The Broadway Tower, as presented to the Design Commission in November
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested for a project at 10840 SE Salmon St:
New 5 story 146 unit apartment building, 49 parking spaces provided
Design Advice has been requested for the new Multnomah County Courthouse:
Multnomah County intends to construct a replacement Multnomah County Central Courthouse.
Carleton Hart Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 3368 NE Martin Luther King Blvd:
Proposal is for a six story multifamily residential development consisting of 81 units with grd floor retail. PHB project.
Lever Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 2110 SE 82nd Ave:
looking to developed lot for commercial tenant space – retail, office, restaurant.
Works Partnership have requested Early Assistance for a project at N Mississippi & Cook:
Project if a four story timber structure with retail and workspace on first floor and work space on remaining floors. There are six proposed parking space with a loading zone.
GBD Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1715 NW Couch St:
St Mary’s Cathloic Cathedral Church – questions regarding developing parking lot into multi family housing and structured parking – with renovation of existing perish hall.
GBD Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 817 SW 17th Ave:
Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Design Review and possible Type III Central City Parking Review for the proposed redevelopment of the Oregonian Publishing buildings near SW 17th and Yamhill. The applicant is considering several designs for a project that will include office, retail, housing and parking. The submitted plans identify 513 parking spaces proposed to support the proposed residential units and the commercial spaces, as well as be available as shared spaces for other nearby uses. No upper-level floor plans or exterior elevations were submitted. The applicant has submitted a list of questions for staff’s response.
DiLoreto Architecture have submitted a project at St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church at 2400 SE 148th Ave for Conditional Use Review:
Additions to exterior church and social hall with interior renovations and parking lot will accomodate non-conforming upgrades and stormwater.
Ankrom Moisan Architects have submitted Oliver Station at 9202 SE Foster Rd for Design Review:
Oliver Station is a new five story mixed-use commercial and apartment development on two blocks at the heart of Lents Town Center.
Lever Architecture have submitted Framework at 430 NW 10th Ave for Design Review:
new 12-story mixed-use project. The building will be timber-framed with ground-floor retail, 5 floors of office and the remaining floors in residential use –workforce housing. The rooftop will provide amenity space. Adjustment for loading access, Modification for long term bike parking.
Alterations to the Ballou & Wright Building at 1010 NW Flanders St have been submitted for Historic Resource Review:
Project involves exterior modifications to a National Register (Ballou & Wright Bldg) and its adjacent non-contributing structure on the same tax lot. Project includes one roof deck with elevator override and stair on NR bldg, roof deck on non-contributing bldg, elevation remodel of non-contributing bldg, removal of fire escape ladders on NR bldg, window replacement on NR bldg and modify loading dock and new storefront for ADA access on NR bldg.
Fosler Portland Architecture have submitted alterations to a building at 833 SW Naito Parkway for Historic Resource Review:
Type III Historic Resource Review for renovations to an existing building in the Yamhill Historic District. Work includes alterations to both street-facing facades and a partial second floor addition and roof deck. With increase in floor area under 500 sq feet.
A Demolition Permit was issued to Mackenzie for an existing building on the site of the proposed 120 SE Clay office building:
Demolish one story 11,910sf auto repair shop – remove all debris
A building permit is under review for a project at 8035 SE Center St:
Construct new 3 story, 12 unit apartment building, detached trash enclosure less than 120 sf, includes associated site work
A building permit is under review for a project at NE Glisan and 146th:
New 3 story 3 unit condo building, associated site work included
GBD Architects have submitted a portion of the Broadway Tower for building permit review:
Excavation and Shoring for new commercial high rise structure with retail, office and hotel uses with 4 floors of below grade parking
A building permit was issued for the Block 136 development by Mithun:
New 15 story 218 unit residential high rise apartment building including 2 level underground parking garage under this building and extending under the adjacent office building.
New 5 story office building
A building permit was issued for the Blackwood Lofts at 88 SE 24th Ave:
Construct new 4 story apartment building with 23 units, interior trash storage and bike racks, no onsite parking, stormwater facility and associated site work