A building permit was issued for Harsch Investment Properties’ 7 Southeast Stark development, designed by Works Progress Architecture
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers December 4th to December 10th, 2017.
Early Assistance has been requested by Barghausen Consulting Engineers Inc for a project at 8123 SE 17th Ave:
Future code – Construction of a 13,292 square foot retail pharmacy with parking for 20 vehicles.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 7119 SE Knight St:
Current Code – Proposal is for a Type 2 Conditional Use review to remove properties from the boundary (approved through LUR 96-00181 CU) for a future multi-dwelling development.
Early Assistance has been requested for the Adidas Campus Expansion at 5060 N Greeley Ave:
Future code: Proposal is for a new office building, new amenity building, new underground parking garage, right-of-way work; new site work and landscape at existing campus.
Early Assistance has been requested by Baysinger Partners for a project at SE 24th & Tacoma:
Current code: Construction of two (2) commercial pad buildings, one with drive-through, 33 vehicular parking stalls, landscaping, and ped walkways/plazas and two (2) accesses to SE Tacoma St. One access is full ingress/egress, the second is drive-through egress only.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at 1512 SW 58th Ave:
Site zone will change to R2 under new code. 11 new condos, both existing homes to remain. PLA adjustment may be submitted to separate existing homes from remainder of the site. There is no Type III but applicant still wants to do this as a PC.
A building permit was issued to Allied Works Architecture for the rebuild of the Robert and Ann Sacks House at 2281 NW Glisan St:
Repair to 5-story building damaged by explosion – repair damaged structural members, terrace, & roof; install new MEP systems, exterior cladding, elevator, interior walls, fixtures, & finishes; no change to footprint *** mech separate ***
A building permit was issued to Siteworks Design | Build for the final building of the Sunshine Portland development at 3680 SE 29th Ave:
New 15 unit four story apartment building. ( building 4 of complex) with associated site work
A building permit was issued to Works Progress Architecture for 7 Southeast Stark:
New core and shell development of 5 story CIP concrete slabs and columns, 5 story steel frame with composite steel floor decks, mixed-use with ground floor industrial service, 6 floors of commercial parking and 4 floors of industrial and traditional office.