Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers August 3rd, 2020 to August 16th, 2020
A CVS pharmacy at 1525 SE Grand Ave has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Barghausen Consulting Engineers:
Construction of a new 12,450-square foot CVS/pharmacy with drive-through window and surface parking for 28 vehicles. The existing Burger King building and associated drive-through will be demolished to accommodate the proposed new improvements. The three (3) existing Sequoia trees at the southwest corner of the property will be retained on site. The project proposes to relocate one (1) left-in/left-out (LILO) driveway cut onto S.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and retain one (1) LILO curb cut onto S.E. Grand Avenue at the northeast corner of the property. Additionally, the drive-through exit will require a new driveway onto S.E. Clay Street for right-out and left-out turn movements. Four wall signs, depicted on the building, are proposed.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 9620 N Whitaker Rd:
Demo existing restaurants, lot consolidation, construct new 7-11 convenience store and gas station.
Early Assistance has been requested by Wright Architecture for a project at 1208 N Jessup St:
Proposed 54,000 SF primarily residential building on 1/4 block site in the North Interstate Plan District, modular constructed mass timber structure using MPP, including on-site stormwater facilities
Early Assistance has been requested by Jones Architecture for a project at 2307 SW Nebraska St:
The project site is zoned RM1, residential multi-dwelling. The site has d (Design Review), c (Environmental Conservation) and p (Environmental Protection) overlays. The proposed development includes one 19-unit, 3-story residential building, with on-site parking.
The Nehalem 13 Apartments at 8005 SE 13th Ave have been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – New 3 story 19 unit mixed use building with associated site work w/20-177139-MT
A project at 3818 N Vancouver Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Beebe Skidmore Architects:
PDOX PS – new 2 story office building with associated site work; mechanical permit separate
A foundation permit is under review for North 18 at 1126-1134 NW 18th Ave:
Concrete foundation for a new apartment building
A building permit was issued to Hacker for the Division 28 Homes at 2871 SE Division St:
28 Division Homes – New 4 story, 46,057 square foot mixed use building with 11 residential units, ground floor restaurant tenant, and 20 below grade parking spaces. Review w. 19-266954-MT
A shoring, excavation and foundation permit was issued to TVA Architects for Fremont Place at 1650 NW Naito Parkway:
FND 01- Shoring, excavation and foundation work for a 17 story mult family building. Scope to include demolition, excavation, underground shoring, foundation piles, foundation walls, structural mat slab and underground waterproofing — level P1 to L1 slab