Metro Reports: 815 W Burnside, Parallax, SW 4th & Grant, and more

A building permit was issued for the Parallax apartments, designed by William Kaven Architecture

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers February 26th to March 4th, 2018. Note that this post previously included some projects that should have been included with the following week’s metro reports.

Design Advice has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects for a project at 815 W Burnside St:

Proposal is for a new seven story mixed use residential and commercial development which includes 144 mixed, 2-bed, 1-bed and studio apartments with ground floor amenity and rooftop outdoor deck, commercial space and one level of below-grade parking.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 6040 NE 42nd Ave:

Current code: Proposal is for a 9 unit, multi-dwelling residential apartment building consisting of (9) 3-story townhouses of Type VA-NFPA 13R construction. The ground floor of each unit includes an outdoor room, main entrance, bonus room, garage and trash/recycle area. Tandem spaces are provided in the driveway extension.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2514 NE Flanders St:

Current code: Six-unit multi-family development in R1 zone. Site is adjacent to a frequent service bus line. 4 garages are proposed for units 1-4. Access to units proposed through private driveway. Applicant proposing to use density bonus options to increase maximum allowed density from 5 units to 6 units.

Early Assistance has been requested by CIDA Architects for a project at SE 174th St and Kendall Ct:

No changes to site/project due to comp plan & zone map changes: New one-story building for office and manufacturing.

Early Assistance has been requested by Deca, Inc for a project at 14507 E Burnside St:

Current code: Proposal is for new construction of a four story apartment building which will be approximately 69,500 SF with 76 dwelling units and a new 21 stall surface parking lot.

Early Assistance has been requested by Dowl for a project at 12044 SE Division St:

Current code info: Partial demolition of existing Burger King (3,929 sq ft reduced to 3,082 sq ft) and development of a new drive thru pad. Project will include new and reconfigured parking and associated landscaping improvements. Stormwater will be disposed on site via drywells New trash enclosure will be constructed to serve the two new restaurants. New pad is 2,507 sq ft.

A revised permit for a project at 1645 SE Nehalem St has been submitted for review by Urban Development Group

New 4 story 63 unit apartment building, associated site work.

Two building permits were issued to Holst Architecture for the Overlook apartments at 1314 N Skidmore St and 4284 N Maryland Ave:

Overlook – East Building – 68 units over parking and retail space for lease.

West Building – 90 units, over parking and retail space for lease

A building permit was issued for the Parallax apartments at 4030 N Williams Ave:

New 5 story mixed use building; retail on first floor; 4 stories of 66 residential apartments; tuck under parking; associated site work

A building permit was issued to Koz Development for the SW 4th & Grant Apartments at 2211 SW 4th Ave:

New, 6 story 108 unit studio apartment building with mezzanines on 5th and 6th floors.(send all revisions to Gail for review)

A building permit was issued for the parking garage being developed as part of the Convention Center Hotel project:

New 8 story parking garage with ground floor commercial space.

Focus: 33 Affordable Housing Developments Planned for Portland (images)

St Francis Park Apartments

The St Francis Park Apartments, currently under construction in the Central Eastside.

Last December the Portland Housing Bureau delivered its second annual State of Housing Report to the City Council. The report noted the many challenges facing Portland, including that in 2016 “data indicates that housing affordability in Portland in the last year has gotten worse, an issue that is disproportionately impacting low-income residents, Communities of Color, seniors, and individuals with disabilities”. Nonetheless, the report also looked at what the Bureau is doing to address these issues, including: gaining voter-approval of a $258 million Affordable Housing Bond; passage of an Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance; increasing urban renewal funding dedicated to affordable rental housing; and dedicating short-term rental revenue tax to affordable rental housing.

The report listed nearly 1,900 affordable housing units in the production pipeline, split between 33 developments. Next Portland is re-publishing the entire list, along with images and information about the architect / developer where we have it.

