Volta, shown in the center, is one of five buildings in the Central Eastside that are being collectively branded The Electric Blocks by owner Killian Pacific. The two-story 1940s building was formerly home to the Oregon Electric Group. Shown behind Volta is the proposed Highwire development, a six-story mass timber office building.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers May 24th, 2021 to May 30th, 2021.
The redevelopment of the PCC Metro Center at 5600 NE 42nd Ave has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review:
Redevelopment of the PCC Metropolitan Workforce Training Center (PCC Metro Center) site. The two existing PCC buildings on site will be replaced by a new, multi-story building on the southwest corner of the site that will consolidate all of the college-related uses into a single facility. Adjustments requested to the following standards: 1. Reduce the amount of the NE 42nd Avenue frontage that will comply with the 10-foot maximum street lot line setback. 2. Reduce the minimum required landscaped setback adjacent to a residential zone from 10 feet to 8 feet along the north property line. 3. Reduce the main building entrance frequency required in the ¿m¿ overlay portion of the site. 4. Reduce the minimum parking space dimensions from 8.5 feet to 8 feet wide and from 18 feet to 17.5 feet long for some of the on-site parking spaces. 5. Increase the period of time permitted to defer compliance with the non-conforming upgrade requirements.
A project at 8115 SE Yamhill St has been submitted for building permit review:
Single PDF – new 9-unit 3-story apartment building and associated site work.
Alberta Alive – Grand Ave at 506 NE Alberta St has been submitted for building permit review:
ALBERTA ALIVE – GRAND AVE – New five-story, 21 unit apartment building with ground floor common areas, indoor bike storage room, and central laundry; includes site work *** w/ 21-045684-MT ***
A building permit was issued for Volta at 1709 SE 3rd Ave:
Core and shell improvements for 2-story building; demo portions of exterior wall to create new main entrance and parking entrance; seismic upgrades; envelope upgrades; w/20-124557-MT
A building permit was issued to Works Progress Architecture for the Westwind Apartments at 355 NW 6th Ave:
Westwind Apartments – Construction of a new 7-story building with 28 residential units, 72 single room occupancies, offices, community spaces, and retail (with 20-169370-MT).
A building permit was issued for a project at 2925 SE Division St:
New 19-unit 3-story mixed use building w/19-268336-MT
Sabin CDC is developing a 29-unit affordable housing development at NE 14th Pl and Killingsworth, named after a local Black artist Isaka Shamsud-Din. The building is being designed by Scott Edwards Architecture.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers May 17th, 2021 to May 23rd, 2021.
Design Advice has been requested for a project at 10413 E Burnside St:
Construction of a 211-unit six story (5 wood over 1 concrete) apartment building with one level of underground parking. Units will be restricted to households earning no more than 60% AMI.
Design Advice has been requested by SERA Architects for Con-Way Blocks 261 and 262:
The proposal is for blocks 261 and 262 in the Con-Way Master plan area. The proposed development will be market rate apartments on both parcels. Block 261 will be a 5 story building with tuck under parking, and block 262 will be a 6 and 7 story building with basement parking. Stormwater disposal is anticipated to be through dry wells
Early Assistance has been requested by Holst Architecture for a project at 432 NE 74th Ave:
RIP Code Analysis – Multi-family affordable housing development with approximately 125 units with associated on-site parking and site improvements on a split-zone (CM2 & R2.5) site. Stormwater will be managed on site in accordance w/ BES standards.
Early Assistance has been requested by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 4520 N Colonial Ave:
Development of a three story multi-family apartment building. Site will provide bike parking, on site parking, and has designated easements for fire access and pedestrian access to the adjacent site.
Early Assistance has been requested by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 1560 N Going St:
Development of a three story multi-family apartment building. Site will provide bike parking, and has designated access for fire and pedestrians by easements through the adjacent site.
Early Assistance has been requested by Scott Edwards Architecture for a project at 3314 SE Powell Blvd:
The project team is looking at two new commercial development options, with Option B, being chosen as the option for discussion. Option A: The proposed scope of work includes the design and construction of a new one-story, 5,000 SF commercial building. Option B: The proposed scope of work includes the design and construction of a new 3-story, 28,000 SF core and shell building for commercial use.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architecture to discuss the RiverPlace Redevelopment:
A Pre-Application Conference to discuss a proposed Central City Master Plan for approximately 8 acres that includes the following addresses: 0150, 0308 – 0320 SW Montgomery St., and 2025 WI/ and 2025 SW River Parkway.
