Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 20th, 2020 to January 27th, 2020.
Early Assistance has been requested by Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 11108 SE Powell Blvd:
New 100% affordable housing project of 56 to 78 units in 3 or 4 story building. Three massing options are submitted for initial feedback, Option 4 is our currently perferred option. Stormwater retained on-site in drywells. No commercial space. ODOT work on Powell in process and requires coordination.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Ankrom Moisan Architects to discuss a project at 1939 NE Sandy Blvd:
6-story mixed use apartment building. Apartments, retail, amenities and parking. 205,100 sf, 205 units.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by YBA Architects to discuss a project at 2324 SE Belmont St:
Construction of a new mixed-use residential building with 100 residential units.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Works Progress Architecture to discuss a project at 410 SW Harrison St:
New senior housing project with approximately 260-290 units, below grade parking and 16 stories above grade type 1 construction. Stormwater will be comprised mainly of the CCPD required eco-roof. The balance of water quality requirements will be addressed once their required size has been established
Salazar Architects has submitted Las Adelitas at 6723 NE Killingsworth St for a Type II Adjustment Review:
Multi-family affordable housing development for Hacienda CDC. Adjustments requested to Setbacks: 33.130.215.D.2, Ground Floor Windows: 33.130.230.B, Fences: 33.130.270.C.1.a, and Parking Frontage Limitations: 33.266.130.C.3.b
A project at 3019 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd has been submitted for building permit review by Mackenzie:
Construction of new 3-story, 6-unit apartment building
A building permit was issued for a project at 12210 NE Ainsworth Cir (previously 12150 NE Airport Way):
New 2 story convenience store and gas station with walk-in freezers and coolers, (2) restrooms, associated site work.