A Design Review has been approved for Albina Yard, a new four story office building in the Humboldt neighborhood. The project by Lever Architecture will also include an adjacent two story accessory building. Between the two buildings will be a courtyard with the potential for outdoor seating. Reworks are acting as the developer and builder for the project.
Category Archives: Albina Yard
Metro Reports: PDX Commons, Conway Blocks 294E & 295E, NW Portland Hostel and more

PDX Commons by Works Partnership
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
The University of Portland has requested Early Assistance for a project at 6625 N Portsmouth Ave:
Early assistance for dormitory development at University of Portland.
Works Partnership has requested Early Assistance for the PDX Commons at 4262 SE Belmont St:
4 story 27 unit apartment building with 1 retail space with approximately 26 parking spaces
Koble Creative has requested Early Assitance for a project at 3802 N Vancouver Ave:
Demo SFR. Construct 5-story wood-frame building of approx 14,500 sf. Gound level: retail, utilities, circulation and private parking. Floors 2-4: apartments; Floor 5: private residence. Stormwater management via drywell
GBD Architects have submitted Conway Blocks 294E and 295E for Design Review:
2 new mixed-use buildings – over a continuous 2 block underground parking structure. Type 3 Design Review with 4 modifications.
A building permit is under review for 5134 SE Division St:
Construct 3 story 14 unit apartment building; with underground parking and associated site work
A building permit is under review for 4703 N Albina St, an office building by Lever Architecture:
New 4 story mass timber office building with elevator; see comments re: review by state of Oregon Building Codes Division
The NW Portland Hostel by SERA Architects has a building permit under review:
Construct new 5 story hostel building with 21 units, basement level includes storage, mechanical room, laundry room, restroom and housekeeping area; main floor includes lobby area and cafe with seating; levels 2-4 includes hostel units and restrooms, 5th floor is private residence; includes all site work
Building permits were issued to Fosler Portland Architecture for 5625 E Burnside:
New 3 story apartment with 20 units; associated site work. Full standard 13 sprinklers required.
New 2 story apartment with 5 units, associated site work, trash enclosure and biking parking
Metro Reports: demolition at Centennial Mills, new offices on N Albina, apartments SE 18th & Madison and more

The PDC has applied for a demolition permit for all the buildings at Centennial Mills, other than the Feed Mill and Flour Mill
Every week, the Bureau of Development services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Dutch Brothers Coffee has requested Early Assistance for a new drive through location at 3420 SE 50th Ave:
New drive through coffee company (Dutch Bros.) with associated parking,maneuvering,and lasncape improvements. Stormwater will be infiltrated onsite.
MVG Development of Denver, CO has requested Early Assistance for a project at 555 SE 99th Ave:
New development in Gateway plan district wtih modifications/adjustments to standards
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled for a project at SE 18th & Madison:
Preapplication conference for a conditional use. 120unit apartment building with ground level parking.
Lever Architecture has applied for a Type II Design Review for a project at 4703 N Albina:
New 4-story office building, adjacent 2-story accessory building, and common public courtyard.
The Portland Development Commission has applied for a demolition permit for a number of buildings at Centennial Mills:
Emergency demo to slab foundations and salvage of all structures, excluding the feed and mill structures. Site to be secured following demo. See 14-251340-DB
Metro Reports: more apartments at Conway, demolition of old Post Office and more

GBD have requested a Pre-Application Conference for a project on Block 294 in the Conway masterplan
Every week, the Bureau of Development services publishes a list of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
SERA have requested early assistance on a project at 1133 SW Market St:
New 9-story market rate apartment building (approximately 100 units)
Lever Architecture have requested early assistance on a project at N Albina & N Blandena:
EA with infrastructure in Design Overlay Zone
G28 Investments LLC have requested early assistance on a project at 440 NE 28th Ave, the site of the recently demolished Lucky Inn:
New 4 story mixed use building. Ground floor retail with 3 floors of rental units
An apartment building is proposed at 1640 SE Tacoma St:
Construction for new four story apartment building over a concrete parking lot with retail space
GBD Architects have requested a Pre-Application Conference for a project on Block 294 of the Conway masterplan:
Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Design Review for two new mixed-use buildings with approximately 370 new units including 600 underground vehicle parking spaces and 500 bike parking spaces on the Conway Master Plan site.
Emerick Architects have applied for a Historic Resource Review for improvements to the Overland Warehouse Company building at 205 NW 4th Ave:
Historic Resource Review for exterior improvements
A permit has been issued for the demolition of the vacant University Post Office at SW 6th & Market, which is now owned by St Mary’s Academy:
Demolish 2 story post office builidng, cap sewer, remove all debris no fill greater than 24″. Remove all foundations and debris. Cap utilities. Decommissioning inspection required. Scope of work does not include removal of trees.