Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers June 14th, 2021 to June 20th, 2021.
Early Assistance has been requested by Mentrum Architecture for a project at 11054 SW 61st Ave:
the proposal is to build a new 12 unit, 3 story apartment building on the north portion of the lot and retain the existing house on the south portion and demolish the existing garage only. Stormwater through on-site drywell.
Early Assistance has been requested by Hennebery Eddy Architects for a project at 221 NE 122nd Ave:
Renovate and expand the existing vacant Safeway grocery store on this site to be a mixed-use facility serving a variety of their operational needs. The existing building is approximately 52,600 square feet. We propose expanding the footprint by about 5,000 square feet to the north, as well as adding a second story addition of approximately 16,000 square feet along the entire eastern side of the building along NE 122nd Avenue, for a total gross building area of approximately 73,000 square feet. Parking would remain in generally the same configuration as it is now, but we propose reducing the internal drive aisle in front of the building from three lanes to two. The existing loading dock on the south side of the building would remain. Reconstructed or new impervious area would be treated by stormwater planters within the landscape prior to discharge into existing drywells. The existing building will undergo a complete interior renovation and seismic upgrade, and exterior improvements will include new cladding, new glazing, and a new roof with photovoltaic panels and skylights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Otak for a project at 4624 SW Dickinson St:
Partial redevelopment of existing apartment complex. Follow up to July 2020 EA meeting. The property owner proposes to retain all four existing buildings on site (32 units) and add 121 new apartment units in four new structures for a total of 153 dwelling units on site; one new podium apartment building (4.5 stories over parking), and add three new 3 story apartment buildings. Parking would be provided on the lower level of the podium building replacing the existing surface parking and new surface parking around the 3 story apartment buildings. Adjustments to height are being requested. Stormwater disposal methods to be determined.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project South of 1010 SE 96th Ave:
The project is a building for a vet clinic. The proposed building footprint is 8,200 square feet and a second story is being considered for a total of approximately 16,000 square feet. Because this is being considered on a finished lot, it is assumed that all the utilities have already been developed but needs to be confirmed.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects to discuss a project at 135 NW Park Ave:
New Hotel, 5 over 1, 94,000 sq ft, 174 units, 1 Type B onsite loading space, eco-roof and flow through planter for onsite stormwater.
A project at 12 N Blandena St has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – new 3-story, 12-unit apartment building with associated site work and detached trash enclosure (less than 120 SF). W/ 21-050311- MT
A project at 66 SE Madison St has been submitted for building permit review by Stewart Gordon Straus Architect:
Single PDF – construct new two story building which include 5 catering kitchens with retail component, storage, restrooms, utility, trash and parking. W/ 21-056143-mt
Alberta Alive – 8th Ave at 4957 NE 8th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
ALBERTA ALIVE – 8th AVE – New five-story, 31 unit apartment building with ground floor common areas, indoor bike storage room, and central laundry; includes site work *** w/ 21-049762-MT ***