The ALTA Centric at 1634 SW Alder St has been submitted for building permit review by SERA Architects:
ALTA CENTRIC – New mixed-use multifamily project with 6 residential stories, 203 apartment units with common areas for bike parking, lobby/mail, and a future retail tenant (by others). Concrete on levels P1 and L1 with wood-framed construction above. ***Review w DEMO 21-049475-CO and 20-135132 -MT
The Isaka Shamsud-Din Apartments at 5421 NE 14th Pl have been submitted for building permit review:
New Four story, 29 unit affordable multi-family residential complex located on NE 14th Place at NE Killingsworth. No parking to be provided. Community room and shared outdoor space to be provided. Proposed site development includes new utilities, accessible courtyard, landscaped areas and street trees. (with 21-036139-MT)
A project at 5740 NE 72nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
East Building / New three story, 6 unit multi-family building consisting entirely of affordable housing composed of two building. Surface parking to be provided. Community room and shared outdoor space to be provided. Proposed site development includes new utilities, landscaped areas and parking. (w/ 21- 036221-MT)
West Building / New three story, 6 unit multi-family building consisting entirely of affordable housing composed of two building. Surface parking to be provided. Community room and shared outdoor space to be provided. Proposed site development includes new utilities, landscaped areas and parking. (w/ 21- 037910-MT and 21-036216-CO & 21-036221-MT).
A building permit was issued for a project at 2475 SE 30th Ave (previously 2933 SE Division St):
Construct new 4 story mixed use building; main floor to include retail space and 2 residential units; floor 2-4 to include 16 apartment units; associated site work
Building permits were issued to Doug Circosta Architect for the 146th & Burnside East Apartments at 10, 20 and 30 NE 146th Ave (previously 14603 E Burnside St):
146 EAST – BLDG 100 – This project consists of 70 total new affordable apartment units. The units are located in (3) detached three story buildings with on- site parking spaces, user amenities, and trash enclosure. Unit counts are 30 in Building 100, 24 in Building 300, and 16 in Building 200. Both the bike shelter and trash enclose will require separate permits. ** No Mechanical with these permits *****review w. 20-173847/51/72-CO
146 EAST – BLDG 200 – This project consists of 70 total new affordable apartment units. The units are located in (3) detached three story buildings with on- site parking spaces, user amenities, and bike parking inside trash enclosure. Unit counts are 30 in Building 100, 24 in Building 300, and 16 in Building 200. Both the bike shelter and trash enclose will require separate permits.**No Mechanical with these permits****review w. 20-173775/851/872-CO
146 EAST – BLDG 300 – This project consists of 70 total new affordable apartment units. The units are located in (3) detached three story buildings. Bike parking in trash enclosure. Unit counts are 30 in Building 100, 24 in Building 300, and 16 in Building 200. Both the bike shelter and trash enclose will require separate permits.***review w. 20-173775/847/872-CO
Building permits were issued to Doug Circosta Architect for the 146th & Burnside West Apartments at 11 and 21 NE 146th Ave (previously 14507 E Burnside St):
146 WEST – New 3-story, 24 Unit apartment building (1 of 2) with detached trash enclosure and associated site work. No Mechanical with this permit ***Review with 19-256079-CO (BLDG 2) and 19-256081-CO (Trash Encl) ***Transitioned to Complex ProjectDox Review 12/29/20
146 WEST Bldg B200 – new 3-story 22 unit apartment building with office and common laundry room. No Mechanical with this permit **Review w. 19-256078- CO & 19-256081-CO. *** Project transitioned to “complex” plan review and Process Managed after 1st review cycle.
A building permit was issued for Floor & Decor at 11941 N Jantzen Dr:
PDOX PS – new 1-story building for flooring retailer with associated sitework w/20-203128-MT
The Division 28 Homes have been submitted for building permit review.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers February 17th, 2020 to February 23rd, 2020.
Early Assistance has been requested by Ink:Built Design and Habitat for Humanity Portland/ Metro East for a project at 13445 SE Foster Rd:
40 Units of Affordable Housing
Early Assistance has been requested by Scott Edwards Architecture for a project at 2231 NW Pettygrove St:
New 5-story, 30-unit apartment building with partial basement.
Early Assistance has been requested by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 4905 N Vancouver Ave:
New 4 story (12 unit) apartment building with ground floor residential. Storm water is assumed to be drywells.
Buildings B, C and D at 3802 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd have been submitted for a Type II Design Review by William Kaven Architecture:
This submission seeks design review for the southeast corner of NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd and NE Failing St, south toward NE Beech St 2 Modifications are requested.