Some buildings on the list are exclusively reserved for lower income people, while others include a mix of market rate units and subsidized affordable units. Figures for levels of affordability, expressed as number of units reserved for individuals or families at a percentage of Area Median Income (AMI), are taken from the Housing Bureau Report. Buildings that include market units are only receiving city funding towards the affordable units. Note that this list does not contain any buildings which will be required to provide affordable housing as part of the newly passed Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance (which came into effect this month); any future projects funded through the voter approved affordable housing bond; any developments that are funded without the help of the Portland Housing Bureau; or any developments that have been allocated funding since the publication of the report late last year.

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Design Commission approves SW 4th & Grant apartments (images)

The Design Commission has approved an apartment development at SW 4th & Grant by Snohomish, WA based developer Kōz Development. The 6 story building would include 108 studio apartments units. 20% of the units, or 22 units total, will be affordable to those earning less than 60% of area Median Family Income, subject to the Portland Housing Bureau approving the developer’s application for a tax exemption.

2211 SW 4th Ave

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Design Commission reviews SW 4th & Grant Apartments (images)

Snohomish, WA based developer Kōz Development have presented a new apartment building at SW 4th & Grant to the Design Commission. The 6 story building would include 108 studio units. 20% of the units, or 22 units total, will be affordable to those earning less than 60% of area Median Family Income, subject to the Portland Housing Bureau approving the developer’s application for a tax exemption.

2211 SW 4th Ave

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Metro Reports: Multnomah County Health Dept HQ, NE MLK & Alberta retail, Field Office and more

Field Office

The Field Office by Hacker architects has been submitted for building permit review

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.

ZGF Architects have requested Design Advice for the Multnomah County Health Department Headquarters:

Proposed project is a nine story headquarters building for the Multnomah County Health Department.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2731 SE Belmont St: 

Proposed apartment project and street improvements storm – drywells for roof with overflow to combo sewer

Johnston Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 8506 N Edison St:

Development of two lots to include three 3-story buildings containing residential units, with a total of 18 units between the 3 buildings. Will need adjustments to parking.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 13434 SE Harold St:

Proposal is to develop site with condominimums using the “A” overlay and amenity bonus to increase density to 16 units total. The existing residence will be removed.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4509 N Montana Ave:

Proposal for multi-family residential housing with group living components proposal will conform to Community Design Standards 33.218 ; live/work loft units @ ground level.

Carleton Hart Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 6651 SW Capitol Hwy:

Proposal is for new construction of a 1500 sf single story building for use as a bath house for ritual Jewish tradition.

Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 432 NE Jessup St: 

New 12-unit residential building. House to be demo’d.

LRS Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss Block 26 at NW 14th & Raleigh:

Proposal is for a 12-story building with 93 units of affordable housing and associated resident amenities on a 10,000 sf site. Parking for 18 cars will be provided on the ground floor.

Kōz Development have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 1015 NW 16th Ave:

Proposal is for a new 133 unit studio apartment building.

William Kaven Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 4073 N Williams Ave:

Proposal is for three levels office space over ground level retail and enclosed parking.

A project at 4330 SW Macadam Ave has been submitted for Design Review :

Proposal is to develop vacant building into a Tesla auto repair center and car showroom.

The renovation of One Pacific Square has been submitted for Design Review:

Expand ground floor by approximately 7,400 sq ft to accommodate indoor bike parking, conference rooms, exercise facility and retail/services uses. New landscaping also proposed.

Kōz Development have submitted a project at 2211 SW 4th Ave for Design Review:

Proposed project is for new construction of six level 114 unit studio apartment building.

Scott Edwards Architecture have submitted a project at 1451 NE Alberta St for building permit review:

Redevelopment of existing building to create ground floor warm shell retail and two floors – 10 units – residential units above. Including street landscaping

Emerick Architects have submitted the NW 21st & Irving Apartments for building permit review:

new 4-story mixed use development with commercial ground floor over one level of underground parking.

