Broadstone Pearl, as presented during Design Advice
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
TVA Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 442 NE Jessup St:
New 4-story V-A Multi family apartment w/13 units (studio and 1&2 bedroom mix). Landscape ROW improvements are included, including sidewalk improvement, where required. No parking provided.
TVA Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 4119 NE M L King Blvd:
New 4-story V-A Multi family apartment w/13 units (studio and 1&2 bedroom mix). Landscape ROW improvements are included, including sidewalk improvement, where required. No parking provided.
Studio 3 Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 7924 SE Milwaukie Ave:
Add one building with four apartments behind existing house.
Iselin Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 8705 SE 13th Ave:
Demo existing industrial building and construct a new 4 story building with approx 6k sq of retail space at main level and 3 stories of apartments (24 units) above.
Holst Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss 1510 NE Multnomah:
Proposal is for multiple building mixed used development w/underground parking, private streets and pedestrian access corridors.
Ankrom Moisan Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss Riverplace Parcel 3:
Proposal is for two towers on single site with a single level of parking below grade (173 spaces). One tower will be 6 stories with retail and grocery space at ground level and 5 levels of apartments (162 units.) second tower will be 12 stories with retail, residential amenities and parking for grocery (65 spaces) and ten stories of affordable apartments above for 204 units.
Encore Architects and Merryman Barnes Architects have submitted the Broadstone Pearl at 1400 NW Raleigh for Design Review:
6-story, 146-unit residential project with a small ground-level retail space, 73 parking spaces and 231 bike parking spaces. Also an Adjustment to loading and driveway locations.
LRS Architects have submitted a project at 1139 SW Morrison St for Design Review:
Type III Design Review for a new 6-story office building – 58,862 square feet. The project will include ground-floor retail and approx. 12-18 below-grade parking spaces.
Emerick Architects have submitted the renovation of the Hallock & McMillen Building for Historic Resource Review:
Full restoration & renovation or Historic 1857 Halloc & McMillen Building.
Boora Architects have submitted the Faubion Elementary School Rebuild for building permit review:
New three story, 133,000 sf pre kindergarten through 8th grade school with spaces for Concordia University college of education classrooms, offices, and community service partner organizations
A building permit is under review for the Holiday Inn Express at Cascade Station:
New 4 story, 107 room holiday inn express to include breakfast area, laundry room, fitness room, check-in/lifestyle lounge, covered patio, pool with patio and bike parking w/associated parking, utilities and landscaping. 189 sq foot detached trash enclosure
A building permit has been issued to EPR Design for a project at 12221 SE Kelly St:
Construct new 2 story, 41 room care facility (42 total beds) with elevator; main floor includes lobby, laundry room, kitchen, dining hall, activity room, offices and resident rooms; 2nd floor includes laundry room, acitivies room, salon and resident rooms, parking, bike parking and stormwater facilities included, detached covered trash enclosure is 120sf (exempt)