This submission seeks design review for the third of the four buildings, Building C. Building C is a new three-story mixed-use in-fill structure located just south of the intersection of NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd and NE Failing St. 2 Modifications are requested
This submission seeks design review for the fourth of the four buildings, Building D. Building D is a new three-story, mixed-use in-fill structure located just south of the intersection on NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd and NE Failing St. 2 modifications are requested
Building A at 3802 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd has been submitted for building permit review:
New 3 story mixed use building; main fl to include 2 residential units and retail space; fl 2-3 to include 16 apartment units; associated site work
A project at 2475 SE 30th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 4 story mixed use building; main floor to include retail space and 2 residential units; floor 2-4 to include 16 apartment units; associated site work
The Division 28 Homes at 2865 SE Division have been submitted for building permit reivew by Hacker:
28 Division Homes – New 4 story, 46,057 square foot mixed use building with 11 residential units, ground floor restaurant tenant, and 20 below grade parking spaces.
An excavation and shoring permit was issued to ZGF Architects for Eleven West:
11W – EXC 01- Excavation and Shoring for a New 25 story mixed use building, with 4 below grade floors for parking.
The renovation of the Joyce Hotel by Community Partners for Affordable Housing will create 66 units of Permanent Supportive Housing, with on-site services offered by Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare, Native American Rehabilitation Association, and Cascade AIDS Project.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers December 23rd to December 29th, 2019.
Early Assistance has been requested by Carleton Hart Architecture for the renovation of the Joyce Hotel at 322 SW 11th Ave:
Rehabilitate and seismically upgrade the existing Joyce Hotel building as a mixed-use building. Exterior work includes new storefront windows and awning work. Housing amenities will include a rooftop outdoor space, a bike room, communal laundry room, a community room with a large kitchen, and sufficient office and clinic space.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by EPR Design to discuss a project at 1737 NE Broadway:
Demo existing house and construct a new 3-story, 18-unit apartment building. No off-street parking provided. On-site drywell will be provided for stormwater management pending infiltration testing. This is a contributing resource.
A project at 210 and 226 SE Madison St has been submitted for building permit review:
Shell only – no occupancy established this permit. Renovation of basement, main floor, mezzannine, and skylights for rooftop. Associated site work. Replace loading dock in R.O.W.
Shell only – no occupancy established this permit. Renovation of basement, main floor, and rooftop balcony and skylights. Associated site work and paving. Replace loading dock in R.O.W. Sitework on tax lot 6100 included in this permit.
A project at 308 NE Dekum St has been submitted for building permit review by Brett Schulz Architect:
New 4 story 39-unit apartment building, some units with outdoor patio’s, interior trash enclosure, and associated site work
A project with two buildings at 6814 N Greenwich Ave has been submitted for building permit review by McGuirl Designs & Architecture:
New 3 story with basement apartment building with 14 units. Building A. w/19-268226 CO.
New 3 story with basement apartment building with 14 units. Building B. w/ 19-268222 CO.
A project with two buildings at 7760 N Montana Ave has been submitted for building permit review by McGuirl Designs & Architecture:
New 3 story apartment building with basement, 14 units. Building A. w/ 19-268247 CO.
New 3 story apartment building with basement, 16 units. Building B. w/ 19-268244 CO.
A project at 2923 SE Division St has been submitted for building permit review:
New 19-unit 3-story mixed use building w/19-268336-MT
A project with two buildings at 8037 N Jersey St has been submitted for building permit review:
New 9-unit, 2 story apartment building with attached trash enclosure on north side.
New 9-unit, 2 story apartment building and associated site works.
A project with four buildings at 11829 SE Holgate Blvd has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story 6 unit apartment building
Construct new 3 story 6 unit apartment building
Construct new 3 story 6 unit apartment building
Construct new 2 story building with bike storage and meeting room on main floor and offfice and meeting room on second
A project at 3253 SE 122nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Mentrum Architecture:
New 2-story 8 unit apartment building with detached 256 sq. ft. Trash / bike storage (19-269673-CO) enclosure and associated site work.
A project at 3775 SE Clay St has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story 15 unit apartment building with associated site work
HYATT PLACE HOTEL – Foundation, excavation, and shoring for new 24 story mixed-use tower including one level basement *** w/19-255710-MT ***
A building permit was issued to Emerick Architects for a project at 4750 N Albina Ave:
New 5 story apartment building with basement bike room, electrical room, water pump room and storage, 55 dwelling units with attached trash room and associated sitework ***separate mechanical permit required***
Early Assistance has been requested for a redesign of the Market Hill Commons. The project was approved in 2016, but has yet to break ground.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July Ist to July 7th 2019.
