Starting October 2021, Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers October 25th, 2021 to October 31st, 2021.
The Choice Cambria hotel at 135 NW Park Ave was submitted for a Type III Design Review (now approved) by SERA Architects:
DZ HEARING – It is the decision of the Design Commission to approve Design Review for a new, approximately 69-foot tall, six story hotel with 178 guest units. Approval of the following Modification requests:1.33.510.215.B.5, Required Building Lines, Standards for the Park Blocks. ¿The applicant requests to provide an approximately 14¿-6¿ deep setback in the middle of the block on the NW Park Ave frontage for approximately 49% of the block length (which equals 98¿-0¿) instead of the required minimum 12¿-0¿ deep setback for 75% block length (which equals 175¿-0¿). (Note that the current plans show a setback area of approximately 48.7% of the block length [or about 97¿-3].) ¿The applicant also requests to provide approximately 530 square feet of landscaped area, though drawings show only approximately 453.5 square feet of landscaped area, which is less than the 710.5 square feet that would be required for a setback area as large as proposed. The standard requires a minimum of 50% of the setback area to be landscaped with ground cover and shrubs. Approval of the following Adjustment requests:, Number of loading spaces. The standard requires two Standard A loading spaces for a development with more than 50,000 square feet of net building area in uses other than Household Living. The applicant proposes to provide one Standard A loading space, with access from NW Davis St. Approvals per Exhibits C.10 ¿ C.79, signed, stamped, and dated January 28, 2022, subject to the following conditions: A.As part of the building permit application submittal, the following development-related conditions (B through K) must be noted on each of the 4 required site plans or included as a sheet in the numbered set of plans. The sheet on which this information appears must be labeled “ZONING COMPLIANCE PAGE – Case File LU 21-100992 DZM AD”. All requirements must be graphically represented on the site plan, landscape, or other required plan and must be labeled “REQUI
The Brooklyn Apartments at 3260 SE Milwaukie were submitted for building permit review by Works Progress Architecture:
BROOKLYN APTS – New 5-story, 121 unit apartment building with ground floor amenity and support spaces and structured parking; includes site work *** w/21-087411-MT *** Demolition of existing structures under separate permits
The Josephine at (formerly ARCOA Mixed Use) was submitted for building permit review by Ink:Built Architecture:
THE JOSEPHINE – seven story, 65 unit multifamily mixed use addition to existing building, with ground floor lobbies, retail, and parking garage *** w/21-084904-MT *** Demolition of 1 story detached building under separate permit ***
A building permit was issued to SERA Architects for Tiller Terrace (formerly Alta Centric):
TILLER TERRACE (formerly ALTA CENTRIC) – New mixed-use multifamily project with 6 residential stories, 203 apartment units with common areas for bike parking, lobby/mail, and a future retail tenant (by others). Concrete on levels P1 and L1 with wood-framed construction above. ***Review w DEMO 21-049475-CO and 20-135132 -MTproject name changed 10/2021 to Tiller Terrace
A building permit was issued for a project at 8120 SE 11th Ave:
New 3 story 19 unit apartment building with associated site work; no off street parking