The Macadam Apartments by SERA Architects
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 14716 SE Powell Blvd:
25 unit apartment development.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by JRA Architecture & Planning to discuss a new hotel near the airport at 7101 NE 82nd Ave:
Pre-Application Conference for a Type III CU. Proposal is to construct a four-story 99 guest room hotel with on-site parking, indoor pool on existing red lion hotel site.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Mark Dane Planning to discuss a project at 310 NW Maywood Drive:
Pre-application conference for 5-unit condominium project
A demolition permit was issued to GBD Architects for a building at 1437 SW Broadway, on the site of the planned 710 SW Columbia tower:
Demolish 2 story building and (2) parking lots; on site tree removal.
A demolition permit was issued for the existing building due to be replaced by 1501 SW Taylor:
DEMO 2 STORY COMMERCIAL BUILDING WITH BASEMENT -Compacted fill per Title 24 standards, Soils special inspection required. -Remove all foundations and debris -Cap utilities -Scope of work does not include removal of trees
A building permit is under review for a new apartment building at 3205 NE Multnomah St:
Construct new 3 story rowhouse apartment building, 4 units, no parking, attached bike storage and trash enclosure, associated site work and soakage trench included
Works Partnership have applied for a building permit for the PDX Commons at 4262 SE Belmont St:
New 4 story 27 unit apartment building with shared amenities, ground level parking and one tenant space, stormwater facility and site improvements.
Building permits are under review for the Modera Belmont by SERA Architects:
New 6 story apartment with one level of below grade parking
Site demolition, excavation, shoring and concrete work up through level 2 floor slab
Building permits were issued for the two buildings that will comprise the Macadam Apartments at 4920 and 4940 SW Landing Drive, by SERA Architects:
New 116,000 sf apartment building containing 106 market rate apartments
New 69,000 sf apartment building containing 76 market rate apartments, 5 story wood framed construction over ground floor podium built of reinforced concrete, building sits on a concrete slab on grade