Early Assistance has been requested by EM Architecture for a project at 7570 SW 74th Ave:
This proposal is for two new three-story apartment buildings situated on two lots (lot line adjustment needed) in the CM1 and R1 zones at the Tigard/Portland boundaray. Basement level parking is proposed with lined stormwater planters integrated into the structure.
Early Assistance has been requested by Minarik Architecture for a project at 1605 N Rosa Parks Way:
3-story, 18-unit multifamily project. 6 units on each floor. 2 stairs, a bike/utility room, storage room and trash enclosure. Primarily pitched roof over 6:12. All flat roofs have a cornice. Stormwater will be handled via drywell.
Early Assistance has been requested by WDC Properties for a project at NE 55th and Glisan:
New 4-story multifamily residential structure containing 22 apartment units. No parking is proposed. Stormwater will be treated on-site via drywell. Type V-A construction. Ground units to contain (1) accessible type A unit and (6) accessible type B units.
Early Assistance has been requested by Hacker for a project at 1709 SE 3rd Ave:
New creative office development to be developed in 2 phases, as two distinct buildings. “Phase 3” is the renovation of an existing bow-string truss warehouse with basement level parking. “Phase 4” is a 6+ story mass timber office building over two levels of underground parking. Work may include removal of a portion of the existing warehouse building, currently located in the right-of-way.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1318 NW 20th Ave:
Commercial office building over retail. Requesting initial zoning only review of development program concept and height and density provisions, following on previous staff correspondence regarding transition from former EX to CM3 in the Northwest Plan District. No stormwater disposal methods determined at this point.
Early Assistance has been requested by Scotia Western States Housing for the Market Hill Commons at 1475 SW 20th Ave:
Re-design for a re-submittal for a design review fot the 9-unit (4 story+ ground floor parking) condo project.The previous design was approved for 16 units via a Type III review (see LU 15-118576).
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Hacker to discuss Live Nation South Waterfront:
Proposed interim artist amphitheater including public bathrooms, terraced bleacher seating, performance stage, pedestrian walkways, concession stands and artist back stage venue. Utilities will be installed to all on-site structures. Life of lease 7 years w/extensions.
A project at 3019 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review:
Adjustment requested to north, west and partial south setback on a new, four-story, six-unit apartment building. Project includes landscaping and bicycle parking.
A project at 1430 N Killingsworth St has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Kōz Development:
This project building is proposed as a 6-story structure with a height of just over to 72′ above average grade. It will provide an additional multifamily housing opportunity comprised if a total of 154 new apartments. These apartments consist of a variety of studio, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom and loft units. In addition, 3 retail/commercial spaces comprising of over 3700 sf will be created.
A project at 1130 NE Alberta St has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Lever Architecture:
New five story mixed-use building with one level below grade. Uses onsite include retail sales and service, restaurant, office and associated services.
A project at 2923 SE Division St has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by William Kaven Architecture:
Proposal for a new three story mixed-use building located on the north side of SE Division Street between SE 29th Avenue and SE 30th Avenue. The project is comprised of two stories of residential apartments over ground floor retail, lobby and three residential units. The project provides a mix of one bedroom (5) and studio (14) apartments, totaling 19 units. Modificaton requested to 33.266.220.C.B Minimum Bike Rack Space Width
A project at 1901 N Killingsworth St has been submitted for building permit review:
New 4-story, 18-unit mixed use building with ground level retail ***mechanical permit separate***
Building permits were issued for the Oregon Zoo Polar Passage project.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers June 17th to June 23rd, 2019.
Design Advice has been requested by Guerrilla Development for a project at 701 E Burnside St:
Redevelopment of existing wrehouse into flex/retail retaining existing brewery operation. New 3 story building, reatil with lofts above. New 4 over 2 mixed use residential tower (approx 48 units). New 2 story retail/office at corner of Burnside and 7th.
A project at 2923 and 2933 SE Division St has been submitted for Type II Design Review by William Kaven Architecture:
The proposed project is a new four story mixed-use building located at the intersection of SE Division and SE 30th. The project is comprised of three stories of residential apartments over ground floor retail, lobby and two residential units. There are 18 total apartments.
The renovation of and addition to the Galleria at 600 SW 10th Ave has been submitted for Type III Historic Resource Review by SERA Architects:
Renovation of the Galleria Building, which will include a new office penthouse and roof terraces.
