Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers November 30th, 2020 to December 6th, 2020.
Design Advice has been requested by SERA Architects for Con-way Blocks 261 and 262:
The proposal is for blocks 261 and 262 in the Con-Way Master plan area. The proposed development will be market rate apartments on both parcels. Block 261 will be a 5 story building with tuck under parking (138 residential units), and block 262 will be a 6 story building with basement parking (214 residential units). Stormwater disposal is anticipated to be through dry wells.
Early Assistance has been requested by West Architects for a project at 14900 SE Stark St:
Demo existing building and construct a new 104,418F Type V Affordable Housing Building (with 173 units total). The site has undergone an Early Assistance with a similar program (EA 20-190941), but this application examines a larger building footprint and covered parking under the West wing of the building.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Cunningham Development Company to discuss a project at 1500 NE Sandy Blvd:
The project is a 6 story building comprised of: ground floor retail with five floors of wood framed multi-family housing, and 2 levels of below grade parking. Inclusive of the below grade parking, total gsf for the building is approximately 225,000 gross square feet. The ground floor retail is proposed as 16,139 leasable space including a grocer with back of house loading space, residential loading and trash, a residential lobby, and a vehicular access ramp to the below grade parking garage. The below grade parking has one level of parking dedicated for grocer use on P1 and one level of parking dedicated for residential use on P2. Total parking count is 181 total stalls. The five floors of housing consist of 130 housing units. Stormwater is anticipated to be treated via a rooftop eco-roof.
The renovation of the Troy Laundry at 1025 SE Pine St has been submitted for building permit review by Hartshorne Plunkard Architecture:
TROY LAUNDRY HISTORIC – STR-01 – Selective demolition and seismic upgrade for remodel of historic landmark Troy Laundry building
TROY LAUNDRY HISTORIC – Infill existing openings at north exterior wall along interior lot line to satisfy separation requirements for removal of existing no-build easement
A project at 4743 NE 107th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – new 4-story 16 unit apartment building with associated site work w/20-211399-MT
Tabor Heights at 5700 E Burnside St has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:
TABOR HEIGHTS – new 4-story, 70-unit, apartment building with on-site parking (inclusionary housing). ** Review w. 20-212168-MT and 20-217482-CO covered bike parking
A project at with three buildings at 12310 NE Sandy Blvd has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – shell only: construct new 1 story building no occupancy w/20-164963/79-CO
PDOX PS – shell only: construct new 1 story building: no occupancy w/20-164963/75-CO
PDOX PS – shell only, construct new 1 story building w/20-164975/79-CO
A project at 5733 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd has been submitted for building permit review:
5733 NE M L King – new 5-story 4-over-1 podium building, consisting of 93 rental units restricted at 60% MFI rents by OHSCS 4% LIHTC program. Review w.20-218124-MT
The Susan Emmons at 624 NW 18th Ave and 1727 NW Hoyt St has been submitted for building permit review:
SUSAN EMMONS – NORTH BLDG – 6-story new construction apartment building. Project to be an affordable, multi-family development consisting of 98 units total.***Review w. 20-211626-MT and 20-211640-CO (Demo of existing structure)
SUSAN EMMONS – renovation, adaptive re-use, and BPON seismic upgrade of the existing 3-story, un-reinforced masonry Buck-Prager building, and new construction of a 4-story, wood-framed addition to the south (South Addition). To be an affordable, multi-family development consisting of 48 units total. Buck-Prager Building and South Addition are structurally separated by a 6″ seismic gap. Review with ***20-202095-MT
A permit revision was issued for a project at 1645 SE Nehalem St:
Value-added revision to add a fifth story (with a total of 75 units) to the new apartment building. Construction type will change to a IIIB.