Metro Reports: 4W Tower, Press Blocks, 10th & Yamhill Garage, and more

Context drawing for the proposed 4W tower by ZGF Architects

Context drawing for the proposed 4W tower by ZGF Architects

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.

Design Advice has been requested by William Kaven Architecture for a project on Old Town Chinatown Block 33 at 125 NW 4th Ave:

Discuss a full block mixed use development Full Block mixed use development with 5 levels of residential over 4 levels office over ground floor retail/market and lobby with 2 levels of below grade parking.

Early Assistance has been requested by Waechter Architecture for a project at 1610 SE Tolman St:

Construction of a new Commercial Mixed Use building to share a site with existing Dairy Queen drive through restaurant.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 3249 SE Division St:

Proposal is for a five story building consisting of four floors of residential units a top ground floor retail and vehicle parking. 19 parking spaces and one loading bay are proposed.

Early Assistance has been requested by Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 4303 N Albina Ave:

Proposal is to build a community of eight micro houses on two 5,000 sf sites. Existing dwelling to remain.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2231 NW Pettygrove St:

Proposal is to build micro unit apartments with kitchens in each apartment and do a density transfer of 4:1 FAR.

Early Assistance has been requested by GBD Architects for the PCC Child Development Center at 11900 SW 49th Ave:

Development of Child Development Center – includes alterations to an existing building on the campus (south classroom building) as well as the construction of a new free-standing building.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by FFA Architecture & Interiors to discuss the 10th & Yamhill Smart Park Renovation:

Pre-application conference to discuss the alterations proposed to the Smart Park Garage that include replace existing stairways/elevators, new signage and awnings, reconstruct the entrances and ROW encroachments. Green roofs are under construction for new areas.

A project at 1340 SE 9th Ave has been submitted for a Type III Conditional Use Review by Scott Edwards Architecture:

Existing 1 and 2 story factory use building on 2 blocks to be re-used and upgraded for creative office, factory, and small retail.

A project at 408 SE 105th Ave has been submitted for Type II Design Review:

Proposal is for a 13-unit apartment buidling.

The 4W tower at 419 SW Washington St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Greystar Real Estate Partners:

New building – with 400 market-rate residential rental units with below grade parking.

The Press Blocks at 817 SW 17th Ave have been submitted for Type III Design Review by GBD Architects:

Proposal is to develop one full and one-half block for residential tower and office plus retail. 447 below grade parking space and 577 bike parking spaces.

The SW 3rd & Ash mixed use building has been submitted for Type III Design Review by GBD Architects:

New 6-story mixed-use building with approx. 8640 sq. ft of ground-level retail, 133 market-rate residential units and 63 below-grade parking spaces. proposed.

A project at 7707 SE Alder St has been submitted for building permit review:

Construction of new 6 plex building, 3 story, includes site utilities, detached trash enclosure is less than 120 sf

A project at 7667 N Westanna Ave has been submitted for building permit review:

Construct new 3 story 4 plex with tuck under garages, 2 units on lowest level, 2 units on main level that include upper level, no detached trash enclosure shown on plans, includes associated site work

A project with two buildings at 1329 N Skidmore St has been submitted for building permit review:

New 3 story apartment building with 12 units

New 3 story apartment building with 12 units

A project at 6035 NE Flanders St has been submitted for building permit review:

Construct 3 story, 4 plex building with 2 tuck under garages, 2 units on lowest level, 2 main floor units with upper levels above, no detached trash area, includes associated site work

A project at 2027 SE Harold St has been submitted for building permit review:

Construct new 3 story (4) unit apartment building with associated site work

A building permit was issued for the Tesla Showroom at 4330 SW Macadam Ave:

Remove interior partition walls, new walls to create showroom, offices, storage. New exterior ada ramp, new exterior door on south elevation.

A building permit was issued for a project at 4405 SE Belmont St (previously 4335 SE Belmont St):

New 4 story, 63 unit apartment building with onsite parking, site utilities and landscaping

A building permit was issued to Encore Architects for a project at 1411 NW Quimby St (previously 1400 NW Raleigh):

New 6-story apartment building, 135 units, 11 live/work units, ground level retail and parking.

Weekly Roundup: Pine Street Market, Fair Haired Dumbbell and 4335 SE Belmont

The Fair Haired Dumbbell

The Fair Haired Dumbbell

The first vendors at the Pine Street Market opened yesterday, including Pollo Bravo and Trifecta Annex. Early in the week The Oregonian published photos of the nearly completed food hall.

The Portland Business Journal reported that Guerrilla Development has received authorization from the Securities and Exchange Commission to raise $1.5 million in funding for the Fair Haired Dumbbell through a crowd sourced offering. Construction of the building is expected to begin in May.

The Portland Chronicle wrote about a 63 unit apartment development at 4335 SE Belmont, which will involve the demolition of three existing houses.

