit was issued to Mentrum Architecture for a project at 5350 SE 18th Ave:
Construct 3 story apartment building, 18 units, 6 per floor, attached covered trash enclosure, flow through planter and other associated site work
The first building permits were issued to ZGF Architects for the OHSU Center for Health and Healing South:
Site demolition, excavation, and tower crane foundation and disconnect site irrigation system.
FND 1 : Piles, partial 2 level basement in NW corner (exterior walls only, matt slab @ level B2), tunnel @ level B2 connecting to subgrade parking at block 29 and shoring for all four corners (there is no utility work under this permit.)