Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 20th to January 27th, 2019.
Design Advice has been requested by Leeb Architects for a project at 1500 SW Taylor St:
Proposal for 100 residential apartments on 7 floors. This building would be a sister to the existing project at 930 SW 15th. Ground floor to include the lobby, housing units, commercial spaces, a mechanical and trash area and parking for 30 cars. Total gross square footage is 74,780. Will connect to existing water and storm water pipes on SW Taylor St
Design Advice has been requested by SERA Architects for an addition to the Galleria at 600 SW 10th Ave:
Renovation of the Galleria Building, which is listed on the National Historic Register. Work anticipated includes a new office penthouse and roof terraces.
Design Advice has been requested by Clark/Kjos Architects for a project at 1500 SE 96th Ave:
Develop the site for Adventist Medical Center with a four story medical office building and adjacent surface parking.
Early Assistance has been requested by Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 2326 N Vancouver Ave:
New 19-Unit Apartment building on vacant 50×100 lot (approx. 12 to 14,000 sq ft gross building area). Stormwanter disposal via on-site infiltration drywell (pending soils report). Recreational common area in dedicated interior spaces; Bike parking room provided
Early Assistance has been requested by WDC Properties for a project at 5275 N Bowdoin St:
Provide affordable housing. 20 units in single building with affordable housing
Early Assistance has been requested by EM Architecture for a project at 11035 NE Sandy Blvd:
New 4,000 sf institutional building with associated landscaping and parking, utilizing existing on-site stormwater swales.
Early Assistance has been requested by Scotia Western States Housing for a project at 1325 SW Gibbs St:
The proposed project is a 30-unit multifamily project across approximately 24,000 sf of living space and 4 stories of living space above one level of parking garage on the R-1 portion of the site. Amenity bonuses will be utilized to obtain the full allowable 30 units. The entire multifamily and parking development will be limited to the existing parking lot area on the R-1 zoned parcel.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Emerick Architects to discuss a project at 2124 NW Flanders St:
Proposal is for four stories of market-rate apartments over a walk-out basement level with 19 residential units and typical utilities. Floors 1-4 are proposed to have outdoor balcony space. The roof is anticipated to incorporate a roof deck, partial green roof and solar panels. Site is non-contributing in Alphabet Historic District.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects to discuss the Riverplace Redevelopment at 0150 SW Montgomery St:
Master plan development of approximately 8 acres.
The Koz on Killingsworth apartments at 105 N Killingsworth St have been submitted for building permit review:
New 4 story mixed use apartment building, 88 unit with ground floor commercial and associated sitework **mechanical work to be deferred**
A project at 408 SE 105th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Building 1 of 3 new apartment building. Two stories with two units. See comments regard commercial folder type.
Building 2 of 3 new apartment building. Three stories with six units.
Building 3 of 3 new apartment building. Three stories with five units and community room.
A building permit was issued to Works Progress Architecture for the Hotel Chamberlain at 509 SE Grand Ave:
Change of occupancy from M to A-2 on ground floor. Seismic retrofit. Major remodel to entire building, new storefront, entries, canopies, elevator, egress stairs, roof, stormwater facilities, demising walls.
A building permit was issued to NBBJ for the OHSU Elks Children’s Eye Clinic:
New OHSU Elk’s Children’s Eye Clinic at the OHSU Casey Eye Institute. 62,000 sq ft, 5 stories + mechanical penthouse. Also has a MT permit.
A building permit was issued for a project at 6011 SE 90th Ave (previously 8928 SE Woodstock Blvd):
Construct new 3 story (12) unit apartment building with associated site work