Metro Reports: Multnomah County Health Dept HQ, NE MLK & Alberta retail, Field Office and more

Field Office

The Field Office by Hacker architects has been submitted for building permit review

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.

ZGF Architects have requested Design Advice for the Multnomah County Health Department Headquarters:

Proposed project is a nine story headquarters building for the Multnomah County Health Department.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2731 SE Belmont St: 

Proposed apartment project and street improvements storm – drywells for roof with overflow to combo sewer

Johnston Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 8506 N Edison St:

Development of two lots to include three 3-story buildings containing residential units, with a total of 18 units between the 3 buildings. Will need adjustments to parking.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 13434 SE Harold St:

Proposal is to develop site with condominimums using the “A” overlay and amenity bonus to increase density to 16 units total. The existing residence will be removed.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4509 N Montana Ave:

Proposal for multi-family residential housing with group living components proposal will conform to Community Design Standards 33.218 ; live/work loft units @ ground level.

Carleton Hart Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 6651 SW Capitol Hwy:

Proposal is for new construction of a 1500 sf single story building for use as a bath house for ritual Jewish tradition.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 432 NE Jessup St: 

New 12-unit residential building. House to be demo’d.

LRS Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss Block 26 at NW 14th & Raleigh:

Proposal is for a 12-story building with 93 units of affordable housing and associated resident amenities on a 10,000 sf site. Parking for 18 cars will be provided on the ground floor.

Kōz Development have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 1015 NW 16th Ave:

Proposal is for a new 133 unit studio apartment building.

William Kaven Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 4073 N Williams Ave:

Proposal is for three levels office space over ground level retail and enclosed parking.

A project at 4330 SW Macadam Ave has been submitted for Design Review :

Proposal is to develop vacant building into a Tesla auto repair center and car showroom.

The renovation of One Pacific Square has been submitted for Design Review:

Expand ground floor by approximately 7,400 sq ft to accommodate indoor bike parking, conference rooms, exercise facility and retail/services uses. New landscaping also proposed.

Kōz Development have submitted a project at 2211 SW 4th Ave for Design Review:

Proposed project is for new construction of six level 114 unit studio apartment building.

Scott Edwards Architecture have submitted a project at 1451 NE Alberta St for building permit review:

Redevelopment of existing building to create ground floor warm shell retail and two floors – 10 units – residential units above. Including street landscaping

Emerick Architects have submitted the NW 21st & Irving Apartments for building permit review:

new 4-story mixed use development with commercial ground floor over one level of underground parking.

A building permit is under review for a project at 4335 SE Belmont St:

New 4 story, 63 unit apartment building with onsite parking, site utilities and landscaping

A building permit is under review for a project at 1931 N Williams Ave:

New five story apartment building with 1 level of below grade parking

A building permit is under review for a project at 7707 SW Capitol Hwy:

New four story apartment building, 72 units, approximately 40 parking stalls, 2 retail spaces, ***demo permit for existing structure to be obtained separately***

Hacker Architects have submitted the Field Office for building permit review:

below grade parking structure and foundation work includes mechancail

Tiland/Schmidt Architects have submitted the NE MLK & Alberta retail development for building permit review:

New single story 16,500 square foot masonry building, landscaping, parking, stormwater facility. Shell only, no occupancy this permit.

New single story 8,400 square foot masonry building, landscaping, parking, stormwater facility. Shell only, no occupancy this permit.

New 210 square foot trash enclosure

New 336 square foot trash enclosure

A building permit was issued for a project at 3514 NE Sandy Blvd:

Construct new one story building with associated site work and detached 73 sq ft trash enclosure

A building permit was issued to EPR Design for a project at 17423 SE Sherman St:

Build new 2 story adult care facility with site work


Metro Reports: Union at St Johns, Ballou & Wright Building, 4335 SE Belmont and more

Union at St Johns

The Union at St Johns by Jones Architecture

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.

Works Partnership have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 1732 NE 2nd Ave:

DAR for proposed buildng. See PC 15-265471

PC for proposed new building. See DAR 15-265477

Works Partnership have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1825 NW 23rd Ave:

DZ EA for proposed building not meeting CDS

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4450 SE 92nd Ave:

P&Z EA for proposed commercial development

Otak Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 4335 SE Belmont St:

New 4-story apt building with 65 dwelling units

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2034 NW 27th Ave:

Proposed performance venue to accommodate 2,800 to 3,000 people

Mackenzie have scheduled a Pre-Application to discuss the Ballou & Wright Building at 1010 NW Flanders St

Pre-app conference for reconfiguring freight elevator on NW Flanders frontage with ROW encroachment; remodel of existing office space with option to add approx. 6,000 sf penthouse on the roof.