A building permit is under review for a project at 4335 SE Belmont St:

New 4 story, 63 unit apartment building with onsite parking, site utilities and landscaping

A building permit is under review for a project at 1931 N Williams Ave:

New five story apartment building with 1 level of below grade parking

A building permit is under review for a project at 7707 SW Capitol Hwy:

New four story apartment building, 72 units, approximately 40 parking stalls, 2 retail spaces, ***demo permit for existing structure to be obtained separately***

Hacker Architects have submitted the Field Office for building permit review:

below grade parking structure and foundation work includes mechancail

Tiland/Schmidt Architects have submitted the NE MLK & Alberta retail development for building permit review:

New single story 16,500 square foot masonry building, landscaping, parking, stormwater facility. Shell only, no occupancy this permit.

New single story 8,400 square foot masonry building, landscaping, parking, stormwater facility. Shell only, no occupancy this permit.

New 210 square foot trash enclosure

New 336 square foot trash enclosure

A building permit was issued for a project at 3514 NE Sandy Blvd:

Construct new one story building with associated site work and detached 73 sq ft trash enclosure

A building permit was issued to EPR Design for a project at 17423 SE Sherman St:

Build new 2 story adult care facility with site work


Metro Reports: Oregon Square, 1916 SE 50th, Riverscape Lot 1 and more

Oregon Square

Oregon Square

Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

Koz Development have applied for Design Advice for a project at 2211 SW 4th Ave:

110 unit apartment building over surface level parking deck

A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled for a project at 6036 SE Foster Rd:

Planned development – YMCA rebuild & multi unit apartment complex

GBD Architects have submitted Oregon Square for Design Review:

The Oregon Square development is a four block superblock development on the site of the existing Oregon Square block. The development is proposed to be four apartment towers around a publicly accessed pedestrian only central landscaped plaza.

Urban Development Group have submitted 1916 SE 50th for building permit:

Construct new 4 story 63 unit apartment building with underground parking; associated site work

An excavation permit was issued to SERA Architects for the Riverscape Lot 1 apartments:

Partial permit for excavation (16 foot depth) and shoring (2 sides, including Natio ROW) only


Metro Reports: Grove Hotel, Zidell Yards, Conway Block 294 and more

Surround Architecture's Grove Hotel remodel and expansion

Surround Architecture’s remodel and expansion of the Grove Hotel

Every week, the Bureau of Development services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.

GBD Architects have requested for Design Advice for Conway Blocks 294 and 295:

2 mixed use buildings over a continuous (2) level underground parking structure

Surround Architecture have requested for Design Advice for their remodel and expansion of the Grove Hotel:

Renovation of existing 3 story building & construction of new 9 story mixed use building

ZGF Architects and ZRZ Realty have requested Early Assistance for a project at 3201 SW Moody Ave in the Zidell Yards:

Mixed-use building with 6-7 floors of apartments over a podium and ground floor retail, over 2 levels of underground parking.

Koz Development have requested a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 2211 SW 4th Ave:

Pre-Application Conference to discuss Type III Design Review for new 110-unit apartment building over surface level parking deck. The building will provide “micro-studio student housing”.

A separate Type III Historic Resource Review is still pending for a project at 1810 NE 11th Ave, however BKL/A Architecture have applied for a building permit:

Construct 3 story, 12 unit apartment building, no onsite parking, flowthrough planters at landscaped area and associated site improvements

Works Partnership have applied for a building permit for the MODS Willamette project at 8332 N Willamette Blvd:

Construct new 2 story, 6 unit modular apartment building, no parking, partial street improvement, scope of work includes basement, foundation, exterior cladding, porches at 1st and 2nd floor, parapets, roof assembly, associated site work such as stormwater facility, bike parking and landscaping, detached trash enclosure is 52sf; modular unit construction prior approval by state of Oregon permit #M638 14-5420c

A building permit was issued to Dustrud Architecture for the Boathouse Apartments at 0444 SW Boundary St:

6 story, 154,903 sf, 124 unit residential apartment building with parking at ground level. IIIB over IA construction.