Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers March 11th to March 17th, 2019.
Design Advice has been requested by SERA Architects and Mill Creek Residential Trust for a project at 1120 SE Morrison St:
The proposal is for a 7-story market rate apartment building of approximately 230 units with 2 levels of below grade parking.
Early Assistance has been requested by William Kaven Architecture for a project at 3733 N Williams Ave:
Proposl is for two four-story apartment buildings, one with 17 units and one with 13 units and ground floor retail. Drywell proposed in shared courtyard. Hoping to meet community design standards
Early Assistance has been requested by Doug Circosta Architect for Findley Commons at 5415 SE Powell Blvd:
Findley Commons will provide 36 previously homeless Veterans with safe, stable, and supportive housing with the planned 100% affordable 20, one-bedroom and 16, single room occupancy (SRO) units. The building will feature an elevator, a vast 2,1000 sf community area and service delivery space, and energy efficient appliances and fixtures. the units are in a single building with two and three stories in height. The zoning is CM2 / R2a and the intent is to conform to the Community Design Standards. Parking for the project and the existing church will include 34 spaces. Amenities include onsite laundry facilities, bicycle parking, shared kitchen, support offices, outdoor patio and storage.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Scotia Western States Housing for a project at 1325 SW Gibbs St:
The proposed project is a 30-unit multifamily project across approximately 24,000 sf of living space and 4 stories of living space above one level of parking garage on the R-1 portion of the site. Amenity bonuses will be utilized to obtain the full allowable 30 units. The entire multifamily and parking development twill be limited to the existing parking lot area on the R-1 zoned parcel.
The units will be one bedroom units. The R-7 portion of the site wil have the existing improvements (an 8,000 sf assisted living facility) demolished and replaced with 2 duplexes (4 units total). All proposed development will be within the current parking lot/building area and the setbacks will all be within the zoning regulations of the base zones.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Doug Circosta Architect for a project at 14507 E Burnside St:
Proposal is for new construction of a four story apartment building which will be approximately 69,500 SF with 76 dwelling units and a new 21 stall surface parking lot. The applicant plans to meet community design standards.
A structural permit was issued to Lever Architecture for the South Building at the Adidas Campus Expansion:
STR 01 – Structure for a new 4-story building (South Building) of mass timber construction built on top of an existing 3-story parking garage. Work includes steel buckling-restrained braced frames, elevator, and stairs at the core of the new building and an OSSC seismic upgrade of the existing parking garage. The existing parking garage also supports two existing buildings (E & F) and is structurally connected to the garage being built to the north under permit #18-188494-STR-01-CO.
A building permits was issued for a building at 6331 SW Canyon Ct:
Building 2 – 72 units, 4 stories of living over 2 stories of structured parking
A building permit was issued to City Craft Development for a project at 4626 N Maryland Ave:
New 3 story apartment building with 30 units, with site improvements, interior trash rooms; 8 ft fence