Building permits were issued to CLR Design for the Oregon Zoo Polar Passage:
View Shelter – Polar Bear Cave an open air concrete & CMU structure w/ a glazing panel for viewing bears in the habitat. Structural also includes unconditioned themed hollow rock area w/ wood roof that facilitates adjacent pool drainage and polar bear cooling
View shelter – at existing pool, Shelter is an open air steel structure w/ glazing panel, CLT roof deck and metal roof. Primary function of structure is to provide viewing of existing polar bear pool & provide shade for visitor seating area below
View shelter – Underwater view, open air steel structure w/ glazing panel, CLT roof deck and metal roof. Primary function to provide underwater viewing of polar bear deep pool
Polar Bear Holding Bldg, 1-story precast concrete structure w/ metal roof deck, holding facilities for polar bears, associated support functions, demonstration space for visitors, support spaces include prep, storage and a mechanical room
Life Support System Bldg (LSS), 1-story concrete block structure w/ steel-framed metal deck roof. Primary function is to house the filtration and pump equipment for the polar bear saltwater pool systems
A building permit issued to CLR Design for the Oregon Zoo Primate Forest:
Primate Holding Bldg – 1-story precast concrete structure w/ combination flat membrane and metal deck roofs. Primary function is to provide holding facilities for chimpanzees, including an on-exhibit day room, associated support functions and viewing area
A building permit issued to CLR Design for the Oregon Zoo Cafe:
Cafe – 1-story wood famed structure w/ a wood truss roof. Primary function to provide facilities for food storage, preparation, and sale, support spaces unclude commercial kitchen & walk in cooler
Fernhill Crossing on NE 42nd Ave will include 19 units, including the single family house already located on the site.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers March 25th to March 31st, 2019.
Design Advice has been requested by SERA Architects for a project at 1634 SW Alder St:
Development of a seven-story mixed use building with approximately 218 units and ground floor retail. Approximately 13 structured parking spaces are proposed with access from SW Alder Street. Two on-site loading spaces are also proposed.
Early Assistance has been requested for the Benson High School Modernization:
Modernization of the existing Benson Polytechnic High School (BPHS), a new 100,000 sf school and potential parking structure on the site of the current 1.5 acre BPHS parking lot, and ADA access improvements to Buckman Fields Park.
Early Assistance has been requested by GBD Architects for a project at SE 2nd and Ash:
The proposed project is a 92,385 sf building (with 60,000 sf of industrial office, 5,000 sf of traditional office, ground floor retail and structured parking). The building has a day lit basement level and first floor of concrete with 5 levels of Type IV-C heavy timber above. Stormwater will be collected on the roof of the building and treated in flow through stormwater planters on the third level.
Early Assistance has been requested by William Kaven Architecture for a project at 2923 and 2933 SE Division St:
One three-story 19 unit building at 2923 and one four-story 18-19 unit building at 2933. Both with ground floor retail. Drywells or storm planters proposed in rear setback.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 3228 SW Sunset Blvd:
Convert a section of parking lot (one of two options) – approximately 1/2 acre to multi-plex affordable housing. They could possibly want to sell off that portion of land first, with a condition that the purchaser needs to agree to build affordable housing.
Early Assistance has been requested by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 1006 SE Grand Ave:
Project to include renovation of existing building and construction of a new multi-family on parking lot portion, land division is likely – with a shared access to parking with the existing curb cuts on SE Grand
An excavation and shoring permit is under review for Block 216:
Block 216 – EXC 01 – Shoring and Excavation work to prepare for future 35 story mixed use building with 5 floors of below grade parking
A building permit was issued to Merryman Barnes Architects for the Morrison Market at 722 SE 10th Ave:
Addition for (N) A-2 mezzanine with office and storage; TI for new tenant (indoor foos cart pod); change of occupancy from S3 to A2; add new interior walls to create (2) multi-stall restrooms, (5) food pods, bar area on first floor; seismic upgrade
A building permit was issued for a project at 1515 N Rosa Parks Way:
New 3-story, 14 unit mixed use building, ground floor retail space, associated site work***w/17-191400-mt
Building permits were issued for Fernhill Crossing at 6442 NE 42nd Ave:
New construction 1 of 4 multifamily residential building with 4 units and associated site improvements including detached trash enclosure under 120 sf **mech permit to be obtained separately**
New construction 2 of 4 multifamily residential building with 8 units. **mechanical permit to be obtained separately**
New construction 3 of 4 multifamily residential building with 4 units. **mechanical permit to be obtained separately**
A building permit was issued for a project at 6191 SE Powell Blvd:
Construct new 3 story self storage building with office and parking loading area in NE corner of the building; associated site work