606 NE 20th Ave has been submitted for Design Review:

New 6-story, 54 unit residential building with ground floor retail and 18 parking spaces. 2 modifications: parking space width and bicycle stall width.

SERA Architects have submitted the Worldmark by Wyndham for Historic Resource Review:

Historic resource review with adjustment to reduce the number of loading bays from 2 to 1 and a modification to change loading bay size from type A to type B. Project is for new construction of 74 room vacation ownership property, six floors on existing parking lot.

Building permits are under review for Con-way Blocks 294E and 295E by GBD Architects and Jones Architecture:

***14 story mixed use. 238 apartments over 1 story retail over 2 levels subgrade parking.***

STR 1 : 2 level subgrade parking below Blk 294E and Blk 295E ***14 story mixed use. 238 apartments over 1 story retail over 2 levels subgrade parking.***

6 story 5/1mixed use, 160 units over concrete retail, over 2 level below grade parking structure permitted under 15-260408-STR-01-CO

PATH Architecture have submitted Carbon12 for building permit review:

New construction of eight story mixed use building; 14 residential units with below ground parking; two ground floor retail units; rooftop deck for the top two condo units only; see comments re: review by State of Oregon Building Codes Division; see comments re: review by State of Oregon Building Codes Division

Jones Architecture have submitted The Union at St Johns at 8247 N Lombard St for building permit review:

New construction of four story type VA 146,613gsf, LU 15-213895-mixed use building with 36,187 sf underground parking, ground floor retail/creative space, and 3 floors of R-2 apartments. The ground story structure is PT. Slab. The 2nd story floor structure is a PT slab. The 2nd-4th floors are wood framed below grade parking

A building permit was issued for a project at 424 NE Stafford:

New construction of 10 unit apartment building with 110sf trash enclosure

A building permit was issued to SERA Architects for the NW Portland International Hostel and Guest House:

Construct new 5 story hostel building with 21 sleeping units, basement level includes storage, mechanical room, laundry room, restroom and housekeeping area; main floor includes lobby area and cafe with seating; levels 2-4 includes hostel units and restrooms, 5th floor is private residence; includes all site work

A building permit was issued to Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 10721 NE Sandy Blvd:

Insulated shell only; construct new 1 story building with associate site work. No occupancy this permit

Metro Reports: Block 76W, redevelopment of YMCA for Under Armour, NAYA Generations and more

Skylab Block 76W

Skylab’s Block 76W

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 12647 SE Stark St:

Proposed development of a 46 Unit Apartment Project consisting of 2-3stroy light frame buildings with 36 proposed parking spaces.

Early Assistance has been requested by Jivanjee Circosta Architecture for a project at 5833 SW Macadam Ave:

Mixed Use 57-60 residential units with retail/commercial surface and tuck under parking. Proposal includes 2 buildings and 36 parking spaces. Looking to meet Community Design Standards.

Early Assistance has been requested by Otak Architects for a project at 2731 SE Belmont St:

New five story apartment building with 44-48 units and sub-grade retail parking and storage.

Early Assistance has been requested by Otak Architects for a project at 4335 SE Belmont St:

New four story apartment building with 36-37 units and an adjacent grade parking.

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a building at 7032 N Montana Ave:

Four story over subterranean garage, 21 unit apartment building.

Skylab Architecture have submitted Block 76W for Design Review. The small building will be located immediately to the east of Yard (formerly Block 67):

Proposal is for the development of retail and storage space

Siteworks Design Build have submitted their renovation of 2815 SW Barbur Blvd into Under Armour’s new home for Design Review:

Complete renovation of current YMCA building with perimeter landscaping.

A building permit is under review for the remodel of St Michael the Archangel at 424 SW Mill St, by DiLoreto Architecture:

Demo existing attached 2-story office building and replace with single story addition with basement; demo and reconfigure main floor at sanctuary, include offices, work room and elevator; basement level reconfigure and relocate restrooms, includes kitchen area, meeting room and mechanical room; seismic upgrage to existing church, project includes parking area and associated site work. Detached trash enclosure less than 120 sf.

A series of building permits are under review for the NAYA Generations project at 5205 SE 86th Ave, by Carleton Hart Architecture:

Demo existing elementary school building, six classrooms, support spaces and exterior canopy. Single story, wood framed building

Demo existing elementary school building. One classroom, single story, wood framed

New 2 story, wood framed, multi-family building with 11 units

New 2-story, wood-framed, multi-family building with 12 units

New 2-story, wood-framed, multifamily building with 6 units

A building permit is under review for a building at 10721 NE Sandy Blvd, by Brett Schulz Architect:

Insulated shell only; construct new 1 story building with associate site work

A building permit was issued for the Treece & Lambert Apartments at 2250 NE Glisan St:

New 5 story 37 unit apartment building; ground floor to include parking and 3 units;associated site work